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Su-30 MKIs violate Chinese airspace to spy on Lanzhou and Chengdu: Chinese media

Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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Original report in Chinese-

印度战机入侵中国被红旗12锁定 掉头就逃窜


Google translation-

India's invasion of China by Red fighters 12 lock U-turn on the run​

United Kingdom, "Jane's Defense Weekly," published the text said, according to information disclosed by the Indian army, 10 o'clock yesterday, the Indian SU-30MKI fighters two leap forward, "McMahon Line" in-depth reconnaissance of Tibet China's deployment of Chinese army, in the 50 kilometers from the border areas were found in the Chinese air force, and issued a warning. Then, SU-30MKI fighter plane the pilot has been found that China's anti-aircraft missiles "Red Flag -12" lock, then immediately turn around to flee to India.

The article said that the Indian SU-30MKI's invasion of China in order to spy on China's Lanzhou and Chengdu Military Region, the recent military movements, in particular the situation in Tibetan areas of defense. On the 13th of this month since the invasion of Pakistan :what: :undecided:, the Indian Air Force continued provocation, causing extreme tension between the two countries military confrontation, as an example to prevent the unexpected large-scale mobilization of forces China to prevent the unexpected, which caused a high degree of dissatisfaction and India fear..................
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This is so hard to believe! Either this news source is spreading some kind of propaganda or all of a sudden India has become a super power! Spying on bordering areas is believable, but spying on Chengdu and Lanzhou is very hard to digest! Moreover it mentions Jane's report, but I couldn't find any such report on the net! Oh! by the way when did we invade Pakistan?:what::undecided:
are Su 30MKIs really used for spying?

Technically, it can be used for 'recon' and obviously it is being used for recon missions to keep an eye on the China border. But, the reason why I find the above article hard to believe is coz it claims that the Indian MKIs went as far as Chengdu. Even if IAF wants to spy on Chengdu and Lanzhou, it needn't send the Su so far inside the enemy territory. The PESA radar on the MKIs is quite powerful to do the job from within the Indian territory. Apart from the radar the MKIs deployed near the Chinese border also carry the IAI ELM-2060 Recce Pod (see the pic. The pod s covered in a red cloth under the MKI fuselage) which are tailor made for airborne reconnaissance missions and have a range of around 250 miles. So, the doubt is obvious. With so much recon capabilities, why would the MKIs risk penetrating the enemy territory? If the report is true then the only explanation can be that IAF wanted to test the Chinese radar installations! A violation of this magnitude can truly light up the entire enemy radar network.

If the report is true then the only explanation can be that IAF wanted to test the Chinese radar installations! A violation of this magnitude can truly light up the entire enemy radar network.

That's not the kind of stuff anyone would be wiling to admit.
okay let me get this straight

Indians crossed the McMahon line and penetrated deep into the Chinese territory and the Chinese could not do a squat about it?
okay let me get this straight

Indians crossed the McMahon line and penetrated deep into the Chinese territory and the Chinese could not do a squat about it?

^^^ considering the fact that back in 2001 they forced down a USN EP3 spy aircraft during the Hainan Island incident, that too when the USN aircraft wasn't even in Chinese airspace!

And now they couldn't do anything to an Indian Su-30 MKI which penetrated the Chinese airspace?

Complete bollocks I say, typical communist propaganda.
okay let me get this straight

Indians crossed the McMahon line and penetrated deep into the Chinese territory and the Chinese could not do a squat about it?

Ooooh No! According to the article their anti-aircraft missiles "Red Flag -12" locked on the MKIs. This scared the sh*t out of our pilots and they fled to Indian territory immediately!:lol:
Doesn't India has spy satelite and AWAC to do this kind of stuff? This doesn't add up.
Oh yes. Indians are so dumb that they you their frontline strike aircraft for 'spying'. Also, this is no news. This article lacks objectivity of a mature media. Wont bother reading much into it.
Nonsense, this says this news that says indians got scared and ran away is as per information released by IA :) Made in China news not for export.
Original report in Chinese-
the Indian SU-30MKI fighters two leap forward, "McMahon Line" in-depth reconnaissance of Tibet China's deployment of Chinese army, in the 50 kilometers from the border areas were found in the Chinese air force, and issued a warning. Then, SU-30MKI fighter plane the pilot has been found that China's anti-aircraft missiles "Red Flag -12" lock, then immediately turn around to flee to India.

Indian SU-30MKI's invasion of China in order to spy on China's Lanzhou and Chengdu Military Region, the recent military movements, in particular the situation in Tibetan areas of defense.

Seems like a bit of exaggeration here.
Chendu is about 500 miles into China from Indian border, but the province itself is about 50 km from Arunachal Pradesh. Lanzhou is a good 1000 km away from Arunachal Pradesh. IAF would have to fly clear over Tibet to get here.

I can't see how a flight of 50 kms as claimed by the story reached Lanzhou or Chengdu.
that what i search on goggle earth now its looking to me impossible mkis go inside China 500 Miles and chaina's interceptors radars air defense sleeping.
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