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Stop criticizing India for being poor: We are too.

We don't claim to be Shining Pakistan or Incredible Pakistan; we have admitted to being weak, poor and plagued by many problems. Indians on the other hand insist they're Incredible and Shining, while the truth is far from it.
Nope! At least people like me don't think so! We are neither incredible nor shining! We are light years from being that. This India Shining thingie was just a BJP plank for vote banks.

Agreed India has progressed a lot in the last two decades but there are miles to go before we can even consider ourselves to be at par with the West.

The truth is that both Pakistan and India are to blame. Vested interests on both sides have kept hostilities going since independence. If there was peace and free trade between our nations we could have become the envy of many and lifted millions out of poverty and improved the quality of life. Problems and disputes can be sorted out but neither side wants to budge from stated positions. Ego and politics are the bane of our nations.

And with rabble rousers on both sides of the divide, it's a utopia that may never come about, at least not in the near future.
Somewhere behind all this lies the intrinsic point of comparison most here make between India & Pak.

In my opinion the only common we have is our origin and pre partition days. Thereafter both nations took divergent paths in running themselves. It is not for me to say which one was /is better. These are calls both nations have to take. Both had their plus & minus.

As regards India Shining, this was a slogan coined by a political party for the elections which it lost. Doint see anything else in this.

Maturity is what is needed to separate the grain from the chaff and squabble like children.

The use of force against the people did not succeed in East Pakistan and led to tragic consequences. How can it succeed in Balochistan? Why use force to resolve what is essentially a political problem? That is what happened to us in East Pakistan. Why repeat the same mistakes in Balochistan?

We lost our independence and sovereignty on General Musharraf’s watch when he capitulated, said yes to all the seven demands presented to him, as an ultimatum, by Colin Powell, the then US secretary of state. No self-respecting, sovereign of an independent country, no matter how small or weak, could have accepted such humiliating demands with such alacrity. General Musharraf executed a U-turn, disowned the Taliban and promised “unstinted” cooperation to President Bush in his war against Afghanistan.

Pakistan joined the “coalition of the coerced”. There were no cheering crowds in the streets of Pakistan to applaud Musharraf’s decision to facilitate American bombing of Afghanistan from US bases on Pakistan soil. Musharraf had to choose between saying no to the American diktat and shame. He chose the latter and opted for collaboration. Thus began Pakistan’s slide into disaster.

Is it, therefore, surprising that the American footprint in our country is growing larger and heavier by the day? Nuclear Pakistan is now an American colony and is used as a doormat. American military personnel criss-cross our border without let or hindrance. Their drones violate our air space with the agreement of our government and kill innocent men, women and children. No questions asked. No public outrage. No country-wide protest demonstrations. No self-respecting country, big or small, would tolerate such intrusions.

Our country is in grave danger. Sixty-three years after Mr Jinnah gave us a great country, little men, mired in corruption, have hijacked it and destroyed his legacy. It is hard to exaggerate the baleful impact of Zardari’s rule: the oligarch and the mafia who have stolen every asset of any value, the inflation that has ruined the middle class and the poor, the corruption that has corroded all values and humiliated every decent citizen; and the insecurities that have filled everyone with fear and anxiety.

not my words

Our descent into chaos - Roedad Khan
what started out as a thread with very noble intentions , has achieved epic troll proportions.

the fact is that idiots on both sides try to hide their insecurity by showing others down . forgetting that by making others feel small ,does not make you big.

we have nothing to be insecure about . yes we have poverty and a lot of problems in the subcontinent . but then do look at the history of our two countries. given that we achieved independence just 65 yrs ago . i would say we did pretty well with what we had in hand at the time of independence.
what started out as a thread with very noble intentions , has achieved epic troll proportions.

the fact is that idiots on both sides try to hide their insecurity by showing others down . forgetting that by making others feel small ,does not make you big.

we have nothing to be insecure about . yes we have poverty and a lot of problems in the subcontinent . but then do look at the history of our two countries. given that we achieved independence just 65 yrs ago . i would say we did pretty well with what we had in hand at the time of independence.
Thats because instead of accepting each others mistakes, these guys are in persuit of justification for their troll posts.
I have never seen such fools in my entire life. Both INDIAN and Pakistani members here in PDF and the highest order fools except a few on both the side.

Our country is in grave danger. Sixty-three years after Mr Jinnah gave us a great country, little men, mired in corruption, have hijacked it and destroyed his legacy. It is hard to exaggerate the baleful impact of Zardari’s rule: the oligarch and the mafia who have stolen every asset of any value, the inflation that has ruined the middle class and the poor, the corruption that has corroded all values and humiliated every decent citizen; and the insecurities that have filled everyone with fear and anxiety.

Our descent into chaos - Roedad Khan
Replace Jinnah for Gandhi and Zardari for Congress and it would be an apt description of India today. :undecided:
Sometimes I just despair of reading another thread trolled to death <sigh>
Fact of the matter is India progressing while Pakistan is going no where. Who cares what Pakistanis say about India on a Pakistani forum? Lets at least have their say in their own website. Outside, Pakistan is not even considered equal to Bangladesh let alone India economically.

what started out as a thread with very noble intentions , has achieved epic troll proportions.

the fact is that idiots on both sides try to hide their insecurity by showing others down . forgetting that by making others feel small ,does not make you big.

we have nothing to be insecure about . yes we have poverty and a lot of problems in the subcontinent . but then do look at the history of our two countries. given that we achieved independence just 65 yrs ago . i would say we did pretty well with what we had in hand at the time of independence.

Actually even though India had achieved personal independence in 1947, economic Independence was only given to us in 1991. We lost 45 years there. India was richer per capita wise than China, even South Korea at certain point after our independence. Now look at those 2 countries. Relatively, we fared rather poorly because of Nehru's stupid socialism.
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