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Featured SSK Agosta 90B Class Attack Submarine Information Pool

Agosta Sub.JPG
Will PN acquire a new submarine to replace the Agosta-70s and 90s or there is not chance at all.
The logical option for PAK navy is to upgrade existing subs and buy new subs frm China as soon as possible
they are reports of negotiations with the Chinese for Yuan class subs
I know and hearing it since 5-7 years. But we had took the decision of making at least 10 Agosta-90Bs for ourselves and sell out in a 5-7 years lease the 2 Agosta-70s to BNs. And during the production of Agosta-90Bs we can make up a deal with China or even better countries like France, Germany or Sweden or may be Japan if allowed to join in their submarines and other maritime programs with some ME countries together.
The Agosta-class submarines are French diesel attack submarines (SSKs) used by Spain, Pakistan and formerly by France. The French Navy grouped this model of submarine in their most capable class as an océanique, meaning "ocean-going." A modernised version built for Pakistan, the Agosta 90B, has a crew of 36 plus 5 officers and can be equipped with the MESMA air-independent propulsion (AIP) system.

The Agosta 90B, also known as the Khalid-class, is a modernised design built for the Pakistan Navy. Various modifications give lower acoustic signature, lower diving depth, improved battery range and performance. Greater automation also allows the crew to be reduced from 54 to 36. The submarine can be armed with up to 16 torpedoes and SM39 Exocetanti-ship missiles
Agosta-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Agosta-class submarines are French diesel attack submarines (SSKs) used by Spain, Pakistan and formerly by France. The French Navy grouped this model of submarine in their most capable class as an océanique, meaning "ocean-going." A modernised version built for Pakistan, the Agosta 90B, has a crew of 36 plus 5 officers and can be equipped with the MESMA air-independent propulsion (AIP) system.

The Agosta 90B, also known as the Khalid-class, is a modernised design built for the Pakistan Navy. Various modifications give lower acoustic signature, lower diving depth, improved battery range and performance. Greater automation also allows the crew to be reduced from 54 to 36. The submarine can be armed with up to 16 torpedoes and SM39 Exocetanti-ship missiles
Agosta-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i could help but notice you said."Various modifications give lower acoustic signature, lower diving depth, improved battery range and performance". should it be deeper diving depth. and also the pns Khalid already has 36 crew. you need to understand the Agosta 90B is unique to pakistan only. and only Pakistan has this variant of submarine. it was built with automation, endurance and stealth in mind. you must be mistake by the Spanish sub which has 54 crew.

you copied some/nearly all of the parts of the second paragraph from wikipedia.
just pointing out an error you made
Pak got assembly tech frm France not manufacturing as all parts coming frm France and now perhaps France will not cooperate with Pak, similarly Pak should be ready for back biting frm USA soon after things become more settled in Afghan theater. Pak should go for S20 Chinese sub along with few Qing class heavy subs, to be builded by KSEW under JV with China.

We should start R&D work now on critical hi tech technology like Radars, Missiles, motors,engines and Misc parts of defense equipment. We should keep in mind the model of Iran. Atleast they have strengthened their air defense on their own even with S300 they can cause severe harm to any Arial/Naval aggressor. Further they are able to keep the 70's era fighter jets in airworthy form even prepared indigenous Jets based on US fighters.

Further Pak has resources and people to carry out research work in various institutions like GIK, Nust . Institute of Space sciences and few other Private Unis having sufficient resources. There are many Pakis who either have worked for NASA and other such orgs or still working. They can be motivated by offering good perks along with other securities.
Many **** youngsters having Mechatronics education can't come back to country due to lack of opportunities.

Further we should send more and more Pak brilliant students on scholarships to Research Institutes of China just like youngsters going for Medical/Agri education in China. Even Russia can provided such opportunities with well known Poly technique institutes.

There are indications that Agosta 70s have been modernized by Pak we should further up grade them instead of retiring.
So when we made 3 of them locally so why we are not making more? I dont understand what kind of technology transfer was it ? Means we can not made more ?
Will the 4 Type-39 will going to replace these:
2 Agosta-70
3 Agosta-90Bs
which can easily be sold to Burma along with the midget submarines?

But I think PN should acquire even more midget submarines from Italy and upgrade them with Italian help as they are best for coastal operations.
So when we made 3 of them locally so why we are not making more? I dont understand what kind of technology transfer was it ? Means we can not made more ?

The Sub was assembled here in Pakistan with part made in France and shipped to Pakistan for final assembly.
The third Sub (Hamza) had more of sub assemblies rolled in Pakistan with specialized Steel Plates for the hull supplied by DCNS. Hull spars were also cut and welded here.

The AIP Plug was inserted after cutting the hull and welding it in. This extended the length and increased the tonnage. The plug was almost a self contained unit mfg. in France and shipped to Pakistan for insertion during refits after the last sub was built with it.

The fact that the third sub was built/assembled keel up in Pakistan was a big boost to our naval engineers and architects.
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