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Soviet-style disintegration awaits US: Gorbachev

Gorbachev himself was a traitor to Soviet Union and had connections with CIA; if Brezhnev was alive at that time he wouldn't allowed the so easily breakup of Soviet Union.

Good thing that Soviet Union collapsed, now people enjoy freedom in the lands from East Europe to Pacific Ocean. Gorbachev saved millions, imo.

Disintegration of USA is definitely Good for each race in USA. Let them be free of others.
Good thing that Soviet Union collapsed, now people enjoy freedom in the lands from East Europe to Pacific Ocean. Gorbachev saved millions, imo.

Disintegration of USA is definitely Good for each race in USA. Let them be free of others.

Do elaborate the different races you are talking about . and who pray may i ask is subjugating them ?
Do elaborate the different races you are talking about . and who pray may i ask is subjugating them ?

The gap between Whites, Blacks, Latinos and Asians are wider than imagined. There were petitions in many States to cede from USA after Obama was elected second time. for example texans are on the front to cede from USA.
Gorbi jealous.

He lost his presidency in a harsh way to Yeltsin who was at the time Russian president, Gorbatchev was the supreme soviet above Yeltsin.
Then Yeltsin declared Russian independence, every republic followed and Gorbi was left jobless over night. Butthurt is evident.

moar cold war nostalgia from the resident kebap maker......
he only declared russias sovereignty with in the soviet union
The gap between Whites, Blacks, Latinos and Asians are wider than imagined. There were petitions in many States to cede from USA after Obama was elected second time. for example texans are on the front to cede from USA.

I dont know where you get such fantasies but do provide some links mate:)
America is in a economically untenable position right now and it will have to break sooner or later economically and thereby militarily and politically in terms of their influence around the world. But i don't see the US breaking up like the Soviet Union did into smaller nation states.
Admittedly there are lots fools in US politicians, admittedly US foreign policy brings misfortune to some people in the world.

Fortunately there is not a fool named Gorbachev as of now, who is full of inferiority complex.
exuse me but why is this not a valid source just because its Russian it not credible ? why is BBC or CNN or CBC credible but this is not ?
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