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SURPRISE! Bal Thackeray going to the land down under!!!!!

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He did some wrong in the 70's and 80's by campaigning against South Indians, dat his way of creating his marathi votebank.

Oh so thats excusable? Seriously? This guy is nothing but a goon. I wouldnt give a crap if he flushed himself down the toilet.

Can you give me a list of Indian politicians who have openly voiced their displeasure against Pak terrorism in a manner as aggressive as Bal Thakeray ?

Okay. So he "expressed" his displeasure against terrorism from Pakistan in an aggressive way. How? By attacking Indian Muslims? Or talking trash about Muslims IN GENERAL? And just because he expressed something that everyone knows about, makes him great...how?

Bottomline, he is a fascist. He is a religious extremist. He is a guy that divides people within India. And on top of all that he is a GOONDA. This guy doesnt deserve to be in politics, but he is. If he dies, its GOOD RIDDANCE. Let him rot.

Another wrong thing that his men did.

Yes keep saying "another" after every wrong they do. Almost everything he and his party goons do is wrong. Period.
Oh so thats excusable? Seriously? This guy is nothing but a goon. I wouldnt give a crap if he flushed himself down the toilet.

Okay. So he "expressed" his displeasure against terrorism from Pakistan in an aggressive way. How? By attacking Indian Muslims? Or talking trash about Muslims IN GENERAL? And just because he expressed something that everyone knows about, makes him great...how?

Bottomline, he is a fascist. He is a religious extremist. He is a guy that divides people within India. This guy doesnt deserve to be in politics, but he is. If he dies, its GOOD RIDDANCE. Let him rot.

All of his doings are not excusable.

He is a regional leader and he played his politics according to it and I think he has done a good job, he ruled state politics for 5 decades.

Thats it. Nothing more to add.
Bali bhaia get well soon so that u can bring ur spicy flavor back to world. And this time atleast change the saffron color GET BLACK looks awesome atleast on me.
Mumbai braces for violence with Right-wing leader Thackeray in critical condition.
Jason Overdorf | GlobalPost.com | Nov 14, 2012

The Mumbai and Maharashtra authorities are preparing for the worst as the far right Shiv Sena party's longtime boss languishes in critical condition. Officials fear an eruption of violence in the event that the 86-year-old demagogue dies.

Thackeray, who made his political career fighting for Marathi speakers as waves of migrants from South India and later Bihar came to Mumbai seeking their fortunes, built the Shiv Sena into a party known for street violence.

"I have not lost hope. We are facing a crisis, we shall overcome," Shiv Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray said early Thursday, even as his father, Bal, remained in critical condition, according to the Times of India.

Meanwhile, India's financial capital was virtually shut down, as public transport opted to stay off the roads and the police deployed Rapid Action Force personnel around Matoshree and other sensitive areas to prepare for possible riots, FirstPost.in said.

"Fearing the worst after isolated incidents of violence last night, Mumbai has downed its shutters as it prepares for the worst," the website said. "Shops did not open since morning."

"Trains remained largely empty as many office goers could not make it to the train stations as other modes of public transport chose to stay off the roads. Auto rickshaws in the suburbs and taxis in the island city preferred to stay off the road as they assessed the situation. The unions had not called for the vehicles to stay off the road but vehicle drivers preferred not to take chances."

"Most office goers relied on private transport to get to their places of work. Many offices even advised employees to work out of home."

In 2003, Larissa Macfarquhar profiled Thackeray as "the Strongman" for the New Yorker, painting a portrait of a modern-day Boss Tweed in a Mumbai with more than a little in common with the city depicted in Martin Scorcese's 2002 film "Gangs of New York."

"For more than thirty years now, Thackeray has been the godfather of Bombay--or Mumbai, as he had the city renamed several years ago," Macfarquhar wrote. "His reputation for vengeance is such that, when he was lampooned, as a character called Raman (Mainduck) Fielding, by Salman Rushdie in 'The Moor’s Last Sigh,' he didn’t need to say a word: Mumbai bookstores didn’t stock the book for fear of reprisals, and even the central government banned it shortly afterward"

"In 1993, Thackeray was widely blamed for inciting anti-Muslim riots in which a thousand people died in less than a week; in the next elections, his party’s support almost doubled. As a fomenter of violence for political gain, Thackeray was a pioneer."

"He never runs for office-he leaves that risky, soiling task to underlings. Instead, he holds court at home, in his sunglasses and necklaces and saffron pajamas, his hair dyed black and slicked into a modified Elvis pompadour."

The danger for India is that, like Indira Gandhi, whose assassination resulted in mass rioting across the country, for all his flaws Thackeray is a remarkably charistmatic, as well as powerful, figure. And as Rajiv Gandhi notoriously remarked in an indefensible effort to excuse the mass murder of Sikh's following his mother's assassination:

"When a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake."

India: Right-wing leader Bal Thackeray in critical condition, Mumbai braces itself for violence | Alaska Dispatch
huh when he lived violence prevailed when he dies violence erupts
Let me tell you an instance. A rickshaw wala whom I hired asked for 15 rps. I was in hurry so I hired it anyway. On the way, I told him that, for same distance another rickshaw wala took just 8 Rps. He immediately said, he must be a Bihari. Now here comes the issue. In my region, there is huge influx of Bihari population especially the worker class. Most of this happened when Lalu and Nitish were Railway minister.

Now these people work at relatively much lower rate than local workers. So local workers hate Bihari people as they now have to lower there price because of the competition. As an example to explain the condition, these local people who are accustomed to live with 15 rps per trip, go through many problems as they charge rps 8 per trip. A bihari in my region lives happily as he is earning more than he used to earn in Bihar.

Now, if I become a leader and say I will kick out all Bihari workers, these local people will support me. Will elect me. Reason being, its matter of their survival. They don't care about India, patriotism etc. They care of their family whom they have to feed. They don't have time for these "RATIONAL" discussions. They have to do physical labor and more they work, more they can earn. As simple as that.

They don't have luxury like we have. We can chat all day long without any worry but they have to struggle each and every day

Here comes people like Bal Thakeray, Raj Thakeray. They are using the expectations of local people who want reservation. Favoritism is part of our culture. He do it on base of region and religion.

Other Leaders do it for caste, religion, etc. Even bureaucracy have their own kind of favoritism. An IFS officer will always support an IFS officer, rather than a RFS officer. I can give you detail example.

So things are much more complex and people need to understand the basic social dynamics. They have to understand how these people like Bal Thakeray get so much power and support.

The primary problem is not people like him, these people are secondary problem, the primary problems are the underlying reasons.

Unless and until you don't invest your mind and time to understand the primary reasons, you will be discussing superficial things. There are thousands of Bal Thakerays in India. Just that they are not that vocal about their views and people don't really know about their work.

This is poor excuse, and the same is used by rednecks in America and other western countries against immigrants.


Ever wonder why a Bihari riskshaw puller would ask for Rs 8 when he could easily earn Rs 15? Could it be because the Bihari rikshaw puller being an outsider doesn't know what the apt fare is? And/or because a Marathi Manoos(consumer) is not willing to pay Rs 15?

So the right approach for self righteous marathi manoos(or any other red neck mentality person) should be to give the Bihari rikshaw puller Rs 15 instead of Rs 8 anyways, and inform him what the right fare is.

Thrashing them just because a Bihari(India) wants to go and work in Mumbai(India) is moronic, and any leader who instigates this kind of behavior should be hung by their balls.
This is poor excuse, and the same is used by rednecks in America and other western countries against immigrants.

Ever wonder why a Bihari riskshaw puller would ask for Rs 8 when he could easily earn Rs 15? Could it be because the Bihari rikshaw puller being an outsider doesn't know what the apt fare is? And/or because a Marathi Manoos(consumer) is not willing to pay Rs 15?

So the right approach for self righteous marathi manoos(or any other red neck mentality person) should be to give the Bihari rikshaw puller Rs 15 instead of Rs 8 anyways, and inform him what the right fare is.

Thrashing them just because a Bihari(India) wants to go and work in Mumbai(India) is moronic, and any leader who instigates this kind of behavior should be hung by their balls.
No. They know the apt fare. They are just content with less money as they usually do more hard work which makes up the difference.

And another reality is most Indian will not pay rps 15 if they get the service for rps 8. We are taught to bargain and reduce the price as much as we can since childhood.

I know its moronic but put yourself in other person's shoes. You can have 15 rps but since competitor is offering service at 8 rps, you now have to do more hard work to get rps 15. That person, if gets a leader who promises that the outsiders will be kicked out so that he can again get more money for less work, will happily support that leader.

Its basic human nature. Self righteousness, rationality etc. is not the priority anymore.

Believe it or not, its how the ugly truth is. Most of the Indians wants reservation of one sort or the other. The majority of such people are too high. That's why you see corruption, favoritism based elections and leaders. Those who are against reservation, if given a reservation, will go silent and won't support removal of reservation anymore.

Its is happening in UK too. People are blaming Indians for taking there jobs. So is the case in US. Look at the basic human nature. You will get my point.

Also, look from different perspective. From frame of reference of a person who expects a job on reservation even if he knows he is less qualified.

You can call it poor, lame excuse or whatever. The reality is this.
This is what Amitabh Bachan has to say on his twitter account - "When I was flown in to Mumbai from Bangalore in semi conscious state after 'Coolie' accident, it was his ambulance that took me to BC".
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