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What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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To provide effective Anti-ballistic missile engagement capability, I wonder If HQ-9C has side thruster rockets ? 9C has radar homing guidance, mid-course update along with TVC control makes missile design compatible but I hope it has side thrusters as well.

Any info from Chinese friends ?
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Rusya füze ihalesine dahil olmak istiyor

If Russia can provide an attractive offer, why not? There are some nato countries with Russian weapons, plus Greece has the S-300(?) too, so integration shouldn't be a problem (it'd be really hypocritical and tragicomic if Nato/US still would cause problems about the same S-xxx series for Turkey.
What does @cabatli_53 think about a potential Russian offer?
A Chinese firm has not met all the conditions set in a tender to build a missile defence system for Turkey, officials in Ankara said on condition of anonymity.

Turkey, which had provisionally awarded the US$3.4 billion contract to a Chinese firm, may begin seeking other offers, the officials noted.

Chinese analysts said Turkey's reasons for backing out of the deal for China's FD-2000 missile defence system were "not convincing". The analysts described Ankara's move as "predictable" and the "result of pressure" from the US and Nato.

Feng Zhongping , director of European studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said the assertion about failing to meet tender conditions was "ridiculous."

"As a member of the Nato alliance, Turkey should have the common sense to know its defence system doesn't match [the] Chinese FD-2000 missile system," said Feng. "I think [the] real reason behind Turkey's decision to pull out of the deal is the great pressure from its Nato allies, with Washington paying close attention to Chinese military technology."

Nato voiced concern when Ankara said in September it had chosen China's HQ-9, or FD-2000 air-defence system, from China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corp over the Patriot system from the US firm Raytheon and rival systems from Russia's Rosoboronexport and Italian-French consortium Eurosam.

At the time of the tender, officials said China offered the most competitive terms and allowed for co-production in Turkey.

Feng implied that the Russian system was also being pushed out of the tender as a result of geopolitics, in particular Nato's position towards Russia in Ukraine. Russia's Rosoboronexport revised its offer, but it remains higher than the others and unlikely to win approval.

Beijing-based military expert Xu Guanyu said it was possible Ankara would choose the US Patriot system by default, as both China and Russia had been effectively sidelined.

"Turkey was using China as a bargaining chip to force the US firm to compromise," said Xu, noting that the resulting deal might see Raytheon lower its price and adjust its technology.

On April 30, Ankara extended the bidding for two months. Bids from Eurosam and Raytheon were due to expire on April 30, according to the Turkish Hurriyet Daily News.

In March, Murad Bayar, a top Turkish defence official, was sacked. Bayar played a key role in negotiations to buy Turkey's first long-range anti-missile system from the Chinese firm.

Turkey hints at scrapping China missile system deal | South China Morning Post

This is what I was saying for months. Turkey won't ruin its track record with the west for lousy Chinese copy paste missile system. Chinese can't be trusted and most importantly they couldn't meet the conditions. In addition it wouldn't be right for us to do business with the Chinese when they threaten all of their neighbors, including our brother nation Japan. Probably Abe had a finger in this...

I don't think it's being scrapped at all. Erdogan is trying to squeeze every drop of "juice" he can get out of this deal.

The exact same thing happened just a couple months ago with Airbus over the A400M.
Western countries pressure Turkey to give up missile interceptors deal, lucky NATO didn't declare war on Turkey if accept deal. :coffee:

Turkish Anxiety Grows Over NATO Backlash on China Missile Deal: Report

Feb. 26, 2014


NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen opens a defense ministers' meeting in Brussels on Wednesday. Turkey reportedly is becoming more concerned about the ramificiations to its defense ties with NATO members if it goes through with a plan to purchase Chinese missile interceptors. (Georges Gobet/AFP/Getty Images)

Turkey is said to be increasingly worried about the effects on its defense sector if it proceeds with a purchase of Chinese missile interceptors.

NATO has made known its strong opposition to Turkey's potential purchase of the FD-2000 long-range missile defense system, which is produced by the Chinese state-owned China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corp. The alliance insists the technology will not be compatible with the evolving ballistic-missile shield being built in Europe. Even if it were, it could not be connected due to concerns that Chinese developers might build it digital back doors that could allow them access to classified NATO defense information, according to reports.

Turkish procurement officials have anonymously acknowledged that were Ankara to buy the Chinese defensive equipment, the future of all of of Ankara's defense collaboration activities with NATO members could be at risk, Defense News reported on Tuesday. U.S. and NATO officials have said that any Turkish firms that do contract work on the potential FD-2000 deal could be blacklisted by the United States because China Precision Machinery is under U.S. sanctions.

"I think there is growing concern in Ankara over that deal," an unidentified informed official said. "These concerns will definitely play a role in final decision-making, although they alone cannot be a reason to change course."

U.S. officials have broached the subject with Turkey nearly every day, the official said. Similarly, French President Francois Hollande brought up his concerns with the China deal when he visited Turkey late last month.

Ankara notes the deal with China has not been finalized and has given American and European defense firms until April to sweeten their rival bids to develop Turkey's long-range missile defense system.

Earlier this month, the head of Turkey's defense procurement agency, Murad Bayar, rejected assertions that Ankara is not giving adequate attention to the information-security concerns raised by NATO partners, the Hürriyet Daily News reported.

"We have accepted it and are taking precautions," Bayar said in the Feb. 17 article. "Our Western allies may be concerned as they don’t have all the details, but we are acting openly."

He acknowledged, though, that there were "a few risk points" in the China deal.

Turkish Anxiety Grows Over NATO Backlash on China Missile Deal: Report | Global Security Newswire | NTI

Chinese firm has not met all the conditions set in a tender to build a missile defence system for Turkey, officials in Ankara said on condition of anonymity
Türkiye, Çin füzesinden vazgeçebilir

İngiliz haber ajansı Reuters'a demeç veren bir Türk yetkili, Ankara'nın 26 Eylül'de CPMIEC firmasının ürettiği HQ-9 sisteminin ihraç türevi olan FD-2000'i füze savunma sistemi olarak seçmesine yönelik kararını değiştirebileceğini söyledi. Adı açıklanmayan yetkili, Çinli firmanın, 3.4 milyar dolarlık anlaşmanın şartlarını yerine getirmemesi nedeniyle Türk tarafının kararından vazgeçebileceğini belirtti.

Batı tepkiliydi

Başta ABD olmak üzere NATO üyesi ülkeler,Türkiye'nin NATO'nun savunma sistemine Çin füzelerini dahil etme planına büyük tepki göstermişti. Amerikan Kongresi, tepki olarak Çin füze sistemlerinin NATO'nun savunma sistemlerine entegrasyonunu yasaklayan bir tasarıyı kabul etmişti. Türkiye'nin Çin'den vazgeçmesi halinde, ihalede ikinci en düşük teklifi veren İtalyan-Fransız konsorsiyumu Eurosam'a yönelebileceği yorumları yapılıyor.

Türkiye, Çin füzesinden vazgeçebilir


Quite confusing news lately
We have made an open tender and china has won
We're an independent country we can do business with whoever the hell we want.
Murad Bayar would tell the US that we'll take the best offer and they can take their BS political pressure and shove it up their azzes.

But I don't trust this new SSM undersecretary
Men like him can be easily bought


I wonder what the russians will offer. Any tot or just selling.
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