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Syrian rebels target Hezbollah militia, fire rockets into Lebanon


Oct 14, 2010
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The fighting in Syria has taken another dangerous turn, with rebel rockets targeting Hezbollah locations in Lebanon.

Rebels battling for control of Qusayr, a strategically important western town in Syria, fired rockets Sunday across the Lebanese border at the militant group's areas, the rebel Free Syrian Army said.

Hezbollah, the pro-regime and pro-Iranian Shiite militia regarded as a dangerous terror group by the United States and Sunni countries, is fighting alongside President Bashar al-Assad's security forces.

The Free Syrian Army claimed it fired Grad rockets from the city of Qusayr into northeastern Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah areas in Hermel. The opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria said that direct hits were reported in Hermel and that checkpoints were also targeted.
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The official Lebanese news agency, NNA, reported the short-range strikes.

The outlet said the strikes caused no damage or casualties. But the rockets underscored fears that bordering nations -- such as Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan -- will be sucked into the conflict, now in its third year.

The White House said President Barack Obama spoke on the phone Monday to Lebanese President Michel Sleiman and "stressed his concern about Hezballah's active and growing role in Syria, fighting on behalf of the Assad regime, which is counter to the Lebanese government's policies."

The civil war in Syria has left around 80,000 people dead and displaced a few million, the United Nations says.

Qusayr, in Homs province near the Lebanese border, is now a major battle front in Syria.

For rebels fighting al-Assad's government, it sits along a transit route for weapons and supplies coming in from Lebanon. For the Syrian government, Qusayr is along a rebel supply line that al-Assad must neutralize to retake control of Homs and foster safer passage between the Mediterranean coast and the capital of Damascus.

Fighting still raged Monday in Qusayr. A rebel spokesman, Tariq Maraey, told CNN that six people were killed in government shelling Monday.

Dozens of people in the city, including Hezbollah members, were killed Sunday, the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, during fighting for the city.

The regime's Syrian Arab News Agency said soldiers have restored stability to the eastern side of the city "after killing big numbers of terrorists and destroying their hideouts."

The news outlet also quoted an official source saying armed forces seized an Israeli vehicle used by "terrorists," the term the government uses to describe its armed opponents.

An Israeli military spokesman said the vehicle, a jeep, had been out of Israeli service for more than 10 years.

"This is a cheap propaganda attempt and nothing more," the spokesman said of the Syrian government report.

Throughout the country, including Homs province, at least 62 people have died Monday, the LCC said.

READ MORE: Violence surges in strategic Syrian city

READ MORE: U.N.: More than 1.5 million fled Syria, 4 million more displaced within nation

Hezbollah’s death toll 28, largest in a single Syrian battle-Hezbollah’s death toll 28, largest in a single Syrian battle | Ya Libnan | World News Live from Lebanon


Taste of their own medicine :coffee:
The FSA won't fallow Hezbollah to its doorsteps. What they're basically trying to do is to force them to give up their support to Assad and withdraw from Syria forever. The frustration and sadness written on Nasrallah's face is quite clear; Iran and their stoog fear that if the Assad's regime falls they might lose Hezbollah logistically support from Syria to Lebanon, which makes Hezbollah vonlearble to confront Israel in the future.

Hizboallat will be eliminated soon but have you wonder who's next!

Hezbollah may gain the full back and support of Al-Qedea in near future. Right now they're beefing with the FSA ,so let just wait and see what's going to happen.

Good question. I hop not al-qaida.



Not really.
Hezbollah may gain the full back and support of Al-Qedea in near future. Right now they're beefing with the FSA ,so let just wait and see what's going to happen.
meanwhile Al-Qaeda is the best tool and ally of U.S and Arab dictators and in future they will remain the same, and most importantly Hezbollah will never accept friendship of terrorists.
meanwhile Al-Qaeda is the best tool and ally of U.S and Arab dictators and in future they will remain the same, and most importantly Hezbollah will never accept friendship of terrorists.

Hezbollah and AlQedea have the same DNA :lol: both are terror groups.
Hezbollah and AlQedea have the same DNA :lol: both are terror groups.
Hezbollah is nothing but regular people in Lebanon, and they only defend their country against Israelis, those who call Hezbollah as terrorist are the ones that have created Al-Qaeda and right now are supporting them in Syria.

Well 4 century ago when the people who were against teching science and mathemsttic in schools started a war against one of our great schoolars (molla sadra) and calked him heathen he said It's a great honor for me to be called heathen by such as you .
Well it's also a great honor for us shia to be called heathen by such as you.
Hezbollah is nothing but regular people in Lebanon, and they only defend their country against Israelis, those who call Hezbollah as terrorist are the ones that have created Al-Qaeda and right now are supporting them in Syria.
By your logic , I would say then fsa not a terrorist but regular people in Syria and friendly Sunnis who's looking for freedom from dictatorship,..... If you still call them terrorists....then well according to what ayatollah and and shias who fought along ayatollah against shah in 71 are terrorists too......don't you forget that....
By your logic , I would say then fsa not a terrorist but regular people in Syria and friendly Sunnis who's looking for freedom from dictatorship,..... If you still call them terrorists....then well according to what ayatollah and and shias who fought along ayatollah against shah in 71 are terrorists too......don't you forget that....

If FSA were regular people and had the support of the common Syrian civilian, the regime would have fallen a long time back, don't you think so?
If FSA were regular people and had the support of the common Syrian civilian, the regime would have fallen a long time back, don't you think so?

The only reason the dictator still standing is because of the unlimited supply of men and equipments the regime is receiving from Iran and Russia alongside Hezbollah and Iraqi terrorists, without this support the regime would have fallen long time ago.
If FSA were regular people and had the support of the common Syrian civilian, the regime would have fallen a long time back, don't you think so?

Regime would've fallen long before if Iran & Hezbollah don't support them with arms and troops.....also unlike Syrian regime FSA doesn't have heavy machines to fight, in the first months of conflict all they had was shot guns later when conflict widen they managed get some ordinary fire arms from Sunni regimes

If FSA were regular people and had the support of the common Syrian civilian, the regime would have fallen a long time back, don't you think so?

Regime would've fallen long before if Iran & Hezbollah don't support them with arms and troops.....also unlike Syrian regime FSA doesn't have heavy machines to fight, in the first months of conflict all they had was shot guns later when conflict widen they managed get some ordinary fire arms from Sunni regimes
By your logic , I would say then fsa not a terrorist but regular people in Syria and friendly Sunnis who's looking for freedom from dictatorship,..... If you still call them terrorists....then well according to what ayatollah and and shias who fought along ayatollah against shah in 71 are terrorists too......don't you forget that....
if you consider the fact that today all F$A members are foreign troops, then you can't call it a revolution any more, right?

The only reason the dictator still standing is because of the unlimited supply of men and equipments the regime is receiving from Iran and Russia alongside Hezbollah and Iraqi terrorists, without this support the regime would have fallen long time ago.

The only reason FSA is still able to hold its ground is due to the weapons, money and men coming in from Turkey, closing this supply line FSA will fall within a few months.
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