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Stop criticizing India for being poor: We are too.

dude can u see sk and japan. they neither have coal and any natural resources and they were completely destroyed in 1950 behind both india and pak. what ur saying makes no sence. pakistan should have been developed by now if they invested properly. the cutting of 50% education budget in 2012 is a big example how progressive this country. i mean who the phuck cuts education budget in 21st century? they r simply not progressing and by doing that they have accepted it they cant.

smaller countries always have a chance to develop faster if they use their brains in the beginning. sk copied paks city design loll can u believe that? look where they r now.

If education was the only thing to make a difference then by your logic, India, with its emphasis on education from the begining and abundant mineral resources should also have been a developed country by now. That didn't happen. Did it? Economic policies ar far more important. Only after India took a 180 degree turn in 1991 we started on the path of rapid development which in turn helped even higher investment in education.

It's also not true that it is more difficult for large countries to develop rapidly. We have two glaring examples. China since 1990 and India since 2000.

And as I already mentioned in my previous post, Pakistan is in the middle of a war for God's sake. They will have to put money in education no doubt but they don't have a choice at this moment.
RayKalm, see what you've done. You've created the very thing you were out to criticize. Do not underestimate the trolling abilities of some Indian members here. Object to anything that India is doing or does and watch them slowly transform into a pack of wolves.
Errr...that is not true..Pakistan doesn;t have the highest GNP in South Asia .

As for the argument that Pakistan inherited the most backward parts of South Asia, pure humbug. The economies of both Pakistan and India were predominantly agrarian and Pakistan inherited the highly developed,vast network of canals and the most fertile lands of all South Asia.

Lies! We do not own the most fertile lands. India does.
We are not comparing Sk and Japan, we are comparing India and Pakistan.
India had many more advantages then Pakistan, like population, mineral resources, etc etc yet despite all that we are both pretty close to each other in development.
At times Pakistan is a little ahead and other times India is a little ahead. But on the whole we are very similar.

So kindly stop trolling and look at the big picture.

We are not comparing Sk and Japan, we are comparing India and Pakistan.
India had many more advantages then Pakistan, like population, mineral resources, etc etc yet despite all that we are both pretty close to each other in development.
At times Pakistan is a little ahead and other times India is a little ahead. But on the whole we are very similar.

So kindly stop trolling and look at the big picture.

ok show me the big picture. ur literacy rate is less than half of us. ur hdi is less than us and decreased 21% in last 3 yrs while we now a middle hdi country.


pakistans gdp to ratio education soending in last 6 of the world where as india is 3rd largest and trippling this year. pakistan competes with countries like nigeria and sudan in this field.

india is 3rd largest economy ahead of japan this year and pak is 40th something.

india is worlds fastest growiiing auto market will be second largest by 2017. pak hasnt built a jeep.

more than 1000 pakistanis come to india for heart, liver and lung treatment.

indian aviation market is 9th biggest and 12th most efficient in the world and will be 3rd best in 2018.

india is 9th largest in producing scientific papers and will be 3rd by 2017.

what r we so similiar in. plzz dont try to compare urself to us. listen to what ur own ppl are saying. ur only seeing the picture u want to see.
India education system vs pakistan education sytem - YouTube

If education was the only thing to make a difference then by your logic, India, with its emphasis on education from the begining and abundant mineral resources should also have been a developed country by now. That didn't happen. Did it? Economic policies ar far more important. Only after India took a 180 degree turn in 1991 we started on the path of rapid development which in turn helped even higher investment in education.

It's also not true that it is more difficult for large countries to develop rapidly. We have two glaring examples. China since 1990 and India since 2000.

And as I already mentioned in my previous post, Pakistan is in the middle of a war for God's sake. They will have to put money in education no doubt but they don't have a choice at this moment.

i agree with u heree. but pakistan's wars are their own created and they r just facing its consequences. then no one has the right to say indians are not getting educated because we buy weapons. we also increase our education budget by 40%.
ok show me the big picture. ur literacy rate is less than half of us. ur hdi is less than us and decreased 21% in last 3 yrs while we now a middle hdi country.


pakistans gdp to ratio education soending in last 6 of the world where as india is 3rd largest and trippling this year. pakistan competes with countries like nigeria and sudan in this field.

india is 3rd largest economy ahead of japan this year and pak is 40th something.

india is worlds fastest growiiing auto market will be second largest by 2017. pak hasnt built a jeep.

more than 1000 pakistanis come to india for heart, liver and lung treatment.

indian aviation market is 9th biggest and 12th most efficient in the world and will be 3rd best in 2018.

india is 9th largest in producing scientific papers and will be 3rd by 2017.

what r we so similiar in. plzz dont try to compare urself to us. listen to what ur own ppl are saying. ur only seeing the picture u want to see.
India education system vs pakistan education sytem - YouTube

LOL who the hell cares about you in Pakistan... You are still 3rd world (4th world?) country and until I see you get out of that status, whatyour scientists or how big your economy is won't impress me.. Until YOU are the first country in south asia getting out of third world status, i really don't care.
LOL who the hell cares about you in Pakistan... You are still 3rd world (4th world?) country and until I see you get out of that status, whatyour scientists or how big your economy is won't impress me.. Until YOU are the first country in south asia getting out of third world status, i really don't care.

exactly this thinking of not appreciating the efforts we r making to achieve first world makes u a pakistani.. every step is significant. anyways 1.2 billion ppl achieveing first world is hard but will happen one day for sure.
This guys has managed to troll this entire thread and destroy any good will the OP was trying to convey.

I urge sane Indian members to take note and understand why we always end up bringing up negative points like poverty into the discussion.
It's due to trolls like this guy.
exactly this thinking of not appreciating the efforts we r making to achieve first world makes u a pakistani.. every step is significant. anyways 1.2 billion ppl achieveing first world is hard but will happen one day for sure.

Until that happens, can you give it a break?
This guys has managed to troll this entire thread and destroy any good will the OP was trying to convey.

I urge sane Indian members to take note and understand why we always end up bringing up negative points like poverty into the discussion.
It's due to trolls like this guy.

yeah right the entire world affairs section is nothing but indian poverty, riots, dalits, women burning and chinese achievemnts. thats it thats what an average pakistani world is. 1000s of things have happpened in the world but no one posts. when we get effed up then pppl like me go into troll mode and show u pakistanis some stats and real picture of ur country. and end up getting banned.
We don't claim to be Shining Pakistan or Incredible Pakistan; we have admitted to being weak, poor and plagued by many problems. Indians on the other hand insist they're Incredible and Shining, while the truth is far from it.

Hopefully you get it :P

not to mention we don't claim to be the future "superpower".
yeah right the entire world affairs section is nothing but indian poverty, riots, dalits, women burning and chinese achievemnts. thats it thats what an average pakistani world is. 1000s of things have happpened in the world but no one posts. when we get effed up then pppl like me go into troll mode and show u pakistanis some stats and real picture of ur country. and end up getting banned.

I just saw world section and no it isn't. Besides, we only put up threads like that because of Indian trols like you to show you a mirror image. And plus, you are on Pakistani forum, not your Indian forums I forgot what it was called Bharat Rikhshaw or something
See. You are missing the point. Although most of you may not accept it, you guys justify partition and hence Pakistan only with respect to India and hence all these pointed acts. How many Indian started threads do you find about "Ahmadi persecution or forceful hindu girl kidnap > Marry > conversion threads do you see here compared to "Christians, muslims, dalits, martians persecuted in India.
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