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Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

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It is one of the most popular websites in America

Stormfront has 270,000 members, and if you assume that all of them are American, that would make less than one tenth of one percent of the US population members. However, you can't effectively make that assumption, because the most popular forums on Stormfront are regional member boards focused on Europe. The website's Alexa ranking is only 8,512 in the US, which means there are thousands of websites in the US that receive a lot more traffic. Stormfront is well known, but it isn't popular or well regarded.

lol.......I am just saying, the Burden guy's way of Racist comment dished out at a very comical way, he is either really Insane in the membrane or he is just acting like this.

Burden's buffoonery is simultaneously revolting and incredibly amusing. His thinking(despite his insistence that he's “expressing very rational and evolutionary novel thoughts.”) is so backward and antiquated that it's like observing a vestigial tail – an anachronism destined for the scrapheap of yesteryear. I'm not completely opposed to him in that I, too, am proud of my European heritage and I agree that Europe is one of the primary movers of history, but his behavior is completely silly. He only ever talks about white superiority, and he can never ever admit flaws in his position. I figure that he just does it for attention and external validation. He said he was given the WAIS-IV IQ test and that's usually administered as part of a neuropsych evaluation, so there's a decent chance that he's hamstrung by some disorder on the autistic spectrum despite his professed IQ of 144. That or he's faking it. It's best just to ignore him. He'll eventually get bored and leave.
Wow, another two-flag waving idiot. Let's flood China with 160 million Blacks, 200 million Hispanics, and 800 million Whites. Those are the proportions at which they would consist of the same percentage in your country. What? You don't want 1.2 billion non-Chinese flooding into your country every year?

TOO BAD! If you don't like it then you are a RACIST!

Seriously, F off with that White mans guilt bull-****. It's not going to work.

Mate, i have Citizenship of 2 of the most RACIST country in the world, Sweden and Australia. I have seen people like your kind, i don't mind being present with a Racist here, my wife is Swedish, Nordic Swedish, she is the kind that whitest of white and have a brown/blonde eyebrowes, she dishes out racist comment every now and then. Trust me, you are not the first one i know about "Your Kind" of people.

What make your Racist comment funny is how you justified your Racist comment. Normal racist people will have a reason why they don't like the minority, either they took their job, girl, beer whatever. But you, you are just ranting here, as far as i know and heard from you, you just Simply butt hurt becasuse your next door is yellow, dark or red skinned.

What it come down to, the reason you are being racist is simply you are racist.

So, you are basically justifing everything you said based on the very fact that you are a racist to begin with, no sad sodding story, no personal experience. Just because you don't like them.

Now, if you are 8, and you tell your mama, i don't want to play with that kid because he was black and i will understand, but if you are 20 or above, and you tell your girl friend/boyfriend (Got to leave option open) you don't like your neighbor because they are black. Well, then you sir, is the one that does not belong there.

Stormfront has 270,000 members, and if you assume that all of them are American, that would make less than one tenth of one percent of the US population members. However, you can't effectively make that assumption, because the most popular forums on Stormfront are regional member boards focused on Europe. The website's Alexa ranking is only 8,512 in the US, which means there are thousands of websites in the US that receive a lot more traffic. Stormfront is well known, but it isn't popular or well regarded.

Burden's buffoonery is simultaneously revolting and incredibly amusing. His thinking(despite his insistence that he's “expressing very rational and evolutionary novel thoughts.”) is so backward and antiquated that it's like observing a vestigial tail – an anachronism destined for the scrapheap of yesteryear. I'm not completely opposed to him in that I, too, am proud of my European heritage and I agree that Europe is one of the primary movers of history, but his behavior is completely silly. He only ever talks about white superiority, and he can never ever admit flaws in his position. I figure that he just does it for attention and external validation. He said he was given the WAIS-IV IQ test and that's usually administered as part of a neuropsych evaluation, so there's a decent chance that he's hamstrung by some disorder on the autistic spectrum despite his professed IQ of 144. That or he's faking it. It's best just to ignore him. He'll eventually get bored and leave.

lol that's what i have been saying all along. His antidode is somewhat amusing like the stuff you think you will only hear from TV. That's why i said he remind me of that community character.

It is as if he is trying to drive himself to the ground intentionally......

But you also need to tip your hat to the mod that this thread is still open :)
Mate, i have Citizenship of 2 of the most RACIST country in the world, Sweden and Australia. I have seen people like your kind, i don't mind being present with a Racist here, my wife is Swedish, Nordic Swedish, she is the kind that whitest of white and have a brown/blonde eyebrowes, she dishes out racist comment every now and then. Trust me, you are not the first one i know about "Your Kind" of people.

What make your Racist comment funny is how you justified your Racist comment. Normal racist people will have a reason why they don't like the minority, either they took their job, girl, beer whatever. But you, you are just ranting here, as far as i know and heard from you, you just Simply butt hurt becasuse your next door is yellow, dark or red skinned.

What it come down to, the reason you are being racist is simply you are racist.

So, you are basically justifing everything you said based on the very fact that you are a racist to begin with, no sad sodding story, no personal experience. Just because you don't like them.

Now, if you are 8, and you tell your mama, i don't want to play with that kid because he was black and i will understand, but if you are 20 or above, and you tell your girl friend/boyfriend (Got to leave option open) you don't like your neighbor because they are black. Well, then you sir, is the one that does not belong there.

lol that's what i have been saying all along. His antidode is somewhat amusing like the stuff you think you will only hear from TV. That's why i said he remind me of that community character.

It is as if he is trying to drive himself to the ground intentionally......

But you also need to tip your hat to the mod that this thread is still open :)

It's like everything I said quite literally flew over your head.

I don't hate ANY races. I do believe that my race is the best, and that we contributed far more to the world than the rest of Humanity combined. WHY IS THAT RELEVANT? It has nothing to do with my views.

I have no problems with Indians.... in India. I have no problems with Chinese.... In China.

You pieces of sh!t come to our countries, pretend like they are yours, but we can't do that in China because it belongs to the Chinese. You are a putrid stench of a people, with no morals or ethics whatsoever.

You keep calling Swedes racist, even though they are the most disgustingly multicultural people on the planet. They welcome in Muslims, Blacks, etc. who enjoy rioting because they don't have the underlying genetics to work at the same level as the Swedes. All I can hope for is that hundreds of millions of people flood into China, Korea, and Japan, and kill your entire people through inbreeding and immigration.

When you cry out that you are being ethnically, demographically, culturally, and genetically DESTROYED... I will scream out RACIST CHINESE SUPREMACIST. We MUST complete China's tranistion to multiculturalism and multi racialism. Why don't you want this? Are you an f'ing racist? Do you hate White people that you wouldn't want them to come into China and contribute to your country? Why not make Guangdong at least 40-50% White, like California? Or how about Manchuria?

Why not? What's the problem with that? Are you..... RACIST?
It's like everything I said quite literally flew over your head.

I don't hate ANY races. I do believe that my race is the best, and that we contributed far more to the world than the rest of Humanity combined. WHY IS THAT RELEVANT? It has nothing to do with my views.

I have no problems with Indians.... in India. I have no problems with Chinese.... In China.

You pieces of sh!t come to our countries, pretend like they are yours, but we can't do that in China because it belongs to the Chinese. You are a putrid stench of a people, with no morals or ethics whatsoever.

You keep calling Swedes racist, even though they are the most disgustingly multicultural people on the planet. They welcome in Muslims, Blacks, etc. who enjoy rioting because they don't have the underlying genetics to work at the same level as the Swedes. All I can hope for is that hundreds of millions of people flood into China, Korea, and Japan, and kill your entire people through inbreeding and immigration.

When you cry out that you are being ethnically, demographically, culturally, and genetically DESTROYED... I will scream out RACIST CHINESE SUPREMACIST. We MUST complete China's tranistion to multiculturalism and multi racialism. Why don't you want this? Are you an f'ing racist? Do you hate White people that you wouldn't want them to come into China and contribute to your country? Why not make Guangdong at least 40-50% White, like California? Or how about Manchuria?

Why not? What's the problem with that? Are you..... RACIST?

So, why did your ancestors in the past have problems with

1. Native Indians in North and South Americas;

2. Indians in India at the time of British colonial rule;

3. Africans in Africa;

4. Native Australians in Australia;

5. Maoris in New Zealand????/
So, why did your ancestors in the past have problems with

1. Native Indians in North and South Americas;

2. Indians in India at the time of British colonial rule;

3. Africans in Africa;

4. Native Australians in Australia;

5. Maoris in New Zealand????/

Because we conquered them. What's next?

Throughout all of Human history, there are people that have conquered one another. Raped, killed, pillaged, annexed, but today, we at least expect a modicum of dignity and civility.

What's done is done. India cannot give back her Northern half to the proto-Indo-Aryans that invaded from the Pontic-Steppes over 2,000 years ago. Central Asia cannot be given back to the White race. They were invaded in Ancient times, and the Turkic and Mongolic peoples took them over. Fine. We can't take back the Iranian Aryan peoples just because we controlled them at one point.

Nor can we take back Brazil, a country that was majority White for almost all of modern history, until 3 years ago. Nor can we take back the Anatolian peninsula, or East Thrace, or the Caucasus, or.... Are you starting to get the picture? It's not just Whites that have conquered, annexed, and destroyed other civilizations. It has happened all throughout Human history. The difference is that we were much more innovative, and so were more than capable of destroying people at much greater scales than had ever been seen before.

As for the Africans in Africa, they've had a whole lot more problems with themselves than with any of us. They SOLD their own brethren into slavery. We simply accepted them the way in any other culture did at the time. Slavery was normal for Arabs, for Europeans, for Blacks, and for almost anyone else.
It's like everything I said quite literally flew over your head.

I don't hate ANY races. I do believe that my race is the best, and that we contributed far more to the world than the rest of Humanity combined. WHY IS THAT RELEVANT? It has nothing to do with my views.

I have no problems with Indians.... in India. I have no problems with Chinese.... In China.

You pieces of sh!t come to our countries, pretend like they are yours, but we can't do that in China because it belongs to the Chinese. You are a putrid stench of a people, with no morals or ethics whatsoever.

You keep calling Swedes racist, even though they are the most disgustingly multicultural people on the planet. They welcome in Muslims, Blacks, etc. who enjoy rioting because they don't have the underlying genetics to work at the same level as the Swedes. All I can hope for is that hundreds of millions of people flood into China, Korea, and Japan, and kill your entire people through inbreeding and immigration.

When you cry out that you are being ethnically, demographically, culturally, and genetically DESTROYED... I will scream out RACIST CHINESE SUPREMACIST. We MUST complete China's tranistion to multiculturalism and multi racialism. Why don't you want this? Are you an f'ing racist? Do you hate White people that you wouldn't want them to come into China and contribute to your country? Why not make Guangdong at least 40-50% White, like California? Or how about Manchuria?

Why not? What's the problem with that? Are you..... RACIST?

calm down there KKK. and btw there is already 200,000 Africans living in Guangzhou, China with number always increasing.
So, why did your ancestors in the past have problems with

1. Native Indians in North and South Americas;

2. Indians in India at the time of British colonial rule;

3. Africans in Africa;

4. Native Australians in Australia;

5. Maoris in New Zealand????/

They came to their lands for emancipation of the inferior races :lol:

Seriously i'm enjoying this joker's posts here as well as in stormfront. He is the most anti-Indian poster at stormfront. Seems he lost his job to an Indian. according to the ******** on stormfront evey achievement of ancient India was due to whites. hinduism was a gift from white aryans that is why whites have affection for it. :D

I would reccomend he should post his views on Bharat-Rakshak, the trolling would be much more fun there .
Because we conquered them. What's next?

Throughout all of Human history, there are people that have conquered one another. Raped, killed, pillaged, annexed, but today, we at least expect a modicum of dignity and civility.

What's done is done. India cannot give back her Northern half to the proto-Indo-Aryans that invaded from the Pontic-Steppes over 2,000 years ago. Central Asia cannot be given back to the White race. They were invaded in Ancient times, and the Turkic and Mongolic peoples took them over. Fine. We can't take back the Iranian Aryan peoples just because we controlled them at one point.

Nor can we take back Brazil, a country that was majority White for almost all of modern history, until 3 years ago. Nor can we take back the Anatolian peninsula, or East Thrace, or the Caucasus, or.... Are you starting to get the picture? It's not just Whites that have conquered, annexed, and destroyed other civilizations. It has happened all throughout Human history. The difference is that we were much more innovative, and so were more than capable of destroying people at much greater scales than had ever been seen before.

As for the Africans in Africa, they've had a whole lot more problems with themselves than with any of us. They SOLD their own brethren into slavery. We simply accepted them the way in any other culture did at the time. Slavery was normal for Arabs, for Europeans, for Blacks, and for almost anyone else.

So, the non whites are conquering you now. Any problems with that???
It's like everything I said quite literally flew over your head.

I don't hate ANY races. I do believe that my race is the best, and that we contributed far more to the world than the rest of Humanity combined. WHY IS THAT RELEVANT? It has nothing to do with my views.

I have no problems with Indians.... in India. I have no problems with Chinese.... In China.

You pieces of sh!t come to our countries, pretend like they are yours, but we can't do that in China because it belongs to the Chinese. You are a putrid stench of a people, with no morals or ethics whatsoever.

You keep calling Swedes racist, even though they are the most disgustingly multicultural people on the planet. They welcome in Muslims, Blacks, etc. who enjoy rioting because they don't have the underlying genetics to work at the same level as the Swedes. All I can hope for is that hundreds of millions of people flood into China, Korea, and Japan, and kill your entire people through inbreeding and immigration.

When you cry out that you are being ethnically, demographically, culturally, and genetically DESTROYED... I will scream out RACIST CHINESE SUPREMACIST. We MUST complete China's tranistion to multiculturalism and multi racialism. Why don't you want this? Are you an f'ing racist? Do you hate White people that you wouldn't want them to come into China and contribute to your country? Why not make Guangdong at least 40-50% White, like California? Or how about Manchuria?

Why not? What's the problem with that? Are you..... RACIST?

So i am confused, are you Pro Multiculturalism, because you keep calling me a Racist for not welcoming other race in China.

Lol, really. My wife's swedish, my children is going to be mixed with Nordic, Iberia, Hispanic and Asian, is it not multi-cultural enough for you??

And don't forget if White mixed with Asian, the outcome will look like Asian, so your Hope that "and kill your entire people through inbreeding and immigration" i am afraid if you try to have people hundreds of millions of white people flood into China, Korea, and Japanwill only ended up killing the white race LOL....

And finally i love white people, did I already tell you my wife is Nordic Swedish??
So, the non whites are conquering you now. Any problems with that???

You're damn right I have a problem with that. If we wanted to, we could wipe out every last non-White on this planet. The Chinese are the only non-White nation that are at least a Great Power, other than that we could easily take back all of South and Central Asia.

We don't do that because we are CIVILIZED. I only hope that my kin wake up in time.

So i am confused, are you Pro Multiculturalism, because you keep calling me a Racist for not welcoming other race in China.

Lol, really. My wife's swedish, my children is going to be mixed with Nordic, Iberia, Hispanic and Asian, is it not multi-cultural enough for you??

And don't forget if White mixed with Asian, the outcome will look like Asian, so your Hope that "and kill your entire people through inbreeding and immigration" i am afraid if you try to have people hundreds of millions of white people flood into China, Korea, and Japanwill only ended up killing the white race LOL....

And finally i love white people, did I already tell you my wife is Nordic Swedish??

If you love White people then you would allow us to live. Like you said, interbreeding with us will cause our extinction.
I was surprised to find that many of China's cities and to a lesser extent, provinces, have already reached the 1st World and are now developed.

GDP (PPP) per capita of $18,000+ is usually the defining line between a high-income economy and a developing one.

Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai are already high-income economies, and Jiangsu, Inner Mongolia, and Zheijang should follow in the next 2-3 years. Interestingly enough, China's poorest province (Guizhou: $4,674) is wealthier than India (GDP per capita 2012 of $3,830).

That's good news :)

The gap between rich and poor should be vigorously kept small, not just for the Karma points of the leaders and rich, but also to prevent violent revolutions years/decades later
They came to their lands for emancipation of the inferior races :lol:

Seriously i'm enjoying this joker's posts here as well as in stormfront. He is the most anti-Indian poster at stormfront. Seems he lost his job to an Indian. according to the ******** on stormfront evey achievement of ancient India was due to whites. hinduism was a gift from white aryans that is why whites have affection for it. :D

I would reccomend he should post his views on Bharat-Rakshak, the trolling would be much more fun there .

I'm sorry, who were the Indo-Europeans who migrated from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, located in modern-day Ukraine/Southern Russia, a people who had blonde hair and blue-eyes at about a 40% rate? These people were Indian? No, they were European.

They conquered all of Central and South Asia, extending from Central India to Iran, and even as far as Iraq and Syria.

And if you are calling me a troll, what the Hell is an Indian doing on Stormfront then? Trolling as usual?
You're damn right I have a problem with that. If we wanted to, we could wipe out every last non-White on this planet. The Chinese are the only non-White nation that are at least a Great Power, other than that we could easily take back all of South and Central Asia.

We don't do that because we are CIVILIZED. I only hope that my kin wake up in time.

If you love White people then you would allow us to live. Like you said, interbreeding with us will cause our extinction.

Hm, sorry for buttin in, but i'd just like to say;

even with travel and migration, I don't expect "the blond gene" ever to go extinct bro..

if you want to live among your own kind/skincolor, find a rural community, they tend to be more ethnically/racially the same than what you find in cities..
calm down there KKK. and btw there is already 200,000 Africans living in Guangzhou, China with number always increasing.

And I'm sure you'd be happy with another 180 million more.... Blacks are 13% of our population; how would you like that for your country? Diversity is good! 180 million Blacks should make it to China by the 2030's. I hope you enjoy the diversity.

And you CANNOT say no. That would be racist and White...err... Chinese supremacist.

Hm, sorry for buttin in, but i'd just like to say;

even with travel and migration, I don't expect "the blond gene" ever to go extinct bro..

if you want to live among your own kind/skincolor, find a rural community, they tend to be more ethnically/racially the same than what you find in cities..

I already did. I live in a city which is about 95% White. Thing is, the cities around us have already developed into tribalized ghettos.

It's only a matter of time before our race is brought down to such numbers that, if we'ere not extinct, the 3rd Worlders will ensure that we will be extinct.

And then what? The world will be as good as dead without our people.
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