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Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

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You're damn right I have a problem with that. If we wanted to, we could wipe out every last non-White on this planet. The Chinese are the only non-White nation that are at least a Great Power, other than that we could easily take back all of South and Central Asia.

We don't do that because we are CIVILIZED. I only hope that my kin wake up in time.

I m sure all conquered people had the same problem. Not that it was really relevant for the other party. Fact of the Matter is that rich countries have always attract impoverished hordes - which is why wretchedly poor whites used to come to the rich Orient and Cortez led expeditions into Mayan heartlands. History repeats itself over and over....only the actors are different.

It is also time for you to realise that too much obsession with inanimate objects and technology may help you make inventions, but it detracts from earthy wisdom. As always, population IS power in the long run.

I'm sorry, who were the Indo-Europeans who migrated from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, located in modern-day Ukraine/Southern Russia, a people who had blonde hair and blue-eyes at about a 40% rate? These people were Indian? No, they were European.

They conquered all of Central and South Asia, extending from Central India to Iran, and even as far as Iraq and Syria.

And if you are calling me a troll, what the Hell is an Indian doing on Stormfront then? Trolling as usual?

We dont believe in your Aryan Migration stories for which there is no proof...either historical, linguistic or genetic.
I'm sorry, who were the Indo-Europeans who migrated from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, located in modern-day Ukraine/Southern Russia, a people who had blonde hair and blue-eyes at about a 40% rate? These people were Indian? No, they were European.

They conquered all of Central and South Asia, extending from Central India to Iran, and even as far as Iraq and Syria.

And if you are calling me a troll, what the Hell is an Indian doing on Stormfront then? Trolling as usual?

Dude i'm in no mood to discuss already trashed Aryan Invasion Myth.

I'm not posting on stormfront. I was lurking through the threads to see what it is all about .
Dude i'm in no mood to discuss already trashed Aryan Invasion Myth.

I'm not posting on stormfront. I was lurking through the threads to see what it is all about .

Of course it was a myth... it would put your entire culture, history, religion, even your caste system, to embarrassing shame.

Unfortunately, there is a huge consensus among historians as to what happened. Too bad!
I m sure all conquered people had the same problem. Not that it was really relevant for the other party. Fact of the Matter is that rich countries have always attract impoverished hordes - which is why wretchedly poor whites used to come to the rich Orient and Cortez led expeditions into Mayan heartlands. History repeats itself over and over....only the actors are different.

It is also time for you to realise that too much obsession with inanimate objects and technology may help you make inventions, but it detracts from earthy wisdom. As always, population IS power in the long run.

We dont believe in your Aryan Migration stories for which there is no proof...either historical, linguistic or genetic.

The Aryan migration fact is a part of history, regardless of whether you believe it or not. Even the 2nd most held theory, the Anatolian migration, posits that your people were displaced by a non-South Asian group (though more West Asian than European).

Regardless, that's besides the point.

We are not a conquered people. If we wanted to, we could probably destroy every non-White population in the world, but we aren't savages.

The reason you people are displacing our people is because of other Whites choosing to allow you to, not because you are more innovative or intelligent or powerful.

poor whites used to come to the rich Orient

Oh yeah, that happened all the time.

and Cortez led expeditions into Mayan heartlands

Because they had Gold, and were apparently incapable of defending themselves.
Of course it was a myth... it would put your entire culture, history, religion, even your caste system, to embarrassing shame.

Unfortunately, there is a huge consensus among historians as to what happened. Too bad!

There is certainly no point in discussing the AIT with you because it is very apparent that your entire education comes from stormfront.org.
The Aryan migration fact is a part of history, regardless of whether you believe it or not. Even the 2nd most held theory, the Anatolian migration, posits that your people were displaced by a non-South Asian group (though more West Asian than European).

Regardless, that's besides the point.

We are not a conquered people. If we wanted to, we could probably destroy every non-White population in the world, but we aren't savages.

The reason you people are displacing our people is because of other Whites choosing to allow you to, not because you are more innovative or intelligent or powerful.

Oh yeah, that happened all the time.

Because they had Gold, and were apparently incapable of defending themselves.

No you couldn't....so don't give yourself those airs.

For a large part of history, Europe has just been a backwater of Asia... thinly peopled by barbaric tribes full of disease and even unable to grow enough food. Need we go back too long??? Just read up the condition of Britain in the times of Charles Dickens. Do you know that Napoleon, with a height of 168 Cm was considered average heighted because that is how malnourished Europe was. Paintings, even those painted by Europeans themselves, show Britishers consistently shorter and weaker than Indians.

You obtained a temporary military advantage with the use of Gunpowder and steam ships which you used to the hilt to loot, rob and enslave other people. So, please don't give me the crap about your goodness of heart. If you were so brave, how is it that the Muslims consistently kicked your A** till the development of mobile firearms?? That time is up Buddy...you are not destroying anyone now...in fact, the shoe is on the other foot today..
It's like everything I said quite literally flew over your head.

I don't hate ANY races. I do believe that my race is the best, and that we contributed far more to the world than the rest of Humanity combined. WHY IS THAT RELEVANT? It has nothing to do with my views.

I have no problems with Indians.... in India. I have no problems with Chinese.... In China.
Agreed. I sympathize with somebody who just wants a country for his ethnic group. Self-determination of peoples is a UN principle. I'm glad I live in a monoethnic country. Don't have to deal with internal race issues.
tip for ya folks:

don't want a whole country for your race/ethnic group, want just a village with good water supply :)

We are not a conquered people. If we wanted to, we could probably destroy every non-White population in the world, but we aren't savages.

eh, for the record, if any (blonde or not) white tries to "destroy non-whites", he'll find me against him/her. And I happened to be blonde all my youth, and still have my blue eyes.

fortunately you already said you're more civilized than wanting to execute such a STUPID plan.
tip for ya folks:

don't want a whole country for your race/ethnic group, want just a village with good water supply :)

eh, for the record, if any (blonde or not) white tries to "destroy non-whites", he'll find me against him/her. And I happened to be blonde all my youth, and still have my blue eyes.

fortunately you already said you're more civilized than wanting to execute such a STUPID plan.

Don't know why Whites make such a fetish of these recessive genetic characters -- blond hairs and blue eyes...:cuckoo:
Don't know why Whites make such a fetish of these recessive genetic characters -- blond hairs and blue eyes...:cuckoo:

That's the stormfront ideology for ya baby. They want to keep the blonde gene alive at all costs ;)
I don't go to stormfront because I REALLY don't fit in there ;)
There is certainly no point in discussing the AIT with you because it is very apparent that your entire education comes from stormfront.org.

My entire education comes from the University of Western Ontario and 2 years at Emory.


For a large part of history, Europe has just been a backwater of Asia

I'm not talking about "a large part", I'm talking about TODAY. If we were uncivilized rabid warmongering Genghis Khan clones, we could surely take over the planet if we chose to.

how is it that the Muslims consistently kicked your A** till the development of mobile firearms?

Indeed, Europeans didn't always hold the upper hand, but for most of history (and all of modern history) we did.

Tell me, for example, how far did the Arab Muslims get into our lands? As far as Spain? The very southern portion of France?

Now, how far did we get into THEIR lands? We owned the entire Middle East and North Africa at one point. Many were colonies, others were basically puppet states. To this very day, their politicians bow to us in royal splendor, asking for aid. And of course, being the liberal anti-wayycism idiots the majority of our population has become, we give it to them.

The Ottomans gave us a good run for our money, I'll give THOSE Muslims the benefit of the doubt that they did so through their own ingenuity.
tip for ya folks:

don't want a whole country for your race/ethnic group, want just a village with good water supply :)

eh, for the record, if any (blonde or not) white tries to "destroy non-whites", he'll find me against him/her. And I happened to be blonde all my youth, and still have my blue eyes.

fortunately you already said you're more civilized than wanting to execute such a STUPID plan.

Oh please, stop with the liberal, anti-wayycist, ********, feigning ignorance crap. It doesn't work. You know exactly what I meant.

We easily have the capability to destroy the world. Not that we would (we aren't outright savages like most of the rest of the world), but we could. Tell me, other than China (which is still trying to desperately catch-up, and doesn't even have the capability to take on the USA yet, let alone EU+Russia+USA/Canada/Australsia COMBINED) who's going to stop us?

No one. It was a mere response to kena, telling me that we are losing the 'war' because we are weaker, when in fact there is not a single nation (other than future China and possibly a resurgent Japan) which will measure up to our people.
Agreed. I sympathize with somebody who just wants a country for his ethnic group. Self-determination of peoples is a UN principle. I'm glad I live in a monoethnic country. Don't have to deal with internal race issues.

Thanks! As I have stated previously, do NOT accept immigrants into your country, whatsoever. Maybe fellow East Asians like Koreans and Japanese, but NO ONE outside of your race.

A homogeneous population is always more prosperous than a heterogeneous one.

Of course it was a myth... it would put your entire culture, history, religion, even your caste system, to embarrassing shame.

Unfortunately, there is a huge consensus among historians as to what happened. Too bad!

As i said there's no point to discuss AIT here with you. Your neo-nazi theory has long been debunked. I can understand some dimwit propped up AIT to make yourselves feel superior . There's no proof of any invasion so you can go back to your cave in stormfront and brag about AIT with your fellow neo-nazis to feel better.
As i said there's no point to discuss AIT here with you. Your neo-nazi theory has long been debunked. I can understand some dimwit propped up AIT to make yourselves feel superior . There's no proof of any invasion so you can go back to your cave in stormfront and brag about AIT with your fellow neo-nazis to feel better.

Neo-Nazi? Are you braindead?

This is the MAIN theory that has consensus in the scientific community.

Kurgan hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What an absolute imbecile.

There's no proof of any invasion

There's no point in listing the literally hundreds of thousands of studies that have already concluded that this is what happened.

Here are a few snippets Australoid:

Most genetic studies indicate that there are clear genetic differences between Indian castes and tribal populations. They support the notion that there was a massive influx of Indo-European migrants into the Indian subcontinent around 3,500 years before present.

A 2004 study also established that during the Bronze Age/Iron Age period, the majority of the population of Kazakhstan (part of the Andronovo culture during Bronze Age), was of west Eurasian origin (with mtDNA haplogroups such as U, H, HV, T, I and W), and that prior to the 13th–7th centuries BCE, all samples from Kazakhstan belonged to European lineages.

Geneticists have noted the correlation of a specific haplogroup R1a1a defined by the M17 (SNP marker) of the Y chromosome and speakers of Indo-European languages in Europe and Asia. The connection between Y-DNA R-M17 and the spread of Indo-European languages was first proposed by Zerjal and colleagues in 1999.[8] and subsequently supported by other authors.[9] Spencer Wells deduced from this correlation that R1a1a arose on the Pontic-Caspian steppe.

Subsequent studies on ancient DNA tested the hypothesis. Skeletons from the Andronovo culture horizon (strongly supposed to be culturally Indo-Iranian) of south Siberia were tested for DNA. Of the 10 males, 9 carried Y-DNA R1a1a (M17). Fairly close matches were found between the ancient DNA STR haplotypes and those in living persons in both eastern Europe and Siberia.[11] Mummies in the Tarim Basin also proved to carry R1a1a and were presumed to be ancestors of Tocharian speakers.

The DNA testing of remains from kurgans also indicated a high prevalence of people with characteristics such as blue (or green) eyes, fair skin and light hair, implying an origin close to Europe for this population.

Ancient DNA has confirmed the connection with kurgan burials directly. Out of ten human male remains assigned to the Andronovo horizon from the Krasnoyarsk region, nine possessed the R1a Y-chromosome haplogroup and one C haplogroup (xC3). Mitochrondrial DNA haplogroups of nine individuals assigned to the same Andronovo horizon and region were as follows: U4 (2 individuals), U2e, U5a1, Z, T1, T4, H, and K2b. 90% of the Bronze Age period mtDNA haplogroups were of west Eurasian origin and the study determined that at least 60% of the individuals overall (out of the 26 Bronze and Iron Age human remains' samples of the study that could be tested) had light hair and blue or green eyes. Significantly R1a also appeared in later kurgan steppe burials through a series of related cultures up to the Scythians, known to speak an Indo-European language.
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