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Taj Mahal ranked third among top global landmarks

The architect was from Lahore. :rofl:

Taj Mahal had many architects.

A labour force of twenty thousand workers was recruited across northern India. Sculptors from Bukhara, calligraphers from Syria and Persia, inlayers from southern India, stonecutters from Baluchistan, a specialist in building turrets, another who carved only marble flowers were part of the thirty-seven men who formed the creative unit. Some of the builders involved in construction of Taj Mahal are:

Ismail Afandi (a.k.a. Ismail Khan) of the Ottoman Empire — Turkish architect, designer of the main dome.

Ustad Isa (Isa Muhammad Effendi) of Persia — Turkish architect, trained by Koca Mimar Sinan Agha of the Ottoman Empire and frequently credited with a key role in the architectural design.

'Puru' from Benarus— has been mentioned as a supervising architect.

Qazim Khan, a native of Lahore – cast the solid gold finial.

Chiranjilal, a lapidary from Delhi — the chief sculptor and mosaicist.

Amanat Khan from Shiraz, Iran — the chief calligrapher.

Muhammad Hanif — a supervisor of masons.

Mir Abdul Karim and Mukkarimat Khan of Shiraz — handled finances and management of daily production.
wow the influence is negligible
no one with a bit of sense dont even mention it that is all the fuss about !!!!

Buddhism is the major religion in E Asia and some SE Asian country
Hinduism, no matter how you argue about its influence on Buddhism, is not in the same rank in terms of no of temples / followers
Even in india, Buddhism is a very minor religion

It is irrelevant WHERE it has become a major relegion. The point is that the core philosophy was formed in India. Jews and muslims outnumber christians in Jerusalem, doesn't mean the historic importance of Jerusalem goes down and USA becomes the centre of christianity. That kind of thinking is silly and ignorant.
the management part was done largely by rajputs and other Indian administrators rather than the ayyash bacchabaz uncivilized mughals. the so called mughal 'empire' only ruled 1/4th India for a century and half with help of some of the rajputs. it was more of a coalition government with mughals being the dominant party. the 'stability' part was because they allied with some rajputs for a while, Akbar practically gave up Islam and married local hindu woman. mughals were not even allowed to set up a military garrison anywhere in whole of Rajputana, which remained completely independent territory. compared to that, marathas at least maintained military garrison in rajputana (and sometimes interfered in internal feuds of rajputs, for which they had to pay heavy price in Panipat war).
you may take a look at some oil rich countries to see how when some uncivilized uneducated Muslim tribals get sudden massive wealth, they (elites among them) try to appear 'cool' by building palaces and spending millions of dollars in las vegas.

Pathetic revisionism. You ought to read history. Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb were hard working people. Both were over-fond of managing affairs that could do with less attention and more freedom. Check out Shah Jahan's management of Cental Asian campaign and the campaign for reconquest of Qandahar for the sake of which he shifted imperial capital to Lahore for a number of years.

Aurangzeb's letters are well known for being masterpieces of state craft. In one of them he took to task a commander of border garrison close to Qandahar for asking to allow a barter of Iranian horses in exchange for access to water by Iranian guards. Imagine that. You want more? Here is how hard he worked: While returning from a campaign, he received news that the Shah of Iran had moved from his capital towards East. Aurangzeb immediately turned his horse to the area where troops would be stationed. Some advisor asked him as to why he did not enter Delhi and took much needed rest? To this Aurangzeb replied that it had taken # of days for the courier to reach him, he could imagine how far the Shah of Iran must have travelled East-wards by now. The narrator of this episode was a Nawab who acted as Aurangzeb's secretary, and wrote the book "Ahkamat-e-Alamgiri" a few years after Aurangzeb's death.

Your mind runs along sectarian imaginings and while Rajputs were instrumental, you give them credit even when it does not belong to them. What is that if not bias.

Like I said, read history, preferably from sources themselves. Otherwise.....
Taj Mahal had many architects.

A labour force of twenty thousand workers was recruited across northern India. Sculptors from Bukhara, calligraphers from Syria and Persia, inlayers from southern India, stonecutters from Baluchistan, a specialist in building turrets, another who carved only marble flowers were part of the thirty-seven men who formed the creative unit. Some of the builders involved in construction of Taj Mahal are:

Ismail Afandi (a.k.a. Ismail Khan) of the Ottoman Empire — Turkish architect, designer of the main dome.

Ustad Isa (Isa Muhammad Effendi) of Persia — Turkish architect, trained by Koca Mimar Sinan Agha of the Ottoman Empire and frequently credited with a key role in the architectural design.

'Puru' from Benarus— has been mentioned as a supervising architect.

Qazim Khan, a native of Lahore – cast the solid gold finial.

Chiranjilal, a lapidary from Delhi — the chief sculptor and mosaicist.

Amanat Khan from Shiraz, Iran — the chief calligrapher.

Muhammad Hanif — a supervisor of masons.

Mir Abdul Karim and Mukkarimat Khan of Shiraz — handled finances and management of daily production.

Ustad Isa was a Persian. This is the correct list:

The Master Architect Lahauri

When the construction of the Taj Mahal commenced, Shah Jahan entrusted the project to a board of architects from under his imperial supervision.

Ustad Ahmad Lahauri was generally considered the main architect of the Taj Mahal, although there were some slight discrepancies with who was the principal architect of the Taj Mahal.

Ustad Ahmad Lahauri has been described as “an architect in the court of Shah Jahan from Lahore” despite being a Persian. The board of architects included Abd ul-Karim Ma'mur Khan and Makramat Khan who also supervised the construction of the Taj Mahal.

Lahauri and the Team

Lahauri had the superiorly skillful hands of a great architect and a remarkable ear to Shah Jahan’s appropriate suggestions for alterations of the design, according to the court chronicler, Lahouri.

Shah Jahan’s role and dedication to the construction is undeniable as he showed immense interest in the construction. Overall, 37 men formed the creative unit, 20,000 workmen, and 200 painters.
Involved in the construction of the Taj Mahal were:

Ustad Isa and Isa Muhammad Effendi (Persia) - had a key role in the architectural design of the complex.
Ismail Afandi aka Ismail Khan(Turkey) – architect of the domes, including main dome.
'Puru' (Persia) —supervising architect
Qazim Khan (Lahore) – gold-caster of the finial.
Bebadal Khan – superintendent of the goldsmith department and poet.
Chrianji Lal (Delhi) – a lapidary, chief sculptor, and mosaicist
Amanat Khan Shirazi (Persia) –master calligrapher; former Abd-ul Haq, then granted the title “Amanat Khan” by Shah Jahan for his “dazzling gvirtuosity”.
Amir Ali (Baluchistan) –chief stone-cutter.
Muhammad Hanif – supervisor of masons.
Mir Abdul Karim and Mukkarimat Khan of Shiraz —finance manager and supervisor of daily production.

Bebadal Khan who built the famous gem-encrusted Peacock Throne with Amir Khusrau’s couplet inscribed which said ‘If there is a paradise on earth, it is here’, also composed a chronogram for the Empress Mumtaz Mahal - ‘MayParadise be the abode of Mumtaz Mahal’. The Peacock Throne originally stood in the Private Audience Hall until it was stolen by Nader Shah in 1738.

Ustad Isa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ustad Isa was a Persian. This is the correct list:

Puru was from Benarus, Persia(wikipedia) But do Persian keep names like Puru or do you have any city named Benarus in Iran.
ok , one on TAJ Mahal by MODIji...

The architect was from Lahore. :rofl:

The founder of Islam was from Saudi and never traveled to Pakistan so why are you proud of being a muslim?

The founder of Pakistan was born in India and lived in Bombay till the partition so why are you proud of Jinnah?
:D Mughals were Indians :D :D

we indians are very broad minded.we consider anyone who comes and stays and loves india as indian just like how we embraced lots of foreign rulers who converted to hinduism and buddhism.but at the same time we dont consider ppl who might be native to india but hate it as indians just as we treat some muslims here(we dont discriminate against them but somehow feel they are afghans and arabs)
Having visited Cambodia and explored places and culture, I can quote numerous examples of Hinduism influence on Cambodia - But let me keep it simple and will provide you with 1 example - Reamker is a Cambodian epic based on Ramayana. Here is a performance of Reamker in a Siem Reap restaurant.

India seems to have had a lot of cultural influence in South East Asia in general in the ancient and medieval times.
Buudhism is a pure Indian religion based on hinduism and was a movement inside the hindu school of thought.

Buddhism takes over Hinduism as the dominant religion in Cambodia
That is the point
The people call themselves followers of Buddhism NOT Hinduism

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