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Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

I have talked to some Americanized Taiwanese. If someone taunt the Chinese culture, they don't defend it instead say they are Americans, not the Chinese.

where did you meet them?

Chinese always love Chinese culture. That's why there are china towns everywhere, simply because Chinese want to stay together. Although for those Chinese living in other countries, I think it may be not a good thing for them to get a better job or for some other purposes. We should learn something from Indians.
^^^Lame, I have yet met a single pure blooded Chinese that says he's not Chinese and I know many. There a half breed in this forum that has very negative view on Chinese as a race though.
I can understand if you don't know about Chinese characteristic. You are a communist, what you know about being Chinese is always negative things. To be honest, in Taiwan political education as well, although not as worse as in mainland.

If you are Chinese decedent and proud of being Chinese, please learn Chinese classic books.

You are not alone, many mainlanders I met are also shown such ignorant. I'm really sad, that is why I always promote Confucianism to be restored in mainland. Confucianism is not just Confucianism, but everything about Chinese civilization. You learn Confucianism, then you will understand my meaning.

We, Chinese people always self-sufficient. Our smallest unit in the society is the family.

It's just CCP brainwashed you all, so the entire people of China must depend on the CCP alone.

Please learn China history in more detail. It's better if you can find another source that is not being revisioned by CCP to serve as their political agenda. Since when we Chinese people depend everything on the imperial government?

Because we are self-sufficient, how many times an empire collapse, we always rise again, rebuild it and even greater then before.

It is you who needs to stop with the naive way you look at the world, have you never heard the saying the dog barks, but the caravan passes?

No matter what the government says, the main land Chinese will do what they have always done. The government can claim to be so good that it can cured cancer and nobody would care.

Brainwash, I can claim the same of every country, every one has propaganda in some form, it's just in Taiwan you guys like to call yours media and mainland, propaganda.

As for calling people communists, this is even stupider, Vlad Putin was a communist KGB, so what, when the Soviet fell, he stopped being a communist with a snap of a finger.

This is the same as China, nobody is a communist, they are party officials, businessmen, everyday workforce who knows as much about communism as Mao did, which is almost none, if you read his biography, and cares less.

It's this stereotype that truly shows how narrow your views are and how little you have seen of the world. Go visit some places, talk to some people, it may not kill you.
I have talked to some Americanized Taiwanese. If someone taunt the Chinese culture, they don't defend it instead say they are Americans, not the Chinese.

Because after seeing Mainland China, they suddenly feel shame of being a Han Chinese.

Yes, there are some people like that. When they see their fellow people ugliness, they try to running away.

But I'm not, I will make a complain to the wrong fellow Han Chinese like those 1.3 billion people in mainland.

Mainlanders are very clueless about the reality. They think the communist make them better than the real Chinese. While the opposite is true.

Many foreigners ask me, "Are you a Chinese (Han Chinese)?" "Yes, I am", I answered. Then they ask me again about some ugly things happened in mainland China, that the rest of the world already know about it. I reply it, "It's because of communism". And almost all of them agree. Even foreigners know that Chinese civilization is much better than communism.

The stubbornness of mainlanders really give me a big headache.

where did you meet them?

Chinese always love Chinese culture. That's why there are china towns everywhere, simply because Chinese want to stay together. Although for those Chinese living in other countries, I think it may be not a good thing for them to get a better job or for some other purposes. We should learn something from Indians.

You are clueless about what the other Chinese think about mainlanders.

In this world, probably it's me only, who told you the true. Even it doesn't sound very good, but constructive.

Because I want to see you GOOD, that is why I MUST said it.
All issues should be resolved without resorting to violence. Amicably they can be dealt with. China is growing, Japan is a technologically advanced nation. Both should actually be friends.
It is you who needs to stop with the naive way you look at the world, have you never heard the saying the dog barks, but the caravan passes?

Yes, I'm the dog. The dog bark about the wrong dangerous road ahead, but the caravan didn't listen and got their misfortune later.

No matter what the government says, the main land Chinese will do what they have always done. The government can claim to be so good that it can cured cancer and nobody would care.

Brainwash, I can claim the same of every country, every one has propaganda in some form, it's just in Taiwan you guys like to call yours media and mainland, propaganda.

As for calling people communists, this is even stupider, Vlad Putin was a communist KGB, so what, when the Soviet fell, he stopped being a communist with a snap of a finger.

This is the same as China, nobody is a communist, they are party officials, businessmen, everyday workforce who knows as much about communism as Mao did, which is almost none, if you read his biography, and cares less.

It's this stereotype that truly shows how narrow your views are and how little you have seen of the world. Go visit some places, talk to some people, it may not kill you.

I doubt that you are from mainland China. Have you ever read many articles and opinions circulated among CCP members and officials? The sense of communism is very strong there. Even in many media report published for the public. The communism is still there as the name suggested, don't be fooled. This is the fact!

Just look at the recent article posted in other topic about religion. If you are mainlander, you probably won't see anything wrong there, as you don't know the rest of the world look like nor the real Chinese civilization, so you can't make any comparison.

Original interview in Chinese

  记者:当代中国的宗教问题已经越来越受到各方面的关注,您认为主要原因是什么?我们应当如何看待宗教问 题?

  王作安:简要地说,信教人数不断增长,宗教领域出现了一些复杂情况,宗教在社会生活中的影响有所扩大, 需要我们正确应对,妥善处理。同时,由宗教发展这一现象,人们开始思考中国人的信仰问题,这是更为深层的一 个问题,对未来中国的发展有着深远影响,需要引起高度关注,深入思考。
  这些年来,人们对宗教的看法发生了比较大的变化。总体上看,人们对宗教的看法更加客观和理性,不再把宗 教看成完全是消极落后的现象,同时也出现了一些不同看法,认识趋于多元。我认为,看待宗教问题不能只从本本 出发,要本着实事求是的态度,把宗教放到我国经济社会发展变化中来观察和思考。当前我们要重点搞清三个问题 :如何看待信教人数的增长?如何看待宗教社会作用?如何看待广大信教群众?


Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...rstition-promote-knowledge.html#ixzz2RppMKYbP
With people like Kolaps, i will be 100% supporting the military unification, it is the time to blow the sh!t out of both KMT and DPP!!!
Yes, I'm the dog. The dog bark about the wrong dangerous road ahead, but the caravan didn't listen and got their misfortune later.

I doubt that you are from mainland China. Have you ever read many articles and opinions circulated among CCP members and officials? The sense of communism is very strong there. Even in many media report published for the public. The communism is still there as the name suggested, don't be fooled. This is the fact!

Just look at the recent article posted in other topic about religion. If you are mainlander, you probably won't see anything wrong there, as you don't know the rest of the world look like nor the real Chinese civilization, so you can't make any comparison.

first of all, the expression means the CCP can say what ever they want and the Chinese people won't care. The next sentence would have provided context even if you didn't understand it.

Second, I have uncles who are CCP officials and they are about as communists as you or I. The party will say whatever. You are so hang up on officially. Well officially Chinese military has a budget that's been disputed everywhere, officially Chinese aircraft and submarines as well as a host of other technology are non-existent, officially China wants to help develop nations and not take advantage of them.

Officially and reality is very different.

I been in the states and canada for the better part of my life and in the educated circles there, we are pretty much atheists anyways. I been to more places than you probably, maybe unless you been to about more than half of western europe and parts of other places.

Sure they are more religious else where, but I have never seen religion as a super positive thing, that is constructive. Sure allow it, but don't turn it into a cult.

I'm not sure you know there are so many cults, conspiracy theorists, doomsday predictors and Scientology in America and it's not even the worst part, because there are no limits.

Before you speak about seeing the world, know this, we are no longer the poor shut in Chinese people, we have money to travel to see the world, to have good education and to have access to the internet (the great firewall is about as useful as the great wall in blocking barbarians).

We don't look at taiwan with envy anymore, deal with it. We got more money and we got better cities and pretty much everything. What you have we have what you don't have we still have. Except we don't do it by begging the US.
I do not think that communism and chineseness is necessary mutually exclusive. You cannot say that someone becoming communist would make him/her not chinese. The CCP officer that rule China is as Chinese as everyone else. In fact, the way CCP rule China is about the same way as it has been done before, there could be no other way.

In order to maintain 大一统, the CCP would maintain the great firewall, censorship and other limits on the modern concept of civil liberty whenever it is threaten. This is no different than what has been done thousand of years before. The difference being in methods and degree, in fact traditional Chinese dynasty has been far far more brutal in dealing with such challenge, often to the degree of being paranoid and cruel. I think most Chinese in mainland China would understand the necessity of such measure. However, the CCP should allow more freedom if the unity of the nation is not sufficiently challenge, but exactly how much is really up for debate. Chinese culture has traditionally place more weight on collective interest than individual when compare to the west. One should not forget that only China with the leadership of CCP and Chinese traditional culture of hard work and personal sacrifice could have pull off the miraculous achievement that we have witness today. Chinese culture of emphasis on unity is a trait that would afford us a unique competitive advantage in the international arena.

The organization department(组织部) in PRC and the examination yuan(考試院) in ROC serve almost the same function as the imperial examination and is unique to China (ROC also has an elected cabinet and premier). In fact, both the civil administrative system in PRC and ROC has similar structure to China dynastic era.

In term of grass root level, PRC has party official at all level that manage and collect public opinion and report to center. CCP also has a complaint department called State Bureau for Letters and Calls(国家信访局) that is similar to tradition.

ROC has an democratic election system. ROC allows more grass root civil liberty similar to tradition.

If you really want to compare PRC and ROC system of government, I would say that in terms of representation and accountability, PRC is more similar to tradition that ROC.

However, when it comes to civil society, ROC is far more traditional that PRC. It is true that CCP has a far tighter grip at the grass root level than ROC and tradition. CCP in its zest for social engineering, would meddle into virtually all aspect of civilian life, be it physical or spiritual. This is done due to the necessity of 'modernising' China. PRC with its vast rural population could not afford to be like ROC that use public education system and government media to bring its citizen into the modern age.

It is true that CCP in its ideological zeal has attack many aspect of Chinese traditional value. To the extend that when the creditability of communism ideology is in doubt, it left a vacuum of social and ethical value. Chinese people at one time was confused and is unsure of what to think and how to act. And being characteristically Chinese they therefore take the safest path of concentrate their energy on the government sanctioned value of materialistic gain. This has lead to some undesired social consequence that prompted reflection. Much have changed since then, one can definitely see more and more revival of traditional value in the Chinese society today.
With people like Kolaps, i will be 100% supporting the military unification, it is the time to blow the sh!t out of both KMT and DPP!!!

Why can't you see the noble cause of our resistance? It's all for us, for you too.
first of all, the expression means the CCP can say what ever they want and the Chinese people won't care. The next sentence would have provided context even if you didn't understand it.

Second, I have uncles who are CCP officials and they are about as communists as you or I. The party will say whatever. You are so hang up on officially. Well officially Chinese military has a budget that's been disputed everywhere, officially Chinese aircraft and submarines as well as a host of other technology are non-existent, officially China wants to help develop nations and not take advantage of them.

Then, it's time for reform and kick the communism out from China forever, in peaceful way of course.

Officially and reality is very different.

I been in the states and canada for the better part of my life and in the educated circles there, we are pretty much atheists anyways. I been to more places than you probably, maybe unless you been to about more than half of western europe and parts of other places.

Sure they are more religious else where, but I have never seen religion as a super positive thing, that is constructive. Sure allow it, but don't turn it into a cult.

I'm not sure you know there are so many cults, conspiracy theorists, doomsday predictors and Scientology in America and it's not even the worst part, because there are no limits.

The idea of free-religion was came from China. In the past, we also had the same problem.

But Confucianism is not religion, it's a philosophy and ideology. It has became our guide and made what Chinese people of today. And we all proud of our Chinese-ness, right?

Many mainlanders just started to reject when they soon heard the name of Confucianism, without ever learn the teaching. Threatening something like it was a very bad disease.

Learn the Confucianism, you will learn about yourself, your people and your civilization. While learning, many times, you will smile and laugh, so that is the reason why we, Chinese people, behaving that way. All your parent and grandparent told you many times when you were young about being Chinese and what Chinese should behave, suddenly became very clear.

I do believe that you will became Confucian promoter and defender at the end. You will take the role of your grandparent and parent, to taught your children about Confucianism, about being a Chinese. You will understand, being Chinese is not just born and automatically like that, but it came from education, the Chinese education.

Before you speak about seeing the world, know this, we are no longer the poor shut in Chinese people, we have money to travel to see the world, to have good education and to have access to the internet (the great firewall is about as useful as the great wall in blocking barbarians).

We don't look at taiwan with envy anymore, deal with it. We got more money and we got better cities and pretty much everything. What you have we have what you don't have we still have. Except we don't do it by begging the US.

You can have that good things now because of Taiwan and all Chinese community around the world.

In Taiwan, it can be said as there's two groups, one is pro-democratic and the other is Chinese nationalist. It was us, the Chinese nationalist who willingly to help you and strengthening your country because for China, not for the communist. All Chinese around the world willingly to help you because for China, Chinese civilization, not for communism.

We all proud of you because of China. But when mainlanders said it because of the communism and then mocking the China, that is very unacceptable!
Because after seeing Mainland China, they suddenly feel shame of being a Han Chinese.

Yes, there are some people like that. When they see their fellow people ugliness, they try to running away.

But I'm not, I will make a complain to the wrong fellow Han Chinese like those 1.3 billion people in mainland.

Mainlanders are very clueless about the reality. They think the communist make them better than the real Chinese. While the opposite is true.

Many foreigners ask me, "Are you a Chinese (Han Chinese)?" "Yes, I am", I answered. Then they ask me again about some ugly things happened in mainland China, that the rest of the world already know about it. I reply it, "It's because of communism". And almost all of them agree. Even foreigners know that Chinese civilization is much better than communism.

The stubbornness of mainlanders really give me a big headache.

You are clueless about what the other Chinese think about mainlanders.

In this world, probably it's me only, who told you the true. Even it doesn't sound very good, but constructive.

Because I want to see you GOOD, that is why I MUST said it.

Do we care what you think? Do we care whether you want to be a Chinese or not? If you suddenly don't want to be a Chinese for whatever reason, then you don't deserve to be a Chinese. There are more than 1 billion Chinese, there are at least more than 1 million bad things happening in China everyday, but there are much more good things, much much more. If you only read west media, only see bad things in China, then who cares.

BTW, how about have a rest please, you don't have to post like crazy.
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