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Support Pakistan and Support your Military

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Indian Hindu fascists have activated their assets in Pakistan and trying to create chaos and anaarchy.

All patriotic Pakistanis need to recognize this plan and support Pakistani Military at this critical times.

Don't fall victim to Indian propaganda and Hindu evil designs.

Pakistan zindabad !!
Pakistan paindabad !!
bhai Myanmar bana do ...khatam karo yeah " controlled democracy " ka drama. Created Bangladesh, Baluchistan is turn into charcoal due to constant military operations. KPK turn into den of terrorism for the lust of Dollars .
Another stupid faujeet appears from the cracks.
Better join reddit forum and leave this websites for sons of army and let them enjoy military inc and Pakistan
Let few dozen army touts talk to each other here
They report to MOI as ISI report to PM.
Rangers come under MOI. It's been like that since 1974
imran khan in the court now
Support Pakistan and support the CONSTITUTION.

The Pakistan Army and PDM are blatantly violating the constitution and refusing to implement Supreme Court ruling on elections.

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