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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


I haven't been following the news so I have some questions:

1) Who is winning the war? Who hold more lands? Assad regime or opposition?

2) How long do you think the war will last? Is Bashar capable of ruling for another 2-3 years?

3) Which opposition group hold the most territories? Are they advancing these days?

4) Is Russia still involved on ground/air or have they stopped?

5) Are the opposition united? Is there 100s of them like 3 years ago or have they unified under one leadership?
Thanks for questions.

1) Assad was rapidly losing till spring 2013, when Hezbollah and Iraqis came in. Since then its a stalemate with some minor oscillations.
2) Assad can easily stay for other 2-3 years and more.There are 2 major factors: Russia and Iran support of Assad and US. Its pretty clear now that Russia and Iran are going to support Assad till the end, despite sever economic crises in their countries. On the other hand hard to tell what US will going to do. Obama policy was to prolong the war. Trump will be better for Assad, Hillary for rebels, but I dont expect too radical change in US policies either.
3) The strongest group is Islamic Front (Ahrar al Sham and Army of Islam). They dominate North and Ghouta. In Daraa secular are strong.
4) Russia puled out half of its air force in March, including all workhorse Su-25. Seems they also ran out of guided bombs. They increased helicopter use, but helicopters carry very little ammo and are vulnerable (Russia lost 8 helicoters out of 24).
5) Quite united. They learned to operate alltogether in Idlib 2015 offensives. Jund al-Aqsa is out of rebel coaltion.
The rebels have no air support the way assadists enjoy Russian air power and not much heavy weapons like tanks and artillery and still you think that it isn't a great achievement for the rebels. Actually when people are blinded by hatred they fail to acknowledge gains made by their enemies, not that it makes any difference on the ground, it only shows the mentality of those who cannot see beyond their hatred. A few days back @500 said something and I wanted you to reply to him but you never did and presume you didn't because he was telling the truth,

You are regergitating the same crap @500 says. Which in 95% Time he is wrong.

Here is 1 video with countless tanks and IFVs. There is many more fresh videos I can post with more armor. From all the videos I have seen the jihadists have dozens of armored vehicles.

Also since when was Al-Quida considered rebels? At 3:25 there is a massive suicide truck bomb. Nice tactic Isis uses btw. Poor "rebels" dozens of tanks and IFV, suicide trucks and thousands of fighters.
There is no odds here. 5000-7000 heavily armed and trained terrorists in 22 groups (hundreds of foreigners included) poured in a small area using various suicide trucks and took it with very huge casualties. It was literally their ultimate power they could gather in one place, the most powerful one in 5 years. This is an intense urban warfare, it's natural to gain or lose land. If it was any other regular army in the world (except few exceptions), I bet they wouldn't resist even a day if they had encountered such force out of nowhere. U.S forces were screwed in Iraq's Fallujah and and other cities where merely some hundreds of AQ terrorists were resisting (the same ones fighting in Syria now).
1) Rebels massed 50000-700000 heavily armed TIRARISTS (those who attack Iranian puppy soldiers are TIRARITS, dont mix with freedom fighters who blow up markets and buses) to 1 inch front.

2) Poor Assad and his allies dont have any artillery or air force so they could not attack such a huge rebel concentration on 1 inch spot.

3) Rebels lost Qintillion in Malah, then they lost Zillion in Hikma, then Qadrillion in 1070 project, Tredecillion in artillery school and Octoqunitillion in Ramusah.

4) Glorious SAA had only 3 lightly injured in Malah and 2 lightly injured in South Aleppo. Nevertheless rebels who lost Nuptoquaricetatrillion somehow managed to bring reserves, while glorious SAA could not. Apparently glorious SAA was busy feeding little kids and old women. Rebels must be condemned for such a treason!
You are regergitating the same crap @500 says. Which in 95% he is wrong wrong.

Here is 1 video with countless tanks and IFVs. There is many more fresh videos I can post with more armor. From all the videos I have seen the jihadists have dozens of armored vehicles.

Also since when was Al-Quida considered rebels?

Okay, I get it, the rebels have dozens of T-55s and hundreds of what looks like a homemade canister thrower. As you claim @500 is indeed a liar and you, an eternal source of truth! Are you happy now? BTW, when are you going to show us the pictures of the rebels flying the F-22 aka raptors against the poorly armed and starving assadists? Give us a fvcking break, will you?
You are regergitating the same crap @500 says. Which in 95% Time he is wrong.

Here is 1 video with countless tanks and IFVs. There is many more fresh videos I can post with more armor. From all the videos I have seen the jihadists have dozens of armored vehicles.

Also since when was Al-Quida considered rebels? At 3:25 there is a massive suicide truck bomb. Nice tactic Isis uses btw. Poor "rebels" dozens of tanks and IFV, suicide trucks and thousands of fighters.
Rebels are super heavily armed!!!!! Look!!!!! They have 5 self made rockets and 2 truck bombs!!!!! Thats way more powerful than 6th fleet of USA!!!! No wonder that poor Assad and Iranains ran away.
West won’t go to war over Syria
Robert Fisk — Updated a day ago

As armed rebels – “terrorists” in the eyes of the Syrian government – tighten their grip on the country, at one stage holding 60 percent of the land, government troops hit back, seizing control of the main roads and laying siege to major towns.

President Bashar al Assad, supported by Russia, accuses foreign powers of assisting his rebel enemies.

There are massacres by both sides. Some NGOs fear for the tens of thousands of civilians trapped amid the fighting, while Western powers threaten to strike at the dictator unless he abides by a humanitarian ceasefire.

Sound familiar? Of course. I’m describing Kosovo in 1998, the year before Nato launched its war against Slobodan Milosevic’s regime in Serbia.

The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) – assisted and advised, as we now know, by the CIA – was threatening to seize all of Kosovo, the Serbian province in which Milosevic’s regime had long committed human rights abuses and ethnic murder against its Muslim majority. Milosevic accused Albania of sending weapons into Kosovo with the help of Western powers. All true.

The difference between then and now is that, in 1998, the Western powers were itching for a war with Serbia. Today, those same Western nations will do anything to avoid going to war with Syria.

For Albania, of course, read Turkey. For Milosevic, read Assad. For the KLA, read the Free Syrian Army, Jabhat al Nusra or the militant Islamic State (IS) or any of the other outfits which we either love or hate in Syria.

But it’s worth remembering how much the humiliation of Bosnia was driving the West to war in Serbia. And it’s not, I fear, by chance that a UN official (widely quoted and, as usual, anonymous) said this week: “Aleppo is the new Srebrenica.” Good sound bite; bad history.

Aleppo’s tragedy is unique and terrible and totally different from the massacre at Bosnia’s Srebrenica _ the massacre of more than 8,000 Muslims by Christian Serb militia in 1995 while Western UN troops watched and did nothing.

In Aleppo, Sunni militias are fighting largely Sunni soldiers of the Syrian army, whose Alawite leader is supported by Hezbollah militiamen and Iran. Only three years ago, the same Sunni militiamen were besieging the surrounded Syrian army’s western enclave of Aleppo and firing shells and mortars into the sector where hundreds of thousands of civilians lived under government control.

Now the Syrian government’s forces are surrounding the Sunni militiamen in the eastern enclave of Aleppo and firing shells and mortars – and dropping bombs and explosives – into the sector where hundreds of thousands of civilians live under rebel control.

The first siege didn’t elicit many tears from the satellite channel lads and lassies. The second siege comes with oceans of tears.

Since 2011, the West has been demanding the departure, overthrow or death of Bashar al Assad, blaming him for 90 per cent or 95 per cent, or – the latest figure I’ve heard – 98 per cent of the 300,000 civil war deaths, or 350,000 deaths or – again, the latest figure I’ve heard – 400,000 deaths. And before you dismiss this as a cynical game of statistics, let me add that I suspect the real death toll may be more than 450,000.

But if the West is correct, then Assad’s forces have killed well over 400,000 of the dead – which is odd when the fatalities among the Syrian army alone come to well over 60,000 – a military secret, but a real statistic which the government does not wish to make public.

And if the West’s figures are correct, then the rebels – including the horrific IS, whom we want to destroy, and the horrid Nusra whom we probably want to destroy, and the kindly Free Syrian Army and New Syrian Army and Syrian Democratic Forces, whom we like very much because they are Kalashnikov-toting “moderates” who want to destroy Assad – have killed, at most, only a few thousand of the war’s victims.

This is absurd. There are no “good guys” among the Syrian warlords; yet still, despite all the evidence, we want to find them. At the same time, we can’t really work out who the “bad guys” are.

Of course, IS – or the “so-called Islamic State” as the BBC likes to refer to them, for they are neither Islamic nor a state – must be liquidated. But the American-supplied and reinforced Syrian Democratic Forces – which are never referred to as “so-called” by the BBC, even though they are neither a force (since they rely on US air power), nor democratic (since they are not elected), nor Syrian (because they are largely Kurdish) – must be supported.

Having thus divided the cult-like evildoers of IS from the groupuscules of “moderates” – be they old Dave Cameron’s 70,000 ghost warriors or just CIA clones – we are having problems with the Nusra Front.

Because they hate Assad, but they also kill Christians, blow up churches, chop the heads off their enemies and do other rotten things which make it hard to like them, even though they are financed by Qatar – one of our wealthy “moderate” Arab Gulf allies – as opposed to Saudi Arabia, which still unofficially supports the horrific IS. And it’s the Nusra rebels who are now besieged in Aleppo, along with 300,000 civilians.

Trouble is that our wealthy American allies – who may or may not be “moderate”, depending on who wins the presidential election – are going to have two candidates who will go all out over the next three months to demand once more the destruction of Bashar al Assad.

We will not only be told all over again that his government is responsible for almost the entire death toll of the Syrian civil war, but that he maintains the cruelest torture chambers in the world. Yet I promise you that the US presidential contenders won’t remind Americans that, until a few years ago, they were happily dispatching dark-skinned folk of the Muslim faith (including two Canadians) to endure the horrors of those very same torture chambers via a “security” agreement with the Syrian government. Rendition, I think it was called.

PARALLELS: And the parallels with Kosovo? Well it’s Hollywood. A movie. A simple plot.

In 1998, we had to go to war to save the Muslims of Kosovo from the Hitler of Belgrade. In 2016, we are going to be urged to go to war with the Hitler of Damascus – although whom we are supposed to save this time is less clear. The Kurds? The armed “moderates”? The Syrian people – millions of whom now live outside Syria? IS? Surely not the latter.

Or will we be saving Saudi Arabia and Qatar from disintegrating under the pressure of the war they have been stoking in their neighbourhood?

No, unlike 1998, we will not go to war for Syria. In Kosovo, we bombed from the air until Milosevic was told by Yeltsin’s Russia that he was on his own. But Putin’s Russia is not going to tell Assad he’s on his own.

And besides, we don’t have Nato armies waiting on the Syrian border to invade the country if Assad surrendered. We used to have the Turks. Remember them? Wasn’t Nato’s most powerful army just itching to move into Syria on our behalf? Not any more, it’s not. And we all know why.

We can also forget “red lines”. Both sides in Syria have, I suspect, used gas and we didn’t go to war, even though we put all the blame on the regime. But we didn’t go to war for the Kurds when Saddam gassed them in 1988 – it became one of the smaller excuses for the Blair-Bush invasion of Iraq 15 years later.

And after suggesting the Russians have just dropped gas in Idlib province, you can be sure we’re not going to war with Moscow.

So amid the anguish of Syria’s people, let’s not offer more lies to the Arabs. We are not going to save Aleppo, even if the Assad government forces the rebels there to surrender (as they did in Homs, with scarcely a whimper from us). And I don’t think we are going to destroy Assad – indeed for several months before the US elections reached their climax, the “Assad-must-go” routine mysteriously faded away.

Yes, it’s time we stopped lying to the people of the Middle East. And it’s time we stopped lying to ourselves.

By arrangement with The Independent

Published in Dawn, August 6th, 2016

Okay, I getting it, the rebels have dozens of T-55s and hundreds of what looks like a homemade canister thrower.

T-72s, T-55s and BMPs, TOWs, MANPADs, RPGs, heavy truck mounted guns, armored suicide vehicles, and mortars. Those canisters are propane canisters packed with explosives and they are fired at civilian neighborhoods. Quick blame the damage and deaths on Assadists and Russians.

As you claim @500 is indeed a liar and you, an eternal source of truth! Are you happy now? BTW, when are you going to show us the pictures of the rebels flying the F-22 aka raptors against the poorly armed and starving assadists?

Yes he has made dozens of retarded claims. I always present proof that debunks him while he tries to tap dance around his blunders. One of his recent gold gems was that Russia has no aircraft with IR in Syria of course many aircraft they use do have have IR and when I posted screen shots of gun cameras from several aircraft his response was "it's a black and white photos" then I posted the actual video. I can name 15 dozen more comical fails from him but if you like you can continue buying into his delusions.
T-72s, T-55s and BMPs, TOWs, MANPADs, RPGs, heavy truck mounted guns,

How many tanks do the rebels have? Why don't you give us a concrete figure since you're so well informed? Make up your mind whether you're going to keep the figure in hundreds or thousands. You haven't said anything about the rebel air power, will you please enlighten us, after all, you cannot have a truly formidable military force without an air force, can you?
Rebels are super heavily armed!!!!! Look!!!!! They have 5 self made rockets and 2 truck bombs!!!!! Thats way more powerful than 6th fleet of USA!!!! No wonder that poor Assad and Iranains ran away.

Stop being a troll. I have presented pictures and video of countless tanks and IFVs and you still deny. Not surprised since you never admit to being wrong. Everything you say is literally wrong. You still don't remember the Mig-29K fiasco? You were claiming there is no Mig-29ks practicing ram takeoffs from land or landing on land utilizing arresting cables. Again you blew your claim out of the water with pics and video.

Honestly when will you stop lying? You should see a professional.
Stop being a troll. I have presented pictures and video of countless tanks and IFVs and you still deny. Not surprised since you never admit to being wrong. Everything you say is literally wrong. You still don't remember the Mig-29K fiasco? You were claiming there is no Mig-29ks practicing ram takeoffs from land or landing on land utilizing arresting cables. Again you blew your claim out of the water with pics and video.

Honestly when will you stop lying? You should see a professional.

The Syria conflict is not about whether a Mig-29 has IFR or not! Like a kid you keep repeating the Mig-29 business, that must have been the only time in your life when you felt like you had won the argument.
Stop being a troll. I have presented pictures and video of countless tanks and IFVs and you still deny. Not surprised since you never admit to being wrong. Everything you say is literally wrong. You still don't remember the Mig-29K fiasco? You were claiming there is no Mig-29ks practicing ram takeoffs from land or landing on land utilizing arresting cables. Again you blew your claim out of the water with pics and video.

Honestly when will you stop lying? You should see a professional.
I counted 4-5 lone tanks and 3-4 lone BMP. Thats not even a company. Either u lied or u cant count till 10.

As for MiG-29K case is already closed. They are not even near to IOC.
How many tanks do the rebels have? Why don't you give us a concrete figure since you're so well informed? Make up your mind whether you're going to keep the figure in hundreds or thousands. You haven't said anything about the rebel air power, will you please enlighten us, after all, you cannot have a truly formidable military force without an air force, can you?

I don't know how many they have, it is impossible to say, unlike 500 I don't pull figured out of thin air. What we have is proof that they have substantial heavy armor, proof in video and photos. I posted just 1 video from yesterday and I can post 3 more videos. This is just what came to light, there is likely more heavy armor that never got filled or photographed and now it is highly probable that the "rebels" captured armor from the SAA. Moreover, there is destroyed armor.

If you want BS numbers you know who to ask but to throw out figures would be unprofessional.

The Syria conflict is not about whether a Mig-29 has IFR or not! Like a kid you keep repeating the Mig-29 business, that must have been the only time in your life when you felt like you had won the argument.

That was just en example of the BS your pal 500 throws out. He lost every argument he has had, his latest claim was that Russia ran out of precision munitions. That claim is beyond proposterous and even the rebels were claiming that they were being hit with precision munitions at night......another fail. Or should we look at the claim he made prior to that of obvious MLRS which he claimed was a Russian cluster bomb. Again I busted him.

There is a reason why he got demoted on this forum.

I counted 4-5 lone tanks and 3-4 lone BMP. Thats not even a company. Either u lied or u cant count till 10.

As for MiG-29K case is already closed. They are not even near to IOC.

That was from that one video, I have many more fresh videos, not including the photos I posted several days ago. Or the videos you posted showing the terrorists using heavy armor. And of course like I said before photos and video will not give an accurate number of armor because it is not guaranteed that all the armor is video tapped or photographed.

Common sense is something you lack.
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I don't know how many they have, it is impossible to say, unlike 500 I don't pull figured out of thin air. What we have is proof that they have substantial heavy armor, proof in video and photos.

Now you say that you don't know the exact figure but you have 'proof' that they have substantial number of tanks and artillery by looking at some photos! Could you please tell us how you figure out 'substantial' number of tanks or artillery just by looking at a photo, you know there is only so much a photo can capture? We're really interested in this method, perhaps it is another ground breaking invention by the assadists.

If you want BS numbers you know who to ask but the throw out figures would be unprofessional.
That was just en example of the BS your pal 500 throws out. He lost every argument.

Yes we know you are no BS analyst, you're a serious military expert. Now tell us why you are so quiet about the rebel air power. Again and again I ask you yet you are silent about it. It's a mystery, you know how important air power is in modern warfare, don't you? It literally makes or breaks a power unless those super mighty rebels in Syria have proven me wrong!
That was from that one video, I have many more fresh videos, not including the photos I posted several days ago. Or the videos you posted showing the terrorists using heavy armor. And of course like I said before photos and video will not give an accurate number of armor because it is not guaranteed that all the armor is video tapped or photographed.

Common sense is something you lack.
That video is not one but compilation of many. There is not even a company of tanks (all captured from Assad, poorly maintained, with little ammo and never trained to operate as company) in that offensive.
1) Rebels massed 50000-700000 heavily armed TIRARISTS (those who attack Iranian puppy soldiers are TIRARITS, dont mix with freedom fighters who blow up markets and buses) to 1 inch front.

2) Poor Assad and his allies dont have any artillery or air force so they could not attack such a huge rebel concentration on 1 inch spot.

3) Rebels lost Qintillion in Malah, then they lost Zillion in Hikma, then Qadrillion in 1070 project, Tredecillion in artillery school and Octoqunitillion in Ramusah.

4) Glorious SAA had only 3 lightly injured in Malah and 2 lightly injured in South Aleppo. Nevertheless rebels who lost Nuptoquaricetatrillion somehow managed to bring reserves, while glorious SAA could not. Apparently glorious SAA was busy feeding little kids and old women. Rebels must be condemned for such a treason!

How old are you? 5? I won't spend more than these few seconds on your post.

The rebels have no air support the way assadists enjoy Russian air power and not much heavy weapons like tanks and artillery and still you think that it isn't a great achievement for the rebels. Actually when people are blinded by hatred they fail to acknowledge gains made by their enemies, not that it makes any difference on the ground, it only shows the mentality of those who cannot see beyond their hatred. A few days back @500 said something and I wanted you to reply to him but you never did and presume you didn't because he was telling the truth,

Again... Fallujah showed how effective the strongest air force in the world was against hundreds of AQ terrorists. In urban warfare, it means almost nothing.

They do have tanks and many armored vehicles, you are wrong. Actually number of armored vehicles they used in the attack was much more than number of vehicles SAA used to defend.

I never fail to acknowledge progress for either side, I only refuse to accept that it was such a miracle they accomplished this. 7000 thousands of heavily armed and trained people attacked a relatively small area with anything they had at their disposal. It's not like they managed to this with 50 people to call it a miracle or something.

The reason why I don't reply to most of @500 posts is that I believe in this thread, he does nothing by trolling. He quotes most of my posts, but I only answer very few of them and I intend to do even less.
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