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Spreading LGBT To The Muslim World

Syad Ahmad Barelvi rose in prominence because of Pashtuns. Once he became powerful he then made the mistake of trying to force Pashtuns to marry their daughters and sisters to his needy Hindustani followers which they refused to do, that was the reason for his downfall. As for Ranjit Singh using Badshahi mosque as a horse stable, that is a myth

Both cases, you are wrong.

I guess I don't expect much from Indians, disinformation is a fact of life.

The mot-clé here is "alien", that should be enough to close the debate for non-reformists. The problem between us and communists boils down to our adherence to different sets of moralities, which is more serious than a simple disagreement in fiqh which we have between us ergo Conservative Islam and communism are two ideas which are bound to be in incessant conflict

Liberal West seems to have incorporated some socialist policies and rhetoric, in an effort to save its dying system.

For us Muslims, communism/socialism is inherently flawed on the basic level.

They got one chance, they won't get another. Afghanistan was it.
صاحب سرمایہ از نسل خلیل
یعنی آن پیغمبر بے جبرئيل
زانکہ حق در باطل او مضمر است
قلب او مومن دماغش کافر است
دین آن پیغمبر حق ناشناس
بر مساوات شکم دارد اساس
تا اخوت را مقام اندر دل است
بیخ او در دل نہ در آب و گل است

“The author of Das Kapital is the descendant of Khalil”(Ibrahim)

That Prophet not blessed with divine revelation brought by Jibreel

There is some truth concealed in his false line of thought His heart seems to be a believer but infidel is his thought

The creed of that apostle devoid of the perceptions of the Truth.

Is based on equality of materialistic life (not spiritual Truth)

When fraternal feelings are established in the human heart

Their roots are also established in the heart and not in water and earth

Allama Iqbal, Javid namah

وہ کلیم بے تجلی، وہ مسیح بے صلیب!
نیست پیغمبر و لیکن در بغل دارد کتاب!
کیا بتاؤں، کیا ہے، کافر کی نگاہ پردۂ سوز
مشرق و مغرب کی قوموں کے لیے روز حساب!
اس سے بڑھ کر اور کیا ہوگا طبیعت کا فساد
توڑ دی بندوں نے آقاؤں کے خیموں کی طناب!

“That Moses without Tajalli*(g) that Christ without cross He is not a prophet, but keeps the Book for specious appearance

How can I explain what that pagan’s eye will be

To the East and West nations on the Day of Judgement*(h) No worse human nature’s mischief can there be

Than that the slaves have toppled the master’s tent

Allama Iqbal, Iblis ki majlis e shura

یہ علم و حکمت کی مہرہ بازی، یہ بحث و تکرار کی نمائش
نہیں ہے دنیا کو اب گوارا پرانے افکار کی نمائش
تری کتابوں میں اے حکیم معاش رکھا ہی کیا ہے آخر
خطوط خم دار کی نمائش، مریز و کج دار کی نمائش
جہاں مغرب کے بت کدوں میں، کلیساؤں میں، مدرسوں میں
ہوس کی خوں ریزیاں چھپاتی ہے عقل عیّارکی نمائش

“The world does not like tricks and guiles of science and will not their contests

This age does not like ancient thought, from core of hearts their show detest.

O wise economist the books you write are quite devoid of useful aim

They have twisted lines with orders strange No warmth for labour though they claim.

The idol houses of the West Their schools and churches wide:

The ravage caused for greed of wealth Their wily wit attempts to hide

Allama Iqbal, Zarb e Kaleem

صاحب سرمایہ از نسل خلیل
یعنی آن پیغمبر بے جبرئيل
زانکہ حق در باطل او مضمر است
قلب او مومن دماغش کافر است
دین آن پیغمبر حق ناشناس
بر مساوات شکم دارد اساس
تا اخوت را مقام اندر دل است
بیخ او در دل نہ در آب و گل است

“The author of Das Kapital is the descendant of Khalil”(Ibrahim)

That Prophet not blessed with divine revelation brought by Jibreel

There is some truth concealed in his false line of thought His heart seems to be a believer but infidel is his thought

The creed of that apostle devoid of the perceptions of the Truth.

Is based on equality of materialistic life (not spiritual Truth)

When fraternal feelings are established in the human heart

Their roots are also established in the heart and not in water and earth

Allama Iqbal, Javid namah

وہ کلیم بے تجلی، وہ مسیح بے صلیب!
نیست پیغمبر و لیکن در بغل دارد کتاب!
کیا بتاؤں، کیا ہے، کافر کی نگاہ پردۂ سوز
مشرق و مغرب کی قوموں کے لیے روز حساب!
اس سے بڑھ کر اور کیا ہوگا طبیعت کا فساد
توڑ دی بندوں نے آقاؤں کے خیموں کی طناب!

“That Moses without Tajalli*(g) that Christ without cross He is not a prophet, but keeps the Book for specious appearance

How can I explain what that pagan’s eye will be

To the East and West nations on the Day of Judgement*(h) No worse human nature’s mischief can there be

Than that the slaves have toppled the master’s tent

Allama Iqbal, Iblis ki majlis e shura

یہ علم و حکمت کی مہرہ بازی، یہ بحث و تکرار کی نمائش
نہیں ہے دنیا کو اب گوارا پرانے افکار کی نمائش
تری کتابوں میں اے حکیم معاش رکھا ہی کیا ہے آخر
خطوط خم دار کی نمائش، مریز و کج دار کی نمائش
جہاں مغرب کے بت کدوں میں، کلیساؤں میں، مدرسوں میں
ہوس کی خوں ریزیاں چھپاتی ہے عقل عیّارکی نمائش

“The world does not like tricks and guiles of science and will not their contests

This age does not like ancient thought, from core of hearts their show detest.

O wise economist the books you write are quite devoid of useful aim

They have twisted lines with orders strange No warmth for labour though they claim.

The idol houses of the West Their schools and churches wide:

The ravage caused for greed of wealth Their wily wit attempts to hide

Allama Iqbal, Zarb e Kaleem


Powerful. Thanks for sharing.
Both cases, you are wrong.

I guess I don't expect much from Indians, disinformation is a fact of life.

But Sikhs north of Satluj were barely 6% of the population of Punjab while Muslims were almost 2/3 of the population during the time period of Ranjit Singh. Sikhs were outnumbered by Muslims 8 to 1. If Sikhs had mistreated Muslims of Punjab as you claim wouldn't they have risen in rebellion?
But Sikhs north of Satluj were barely 6% of the population of Punjab while Muslims were almost 2/3 of the population during the time period of Ranjit Singh. Sikhs were outnumbered by Muslims 8 to 1. If Sikhs had mistreated Muslims of Punjab as you claim wouldn't they have risen in rebellion?

Open another thread.

Downfall of Sikh rule is a proof of that.
Communism is a failure

Every socialist / communist society was / has been an experiment whose intent was to find a better way to allocate resources, harmony and justice to those people who previously were bereft of those three. There experiments are infinitely better than monarchies, one-party systems, theocracies and so-called democracies which march forward through the filthy gutter instead of getting out and having a nice hot shower.

How has Pakistan's political, social and economic arrangement worked ? There are 20 million homeless people in Pakistan. At least socialist / communist countries provided homes and other basic necessities for free.

and humiliation of those nations who adopted this Godless ideology.

1. What humiliation ?

2. Communists need not be Atheist.
. . .
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