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Strongest Conventional Militaries in the Islamic World

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iranians still held a much more equipped and advanced Iraqi army in their tracks and beat back them without any loss of territory while Pakistan lost half of their country. Speaks volumes.

Fighting a civil war a 1000 kms away from mainland Pakistan separated by hostile territory with next to no men in the East & against the Mukiti Bahini trained & supplied by you guys hounding & harassing less than a 100,000 soldiers spread all over East-Pakistan with next to no supplies & surrounding by nearly 50 million hostile civilians !

I'd like to see any other country in the world find themselves in such a situation, fight your own people & fight the enemy backing them & all of that being out-gunned & out-numbered a 1000 kms from your nearest base that hadn't been over-run, & fare better.

Our mistake was letting there be an East-Pakistan in the first place & then the crack-down !
We spanked that *** numerous times. LOL

Don't bring your bs here.

haha u don't wanna go there and i dont want to divert this thread so stop ur nonsense
Fighting a civil war a 1000 kms away from mainland Pakistan separated by hostile territory with next to no men in the East & against the Mukiti Bahini trained & supplied by you guys hounding & harassing less than a 100,000 soldiers spread all over East-Pakistan with next to no supplies & surrounding by nearly 50 million hostile civilians !

I'd like to see any other country in the world find themselves in such a situation, fight your own people & fight the enemy backing them & all of that being out-gunned & out-numbered a 1000 kms from your nearest base that hadn't been over-run, & fare better.

Our mistake was letting there be an East-Pakistan in the first place & then the crack-down !

Excuses and more excuses. If the PA was worth its salt, it would have atleast foreseen these things while ordering a brutal and inhumane crackdown. Anyway defeat is a defeat whether it wears a jeans or a miniskirt.
Never knew the weapons in order books can fight...:hitwall:

Perhaps there is some truth to the things Iranian mmebers say about you..lollll

+ numerous shias.

Loooooool your actually retarded to the max Loooooool whne I mean ordered it don't mean never arrived I meant they came already ordered before the revolution hahha
KS aka IQ 1 - you know the chinooks, cobra and super cobra iran has now, did they get this from Mars?
Pashtuns + Balochis.

Then it should come across to 40mil (including the Punjabi Pashtuns) + 10mil Baloch (including the Punjabi & the Sindhi Baloch) = 50 mil !

But try telling anyone of them that they belong to Iranian people & they'd rip you & I apart ! :fie:

The Pashtuns trace their lineage back 4000-5000 years & so do the Baloch ! Plus the Pashtuns claim that they're actually of Semitic descent & there are many Baloch tribes which trace lineage back to Arabs of Syria & Iraq. Then theres the added thing of Pashtuns being predominantly Sunnis & Iran being predominantly Shia & how it played out in Afghanistan (the proxy wars & all of that) & how the Baloch of Pakistan, though in a pretty bad situation...those areas are so underdeveloped that an insurgency has sprung up, still see the Baloch of Sistan Balochistan (Iranian Province) as being worse off than their Pakistani counterparts ! Ask our resident Balochs for their opinion on that.
KS aka IQ 1 - you know the chinooks, cobra and super cobra iran has now, did they get this from Mars?

Well I will not be calling you names because we as a civilization did not descend from semi-naked nomads and have certain standards - but do you know that the US and the gulf countries poured billions and billions into the Iraqi war machine against Iran? Kuwait alone gave tens of billion dollars, the repayment of which caused the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. If any other country in middle easst had been in the place of iran they would have surrendered much earlier. It is to the credit of Iranians that they fought tooth and nail to a stalemate.
Well I will not be calling you names because we as a civilization did not descend from nomads and have certain standards - but do you know that the US and the gulf countries poured billions and billions into the Iraqi war machine against Iran. Kuwait alone gave more than 40 billion dollars, the repayment of which caused the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. If any other country in middle easst had been in the place of iran they would have surrendered much earlier. It is to the credit of Iranians that they fought tooth and nail to a stalemate.

Surrendered to Iraq? LMAO - you think everyone like yourself?
Loooooool your actually retarded to the max Loooooool whne I mean ordered it don't mean never arrived I meant they came already ordered before the revolution hahha

loooolll...hahahah.....bwaahhhaa....burrppppp. This is the logic I could make from your post.
Excuses and more excuses. If the PA was worth its salt, it would have atleast foreseen these things while ordering a brutal and inhumane crackdown. Anyway defeat is a defeat whether it wears a jeans or a miniskirt.

No..no excuses ! You won & we lost there can be no two ways about that but if we can get beyond the chest thumping it does well to see things as they are & analyze them dispassionately ! We lost because we found ourselves in a completely un-winable situation which was exasperated by our own faults, by the Bengali's faults & your machinations ! We are guilty of a lack of foresight but that doesn't make it nearly as voluminous as you want to present it to be.
No..no excuses ! You won & we lost there can be no two ways about that but if we can get beyond the chest thumping it does well to see things as they are & analyze them dispassionately ! We lost because we found ourselves in a completely un-winable situation which was exasperated by our own faults, by the Bengali's faults & your machinations ! We are guilty of a lack of foresight but that doesn't make it nearly as voluminous as you want to present it to be.

There was no Bengali fault there, unless you insinuate their refusal to accept the imposition of urdu or their voting for Mujib as their fault.
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