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Some Turks reconsidering Arabic connection to Turkish language

write pit and put in urdu or persian script and a person who does not know those words will read it as pat(as vowels are removed while writing).in indian languages u wont have such problem as each consonant has a symbol when added with a vowel sound(ex:m is consonant .add it with a,u have ma symbol similarly mi, mi:,mu,mu:,me,mo and dipthongs mai and mau).as far as my knowledge goes there is no other system in this entire world which as advanced and which is as simple to read as indian system

u have similarly given me an infraction in other thread for a comment which seemed to u as out of topic.sometimes one has to reply to other post and it may come across as an off topic.but here i can clearly see why u said what u said.because i said indian system is advanced and u couldnt digest it.be fair in ur moderating man

You're wrong there are marks for short vowels. In Arabic its called Tashkeel.
Turkey would not go for Arabic script. Turkey's best strategic interest is in forming close relationship with Turkic central Asia. Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan have adopted Latin from Cyrillic. Kirghistan and Kazakhstan are still using Cyrillic.

Turkey will loss Central Asia Going back Arabic script, although she will gain influence in some Arabic countries. But most Arab will never accept Turks as one of their kind, and hence, Turkish would not go too far by returning to Ottoman way.

On the other hand, there is immense potential of Turkey to exert itself in Turkic central Asia. Using Arabic alphabet will only cut Turkey off central asia.

It seems that Turkey now a days is being very torn apart by it wanting to join the EU and the Turkic central Asia states at the same time, which will be a very difficult task for Turkey, and it will play in the hands of Western and European mind game playing on Turks.
No wonder why too many Turkish comments on PDF sound more like Zionist's ones when it comes to Arabs and Islam, the problem is in the so called modern suck-ular (secular) Turkish mind. it has nothing to do with the Arabs, Islam or Iranians at that.
It is the Arabs who have civilized the Turks with Islam and knowledge, today those Turks who have made a few bucks off their trading with the west that has been facilitated ounce again by the Arabs are criticizing the Arabic language that took them to where they are today and praising the Latin Alphabet that makes them look so unnatural, it is simply like someone's wearing something that does not fit him, so whatever he-she does, it does not help but to depict him as out of place of taste and of grace.
There was never something called Ottoman "Turkish" it was only Ottoman language , plus it was a mixture of Arabic and Persian words almost without a single Turkish word in it.Our original language was Old Turkic alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia but because of Ottomans we lost the language our ancestors used and whats more funny outside the palace courts simple man in the street was not even aware there was a freak-of-a-language called Ottoman language existed.So my point is many muslims ignorant to our rootS love to say "Kafir Ataturk replaced old Ottoman Turkish with Western latin alphabet" no it did not happen like that : Our root language was forgotten because of Ottomans Ataturk simply restored it after abolishing this Arabic-Persian language.Thanks to modern Turkish today we can easily understand our kinship (Turkic people) from Middle-East to all over Central Asia if it wasn't for modern Turkish we could not even understands whats Azeri Turks living in next door saying.

You are a bit off the mark, you are confusing Alphabet with language, it was the Turkish language that was written in Arabic alphabet and was than under Ataturk changed to be written in Latin alphabet; it is the same language written in different Alphabets, like the Persian, the Urdu or others that are distinct from the Arabic language but are written in the Arabic alphabet.
i have been trying to learn persian script for so many years but i have not made much progress.indian languages have the most sophisticated form of writing in the entire world.an indian after learning to read and write his mother tongue finds it extremely tough to learn persian script as it is not read as it is written.moreover u have four Zs,two Rs, many letters resembling each other(like p ,b and r z).latin script is way better than persian script but i would say even that cant beat indian system

While every one seems to be writing above the line in other languages the Indian language seems to be written under the line, that is the particularity, if you want to call it the most sophisticated form of writing that is up to you, but a Japanese or a Chinese or any other can claim the same thing for his mother's tongue form of writing.
While every one seems to be writing above the line in other languages the Indian language seems to be written under the line, that is the particularity, if you want to call it the most sophisticated form of writing that is up to you, but a Japanese or a Chinese or any other can claim the same thing for his mother's tongue form of writing.

Its not about writing above or below the line but India writing systems are perfectly phonetic.
How about converting the whole Islamic World to English language so that we can communicate with each other and I mean everybody , not just some Elite class but masses.
How about converting the whole Islamic World to English language so that we can communicate with each other and I mean everybody , not just some Elite class but masses.

It's happening my friend slowly, but, we can't replace Arabic with English. The Arabic language is extremely important than any other language, the revelations came in Arabic.
But Arabic script doesn’t differentiate between consonant sounds like G and K

strange, you can differentiate between the two. in addition letter pronunciation can differ based on the letters before and after that letter.
It's happening my friend slowly, but, we can't replace Arabic with English. The Arabic language is extremely important than any other language, the revelations came in Arabic.

Yes, God choose semitic languages to reveal the holy books in: Zubr, Turat, Injeel and Quran. And this has changed the world. So I guess the language of Arabic is very precious.
Yes, Arabic enjoys aplenty of advantages, the most notable advantage is the one you referred to.
Yes, God choose semitic languages to reveal the holybooks in: Zubr, Turat, Injeel and Quran. And this has changed the world. So I guess the language of Arabic is very precious.
For our Indian languages even Latin Alphabet won't work.
That is not true. I believe if we use the Turkish alphabet as it is, then all the consonants except ta(as in tiranga) and da(as in dost) will be present. Even the Turkish alphabesi was formed after adding more alphabets to the existing latin ones. Indian alphabets can do the same.

I believe even Persian has more alphabets than Arabic. So scripts get tailor made when they begun to be used for a new language.
How many variations does Farsi have?
well I don't support the notion that Persian cant be read as it written on the other hand many european language have such problem.

also I guess your problem is that you want to learn persian as we write it in daily newspapers and books , without any vowel. but honestly we don't teach or children those newspapers and books . we teach them by special books that have vowels but when they finished the first year of primary school and they become more familiar with the base of our writing then we won't press them on using those vowels at second year
and honestly it is far easier to read and write without those vowels

How beautiful Turkish script was....i can even read it.... damn i cant read sh it from the new Turkish script :D
Yes, Arabic syntax and pragmatics often confused secondary speakers. Also, standard Arabic is ultra complicated due to words order, functionality, and stylistics. I would recommend learning Egyptian accent, forget about ours, it's too hard.

Arabic script is no longer taught in government schools, in Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore. But I think certain special school could have offered enrichment courses. BTW, Arabic script adopted for Malay languages is call Jawi.

Anyway, I tried studied Arabic and feel the whole script is extremely difficult. Vowels are missing and other than MSA, you need to learn at least one colloquial Arabs. I gave up.

I self studied German, French, Spanish and Japanese without much difficulties but Arabic script is really a big problem for me.

If I may please, Are you an Arabist?
The script is not difficult. I memorized it fast. I have tons of vocabulary to memorize though.

And I think FusHa Arabic sounds better than colloquial Arabic.

And vice versa. Egyptian-Arabic speakers borrowed some words from the Turkish langauge such as Afaarm - Thank you - or Ya Basha - Hey boss -
Allmost evry language has a connection with other languages.
Turkish has Arabic,Persian,French,Balkan,Asian influences.
Aeronaut, you should know better, India is the centre of the world. It is a 100 million year old civilization. It has pre ice age cities. Everything was invented in India till the evil Chinese, Americans, Europeans, Arabs,Japanese, stole them and took the credit..

According to scientific evidence, the first humans to invent language were Indians, rest of the uncivilized humans just copied them.

Yes, Aeronaut. Indians are the master race.

And these posts are not trolling and will be thanked by the Mod and also being joined in to troll . wah bhai wah . heh
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