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Stealth drone was brought down over Iran by China!!!

On what ground would anyone think that Iran brought down the UAV, it is science fiction, most probably UAV suffered from malfunction.

It couldn't have been any sort of malfunction because the UAV would crash. Yet it was completely undamaged, so somebody must have taken control over it instead of shooting it down.

Now it's not likely Iran did it by itself, because USA is a very high tech nation and only countries like Russia and China can really take them on head-to-head. That means either or both Russia and China were involved. There were earlier rumors about Iran using a Russian jammer, but now this report shows China hacked into Pentagon's computers, took control of the UAV and gave it to Iran.

Anyway, congratulations to China! Much of Iran's missile and information technology is due to China's assistance.

North Korea, Iran exchange missile technology through China | China Military Power Mashup

China Technology News: Huawei’s Contracts in Iran May Violate U.S. Sanctions, Six Lawmakers Say

It couldn't have been any sort of malfunction because the UAV would crash. Yet it was completely undamaged, so somebody must have taken control over it instead of shooting it down.

Now it's not likely Iran did it by itself, because USA is a very high tech nation and only countries like Russia and China can really take them on head-to-head. That means either or both Russia and China were involved. There were earlier rumors about Iran using a Russian jammer, but now this report shows China hacked into Pentagon's computers, took control of the UAV and gave it to Iran.

Anyway, congratulations to China! Much of Iran's missile and information technology is due to China's assistance.

North Korea, Iran exchange missile technology through China*|*China Military Power Mashup

China Technology News: Huawei’s Contracts in Iran May Violate U.S. Sanctions, Six Lawmakers Say

stop your BS ... we will not show you the RQ170 ... :P

It couldn't have been any sort of malfunction because the UAV would crash. Yet it was completely undamaged, so somebody must have taken control over it instead of shooting it down.

Now it's not likely Iran did it by itself, because USA is a very high tech nation and only countries like Russia and China can really take them on head-to-head. That means either or both Russia and China were involved. There were earlier rumors about Iran using a Russian jammer, but now this report shows China hacked into Pentagon's computers, took control of the UAV and gave it to Iran.

Anyway, congratulations to China! Much of Iran's missile and information technology is due to China's assistance.

North Korea, Iran exchange missile technology through China*|*China Military Power Mashup

China Technology News: Huawei’s Contracts in Iran May Violate U.S. Sanctions, Six Lawmakers Say

I watch a Chinese military program the other day and three Chinese military analyst were discussing about a potential conflict between USA and Iran, one of them brought up the fact that Iran posses certain technology like drone capabilities that China do not have, and only Russia and the USA have, so it should be no surprise that Iran was able to intercept the drone signal and bring it under their control on their own, neither China nor Russia is able to do that within Iranian airspace unless they somehow were able to detect the drone beforehand, don't be stupid, you can't hack into the drone by hacking into the pentagon, stupid boy, there's far simpler ways of doing that.

It couldn't have been any sort of malfunction because the UAV would crash. Yet it was completely undamaged, so somebody must have taken control over it instead of shooting it down.

Now it's not likely Iran did it by itself, because USA is a very high tech nation and only countries like Russia and China can really take them on head-to-head. That means either or both Russia and China were involved. There were earlier rumors about Iran using a Russian jammer, but now this report shows China hacked into Pentagon's computers, took control of the UAV and gave it to Iran.

Anyway, congratulations to China! Much of Iran's missile and information technology is due to China's assistance.

North Korea, Iran exchange missile technology through China*|*China Military Power Mashup

China Technology News: Huawei’s Contracts in Iran May Violate U.S. Sanctions, Six Lawmakers Say

As shown in photos it was damaged, the wings were separated and bottom part was concealed.

Occam's razor,
among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one
Now that China is a military superpower it's time to punish our enemies brutally one by one just like all great empires. Who is up first -- india? Vietnam?

Put down the crack pipe.
Good to see Iranian government is working closely with China to contain USA. I'm sure Chinese engineers have fully studied the RQ-170 by now. We should be able to replicate it within a few years.

Iran is very lucky it has such a powerful and generous patron like China. If China and Iran are already working so closely on RQ-170, we can bet that Iran is even more eager for China's SAM technology!

LOL..... look at the indians shaking in fear at superpower China. This debka report is factually accurate. Does anybody seriously believe Iran could take down and capture the RQ-170 drone without help from China or Russia?

WTF :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Superpower China still need to make copy of others technology ???

All your military equipment copied by others and even now you claim your self super power you still need to same ???
To be honest HongWu's claims are inconsistent, he also forgot to reply back to my previous post. If China had really hacked into the CIA (the Pentagon is irrelevant, they don't control the UAV from the Pentagon), They wouldn't have wasted this opportunity for Iran's benefits, they would've used this opportunity to its full level for their own benefits. The idea that China hacked into one of the most important parts of the US intelligence system and then they helped Iran is laughable. If I were a Chinese, I would've never wasted my access to the CIA by helping Iran, because after that, when Iran announced the capture of the drone, we would've lost our access to the CIA servers. The idea is just laughable if you ask me.
To be honest HongWu's claims are inconsistent, he also forgot to reply back to my previous post. If China had really hacked into the CIA (the Pentagon is irrelevant, they don't control the UAV from the Pentagon), They wouldn't have wasted this opportunity for Iran's benefits, they would've used this opportunity to its full level for their own benefits. The idea that China hacked into one of the most important parts of the US intelligence system and then they helped Iran is laughable. If I were a Chinese, I would've never wasted my access to the CIA by helping Iran, because after that, when Iran announced the capture of the drone, we would've lost our access to the CIA servers. The idea is just laughable if you ask me.

You are talking to a

Professional Troll
To be honest HongWu's claims are inconsistent, he also forgot to reply back to my previous post. If China had really hacked into the CIA (the Pentagon is irrelevant, they don't control the UAV from the Pentagon), They wouldn't have wasted this opportunity for Iran's benefits, they would've used this opportunity to its full level for their own benefits. The idea that China hacked into one of the most important parts of the US intelligence system and then they helped Iran is laughable. If I were a Chinese, I would've never wasted my access to the CIA by helping Iran, because after that, when Iran announced the capture of the drone, we would've lost our access to the CIA servers. The idea is just laughable if you ask me.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't believe you guys really think Iran is capable of hacking into US military computer systems and bringing down USA's most advanced recon drone all by yourself without help from Russia or China. The cold reality is Iran needs China to build its information technology infrastructure. Even for China, hacking RQ-170 is a major feat yet you are telling me Iran can do this on its own.

China Technology News: Huawei’s Contracts in Iran May Violate U.S. Sanctions, Six Lawmakers Say

On top of these exaggerations from you and your countrymen, you claimed "Iran rejected China's offer of HQ-9 SAM" The reality is Iran has been asking for this from China from day one:

The S-300, and similar systems, have not been delivered because Western nations have told Russia and China that if they arm Iran with modern weapons, there will be consequences.

But an "Iranian" S-300 might be more likely. That's because last year, Iran sought to purchase the Chinese made HQ-9 anti-aircraft missile system. China buys a lot of oil from Iran, and is considered an ally. China is believed to have secretly supplied Iran with a lot of military technology. By not delivering actual weapons, China avoids a confrontation with angry Western nations.

China has been offering its HQ-9 system to foreign customers, as the FD-2000, for several years now. The Russians are not happy with this, given the amount of stolen S-300 technology believed to be in the HQ-9. Russia has been pointed in warning China not to export weapons containing stolen Russian tech. But the Chinese have done it, apparently believing there's really nothing the Russians can do about it. China, in this case, may have followed past practice and quietly sold Iran the technology for the FD-2000, and let them build their own, and call it whatever they want.

A decade ago, China began introducing the HQ-9 for use by its army and navy (on ships). Over a decade of development was believed to have benefitted from data stolen from similar American and Russian systems. The HQ-9 missile is similar to the U.S. "Patriot," while the radar apparently derived much technology from that used in the Russian S-300 system. The HQ-9 missile has a max range of about 100 kilometers, weighs 1.3 tons and has a passive (no broadcasting) seeker in the missile.
Air Defense: Iran And The Chinese Gambit

And I laughed when I saw some Iranian kid claim Iran was "top 5" in cyberwarfare. There is no such thing as "top 5" -- if you are not at a comparable level as USA in this area, they will blow you away without breaking a sweat. USA barks all the time about "Chinese cyber-intrusions" so we know who the top players are in this game.

And I already answered your post and gave you two links. Your missile program relies on much North Korean technology, exchanged through China. If China didn't want to help you, we could cut this off anytime and you're totally screwed.

North Korea, Iran exchange missile technology through China*|*China Military Power Mashup

You ask why we would use our hacking to help you? So the Iranian government hands over the RQ-170 to us for study. Simple as that. Iran itself isn't technologically sophisticated enough to replicate it except as a toy.

So the lesson for all you Iranians is: be thankful China is helping you. Without us, USA would crush your army like a bug, destroy your livelihoods and before you know it US army and marines will be in Tehren opening up bars for local girls to make some money so they can eat in a wartorn country. US military know Persian girls are pretty. And what is going to be on their minds when they enter Tehren? Good-bye Islamic republic after that. Don't bite the hand that feeds you!

I watch a Chinese military program the other day and three Chinese military analyst were discussing about a potential conflict between USA and Iran, one of them brought up the fact that Iran posses certain technology like drone capabilities that China do not have, and only Russia and the USA have, so it should be no surprise that Iran was able to intercept the drone signal and bring it under their control on their own, neither China nor Russia is able to do that within Iranian airspace unless they somehow were able to detect the drone beforehand, don't be stupid, you can't hack into the drone by hacking into the pentagon, stupid boy, there's far simpler ways of doing that.
LOL......... you are way out of your league talking about military matters. Talking about TV shows. China is building its own X-47B. So much for "drone capabilities that China do not have" but Iran or Russia has. And tell me military genius what are the ways to hack into the drone? :lol: Watch another TV show about that?

If you don't know anything, I suggest you read more on PDF and talk less. And if you don't live in China, I suggest you speak less about China, because to those of us who do live in China and understand military matters, your posts are a joke.


As shown in photos it was damaged, the wings were separated and bottom part was concealed.

Occam's razor,
among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one
LOL at Occam's Razor. This is not an undergraduate philosophy class. A drone that malfunctions would crash and be totally destroyed. And the drone would self-destruct if you tried to tamper with it unless you penetrated US's command and control systems as well. Yet the USAF itself confirmed it was "landed."

Iran's Captured RQ-170: How Bad Is the Damage? | Defense News | defensenews.com

"There is the potential for reverse engineering, clearly," said Air Force Chief Gen. Norton Schwartz. "Ideally, one would want to maintain the American advantage. That certainly is in our minds."

If the jet "comes into the possession of a sophisticated adversary," there's not much the U.S. could do about it, Schwartz said Dec. 8 during a taping of "This Week in Defense News."

The Iranian broadcast showed apparent footage of a mostly intact RQ-170 put on public display. While the craft showed some damage, it seemed to be in remarkably good shape.

One source said the aircraft in the footage was definitely the Sentinel, a subsonic, high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft built by Lockheed Martin. The aircraft appeared to have sustained damage consistent with a wheels-up landing, he said.
Implicitly, the Air Force General is saying that Iran is NOT the "sophisticated adversary" they are worried about, but rather somebody else who is really good at reverse engineering. :lol:

Are you having problems with your brain?
we don't need your help for jack, we like the chinese people, but your just an ignorant person.
As someone already asked you, why do you not help pakistan brong down the usa drone?
Iran is one of China's few available ally in the ME, and vice verse.

And don't let your pipe braggard ruin the image of all Chinese members here. If you have nerve, try to hack into an US military forum, you get banned in no time.

If you feel China is superior in technology domain, everyone can see and feel it. China after all is a modern nation with 1.4 billion brilliant people. It's your natural mission to serve the world, contribute to world peace and benefit of all mankind, instead of something to show off. In the end you end up like the braggart Indian type or the World cop bit(h like the Unite States of A-hole.

I know most Chinese members are aware of that. Try to be modest.

Are you having problems with your brain?
we don't need your help for jack, we like the chinese people, but your just an ignorant person.
As someone already asked you, why do you not help pakistan brong down the usa drone?
LOL at this Iranian kid talking stupity again. Why would Pakistan bring down drones of its erstwhile "war on terror" ally USA? Grow up before talking more stupidity on this forum please.

Iran is one of China's few available ally in the ME, and vice verse.

And don't let your pipe braggard ruin the image of all Chinese members here. If you have nerve, try to hack into an US military forum, you get banned in no time.

If you feel China is superior in technology domain, everyone can see and feel it. China after all is a modern nation with 1.4 billion brilliant people. It's your natural mission to serve the world, contribute to world peace and benefit of all mankind, instead of something to show off. In the end you end up like the braggart Indian type or the World cop bit(h like the Unite States of A-hole.

I know most Chinese members are aware of that. Try to be modest.
LOL...... we know Iran is our ally in the Middle East, that's why the Iranian government worked with China to seize the drone after China hacked it. Forget about some little Iranian kids on the internet talking about Iran being "top 5" :lol: That's garbage and anybody with common sense knows Iran could not have brought down the drone without help from Russia or China. Right from the beginning, I knew one or the other was behind this..... now we know which one.

We Chinese are not indians, we do not need to brag to feel secure in ourselves. In this case, debka disclosed that China was the hand behind operation, and I unapologetically congratulate my countrymen on a job well done!!!

:tup: :tup: :tup:

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