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Spymaster Petraeus may inflame ties with Pakistan

To me, it is just political words. Kayani should be expelled. In fact, Pakistanis including women and children and PDF members will be traded for properity just like Raymond Davis drama and million people died in the hand of Kayani.

Nation’s honor not to be traded for prosperity: COAS

RAWALPINDI: The Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani Saturday asserted that the nation’s honor and integrity will not be traded just in exchange for “prosperity”, Geo News reported.

“What’s in national interest and what’s not is a decision only you Pakistanis have the right to make,” the Army Chief said in his address on the occasion of Yaum-e-Shuhada here.

General Kayani pointed out that Pakistan was today going through the most tumultuous times in its history but ‘we should not let ourselves overcome by frustration and pessimism’.

“We believe in one army, one family and one nation and we will have to rise above personal interests and think for a strong Pakistan,” he asserted.

He said Pakistani nation and its armed forces are like one unit. “A prosperous Pakistan is in the interest of all …. we want to co exist peacefully with our neighbours,” he added.
Really foolish argument. You have just admitted that Pakistan is terrorism central with that line.

No, I am saying that drones are counterproductive.

Most people follow simple logic: you kill our civilians, we will kill yours.

That was the message of 9/11. Seems it hasn't been received.
In my opinion,in case USA extends its WOT inside Pakistan...it is not at all good for us. A lesson to be learned...that if USA can fight with with its trusted ally like Pakistan then it is a warning bell for India too....So dont get too excited with USA extending its war to Pak. God forbid if it happens it will have a adverse amount of Political and military Impact on India....

I'd rather have the US next door than have the Chinese.
Your gov needs to have balls to stop drone entering its airspace before even thinking about attacking the bases where they are stationed.

Mr. Abdali

Whose balls force USSR back to pavilion? Whose balls still standing against 2nd superpower forcing back to home? Whose balls stand against the idea of division of Afghanistan? whose balls fighting alone with NATO, US, Israel, India where Afghanistan doesn't has balls to say one of invaders to roll back for a country who ever come to help morally, financially & brotherly.

Drones issue will settle in near future and we will find way our to maintain border security.

So get some knowledge before talking about our balls.
It is not "Pilots" but only a single mentally unstable pilot which had absloutely no links with the Talibans.Your are trying to paint a picture of utter failure here, there has been problems and will be in the future with the kind of terrorists the Afghan gov is facing it doesnt seem too surprising.The Afghan Defence ministry is introducing new measures to make sure terrorists dont make it through the recruitment procedure.On the other hand Talibans have been defeated in their strongholds of Helmand and Kandahar, hundreds of their commanders have been killed or captured and new reconstruction programs are underway to win hearts and minds of the people there.The situation right now in Afghanistan is totally against the Taliban, lets see what will they be able to do in their summer offensive which is when they are most active.

I don't know in which world you are living, you flag shows you are from Afghanistan but you knowledge over real situation forcing me that you are not from Afghanistan, you are talking about Taliban defeat in Kandahar & Helmand, but they are even not defeated in other provinces. Recently in Logar province Taliban shoot down military helicopter & attack on road military convoy killed more 45 ISAF soldiers, every day killing rate of ISAF forces reaches 10-30 average which even not informed by media so what defeat you are talking about? I wrote it in another thread that at this moment ordinary people converted into fighter against ISAF forces because of killing their relatives & families with no reasons & in result of bombing or shooting innocent people.

More over where you are writing that "The situation right now in Afghanistan is totally against the Taliban," totally wrong because it is open reality that Taliban are supported by local residents or people so where you are missing? Hearts of Afghan people can win only when US/NATO FORCES leave Afghanistan.

May be you are talking about Kabul only territory where Afghanistan law & regulations are practiced but not in rest of Afghanistan. If Taliban were defeated then there were no need to appoint Petraeus as CIA director and Panetta as DS & moreover pressure on Pakistan to launch operation in N. Waziristan.

Pakistan ever wants peace in Afghanistan & courage social constructive programs. Pakistan helped...helps....will help Afghanistan for its development & respect sovereignty.
All Indians acting gung ho that Peteraeus will attack Pakistan.We might tolerate drone attacks but we won't tolerate ground war in any of our cities.They can only win if they destroy our whole Armed Forces.In any case in worse scenario i can see us lobbing nukes at India (Read General Beg Statement that regardless of who attacks us but we will end up lobbing all nukes at India).This is just to deter india from playing up with other nations for destruction of Pakistan.Pakistan is just too big and powerful to be invaded Iraq style.
All Indians acting gung ho that Peteraeus will attack Pakistan.We might tolerate drone attacks but we won't tolerate ground war in any of our cities.They can only win if they destroy our whole Armed Forces.In any case in worse scenario i can see us lobbing nukes at India (Read General Beg Statement that regardless of who attacks us but we will end up lobbing all nukes at India).This is just to deter india from playing up with other nations for destruction of Pakistan.


Lob nukes at India to prevent Pakistan from being destroyed.

All Indians acting gung ho that Peteraeus will attack Pakistan.We might tolerate drone attacks but we won't tolerate ground war in any of our cities.They can only win if they destroy our whole Armed Forces.In any case in worse scenario i can see us lobbing nukes at India (Read General Beg Statement that regardless of who attacks us but we will end up lobbing all nukes at India).This is just to deter india from playing up with other nations for destruction of Pakistan.

It is this paranoia that has brought Pakistan where it stands today. If Pakistanis are wise enough they would address the problem directly rather than hiding from them and finding solace in attacking India. It is this destructive psychology that has very successfully taken the focus away from the problems that Pakistan faces. The small problems of yesteryears have grown into monsters today, yet you are busy staring at India.

A few years down the line... half of your body will already be eaten up and you will still be focused at India.
Mr. Abdali

Drones issue will settle in near future and we will find way our to maintain border security.
Well as i said in the earlier post, Pakistan only needs to take back its own territory in NW which is being ruled by terrorists harming both Pak and other countries including Afghanistan and US, it will put an end to the headache it has caused itself and others.
Whose balls force USSR back to pavilion?
The will,power and resistance of "Mujahideens", the technolgy of US and the money from again US and arab countries.You guys were responsible only for setting up training camps and funelling the resources to some of the "mujahideen" groups.
Whose balls still standing against 2nd superpower forcing back to home?
I thought you were allies with US in the WOT, perhaps you need to make up your mind either be with them or against them or atleast be neutral, this double faced policy is causing all this mess.
Whose balls stand against the idea of division of Afghanistan?
Could you plz elaborate how exactly is Pakistan preventing the division of Afghanistan? The matter of fact is that all warring groups no matter how much they hate each other are united ONLY by the idea of a united Afghanistan be it the Taliban,Northern Alliance or the current gov.You are not preventing it because its not and will never happen.
whose balls fighting alone with NATO, US, Israel, India where Afghanistan doesn't has balls to say one of invaders to roll back for a country who ever come to help morally, financially & brotherly.
Ah the good old conspiracy theories spread by ISI to make sure their policies towards Afghanistan are accepted by the Pakistani public.I don't consider NATO and other coalition forces as invaders, they have come under UN resolutions, as long as the national interests of Afghanistan are secure and the exit date of these forces is set we have no problems with them.We are getting alot in terms of Military and Civilian aid from their presence making sure Afghanistan will stand up on its feet in the near future and its military will be finally able to defend itself from our neighbouring countries we welcome their presence.
Pakistan and USA relations will remain friendly because Pakistan needs USA and USA needs Pakistan.
I don't know in which world you are living, you flag shows you are from Afghanistan but you knowledge over real situation forcing me that you are not from Afghanistan, you are talking about Taliban defeat in Kandahar & Helmand, but they are even not defeated in other provinces.

Do you think the surge in 30,000 more troops and Joint ANA-ISAF forces were sleeping during winter? They have taken control of many Taliban strongholds in both Helmand and Kandahar provinces.The US is putting in $$ for reconstruction projects in these former taliban strongholds.Only operations by join US and Afghan special forces has resulted in 368 mid and high level taliban leaders being captured or killed.They have lost the momentum they had one year ago, this spring we will be able to see if they can regain the areas they have lost.
A similar project in the former Taliban stronghold of Arghandab:
BBC News - US troops recapture key Afghan region
Recently in Logar province Taliban shoot down military helicopter & attack on road military convoy killed more 45 ISAF soldiers,
Where did you get this news from? 45 ISAF soldiers in one attack?! looks like you are hooked up to the Taliban media :lol:

If Taliban were defeated
Where did i claim they were completely defeated? The Taliban momentum has been reversed, they have been defeated in some of their most important strongholds.Staging suicide attacks and assassinations remains a threat and will remain for a long time perhaps even after US withdrawal.
Pakistan ever wants peace in Afghanistan & courage social constructive programs. Pakistan helped...helps....will help Afghanistan for its development & respect sovereignty.
Unfortunately we dont see that in practice, i believe Afghanistan and Pakistan needs to cooperate witheach other in getting rid of these terrorists since they are nobody's friends.They have killed civilians on both sides of the border.Suppose US leaves the region, who do you think will be the real victims of these terrorists? it will be Afghanistan,Pakistan,China,Russia and even Iran
Mr. Abdali

Whose balls force USSR back to pavilion? Whose balls still standing against 2nd superpower forcing back to home? Whose balls stand against the idea of division of Afghanistan? whose balls fighting alone with NATO, US, Israel, India where Afghanistan doesn't has balls to say one of invaders to roll back for a country who ever come to help morally, financially & brotherly.

Drones issue will settle in near future and we will find way our to maintain border security.

So get some knowledge before talking about our balls.

It was US' balls Mr.

It was the balls of the likes of Charlie Wilson,Brzezinski etc.

Reposting from an earlier post by T-Faz.

Funny, you should actually look up William Casey, Charlie Wilson, Zbigniew Brzezinski and a host of others who were the real masterminds behind operation cyclone.

Gen. Zia was an inexperienced and weak soldier who was promoted for being just that. Gen Rehman was also one of those who would have never progressed had it not been for the Afghan war and Gen Zia.

Without the support of US, we wouldn't be able to even make the Soviets feel as if there was an insurgency. Plus, if they wanted, they could have brutally raped Pakistan.

Zia & Rehman were puppets who were disposed when their services were no longer required.

What did our involvement in Operation Cyclone give us?

Dreaded sectarianism, guns culture, rampant drugs, millions of refugees, destruction of intelligentsia & civil society, withering rule of law and destructive militants.

All of which is slowly killing our nation.

Zia sold Pakistan like a prostitute and it ended up with AIDS.

What a great victory?

Truly we saved Afghanistan and improved our country.

And my point is that the US 'escalating the situation' into a military confrontation will only defeat whatever little we know about US objectives in the region - stabilizing it to prevent the influence of extremism and terrorists.

Hence, whether or not the US takes 'kindly' to its drones being shot down (for whose operation in Pakistan the US has no legal cover), there is little the US can do that will not involve 'escalating' the issue into a military confrontation that will in turn be even more detrimental to US objectives.

That said, Pakistan does not want to get to a point where it has to shoot down US drones either - it is in both sides interest to 'give and take'. I would argue that it is the US's turn to deliver on the 'strategic long term relationship with Pakistan' it keeps blabbing about.

The US 'objectives' in this region are not anything existentially important to it. It could very well give a damn and pack out one fine day. But the reprisals coming after it if it thinks Pakistan is responsible for the defeat is something your country cannot handle..

They will not just be military - but economic and diplomatic as well which I don't think any nation as hard pressed as Pakistan will be able to withstand.
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