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Sri Lankan monk sets himself ablaze over cow slaughter

So Buddhists also have some beef with the beef. Good. :rolleyes:
I respect the believe and commitment to the spirit he loved. What about millions of cow being slaughtered around the world? YOu guys know the amount of cow being shot for beef in US per day, it is beteen 90000 or 100000, so what's the point? IMO those who revere cow should make sure that they are treated fairly and if you slaughter them for beef, it is being fair to cow. Because you are using them in most proper way. They will die eventually and if nobody eats, that's a waste of a precious animal. Just my 2 cents guys.
The Next Myanmar in making... :butcher:

I wonder where would the Muslims run this time.. Sri Lanka is an Island.
I respect the believe and commitment to the spirit he loved. What about millions of cow being slaughtered around the world? YOu guys know the amount of cow being shot for beef in US per day, it is beteen 90000 or 100000, so what's the point? IMO those who revere cow should make sure that they are treated fairly and if you slaughter them for beef, it is being fair to cow. Because you are using them in most proper way. They will die eventually and if nobody eats, that's a waste of a precious animal. Just my 2 cents guys.

I bet those guys didn't even know that thousands of cows cross over to Bangladesh from India every day. Even given that the cow trade is technically illegal.

I once came across a chap who once said that it is better to born a cow in India than being born human in Bangladesh. I was genuinely intrigued. I also had beef stew that night.
I bet those guys didn't even know that thousands of cows cross over to Bangladesh from India every day. Even given that the cow trade is technically illegal.

I once came across a chap who once said that it is better to born a cow in India than being born human in Bangladesh. I was genuinely intrigued. I also had beef stew that night.
Where? Newyork?
My way is Different ... i can take life to Save he

If Somebody Dares Hurt a Cow in front of me ... i will warn him ... if he still goes a head to Kill her ... Then sure he has written his Death from my Hand ...

Hindu is expected to Sacrifice everything for the Cause which he believes is Right ... Dhrama is bigger then Material world & its Illusions ...

Today I am a Hindu First ... tomorrow i would be a Hindu Firstly & Hindu Lastly ... there arrogance & Disrespect to Hindu Culture is Forcing many Hindus for taking up violence ...

To Hell with secularism, Today i dont even Care about India any more... This is not the Land for which my ancestors fought for People call the Brave like this Srilankan monk a Retard ...

Wow...thts some dedicated extremist in making. Pathetic to say the least :disagree:
cow isn`t sacred in buddhism.This monk is just stupid...According to buddhism killing any animal is eually wrong...In Buddhism u don`t worship cows like Hindus or pigs like muslims ..It also doesn`t force you to believe in a non existing god !
cow isn`t sacred in buddhism.This monk is just stupid...According to buddhism killing any animal is eually wrong...In Buddhism u don`t worship cows like Hindus or pigs like muslims ..It also doesn`t force you to believe in a non existing god !

Hey kiddo, who told you muslims worship pigs ??:lol: @A.Rafay, this kid needs your help.
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cow isn`t sacred in buddhism.This monk is just stupid...According to buddhism killing any animal is eually wrong...In Buddhism u don`t worship cows like Hindus or pigs like muslims ..It also doesn`t force you to believe in a non existing god !

Man u are going to get a big thrashing soon.......If u don't change your incorrect statement.:police:
I never really cared for cow except maybe for the milk.

Anyhow, I am never calling a goddamned COW my mother. Yes, im a huge fan of animal rights and stuff...but calling it "mum" would be a slight overkill.

If you drink the milk,it automatically means the cow is like your mom.you can refuse to drink milk,if you feel otherwise.

So for you a cow's life is worth more than a human's :what: And you are prepared to kill for it.

definitely an average cow's life i more worthwhile than the lives of many stupid human beings,who are better off dead than alive for the society.

What does mother has to do with any of it.. I am not questioning you religious belives.. I am questioning your attitude of encouraging these kind of suicide.. Can you do that?? No right.. All you can do is sitting in a chair and do mouth work.. Do not bring family persons in to this.. You can do what ever you want with the cow..

Nobody is encouraging these suicides but what did you realise from this act?

what did you learn? looks like nothing.

whose family was brought into this?
I told you I am not talking about your religion.. I do know about the religious sentiments too.. BUt I do know and have Hindu friends who eat beef. Lot of people here in Kerala eat meat too..

And not only for Hindu, Mother & MotherLand is Bigger than the Unseen Heaven.. A Mlechha (Whatever it is) like me also consider my mother and motherland to be sacred than anything... I dont have to be born in a Dharmic religion to understand that..

yeah but you dont relect those emotions in your belief system,you dont realise why people dont eat beef?

you have never tried to understand that,nair saab is an emotional guy but eating the meat of an animal which provides you with milk,why would you want to eat that.

Mlechha is a hindu "slur" for muslims ... :lol:


It is more complicated than that.

Buddha ate beef. So did ancient Hindus.

There is no proof for all that.
Hey kiddo, who told you muslims worship pigs ??:lol: @A.Rafay, this kid needs your help.

This guy is just a troll! i reported him!

cow isn`t sacred in buddhism.This monk is just stupid...According to buddhism killing any animal is eually wrong...In Buddhism u don`t worship cows like Hindus or pigs like muslims ..It also doesn`t force you to believe in a non existing god !

Muslims dont worship pigs! its forbidden to even eat pork! our god is everywhere!
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Why is cow so important in the Hindu religion?

I had heard or read a long time ago somewhere that it had something to do with people relying on a cow's milk to survive when there was nothing else to eat and this had saved many lives? Hence, it's significance in the Hindu religion.

Cattle is fundamental for a agrarian economy.

why would you eat something,which helps you.

Btw,Hinduism asks all of its followers to be vegetarian,but not everyone can afford milk/pulses/fruits etc all the time,so eating meat is normal for many people.
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