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Some Turks reconsidering Arabic connection to Turkish language

It's happening my friend slowly, but, we can't replace Arabic with English. The Arabic language is extremely important than any other language, the revelations came in Arabic.

I agree with you 100% as we will always need Arabic for our Faith.

I was only thinking in terms Trade and Commerce and Scientific Knowledge and Education.

Yes, Arabic syntax and pragmatics often confused secondary speakers. Also, standard Arabic is ultra complicated due to words order, functionality, and stylistics. I would recommend learning Egyptian accent, forget about ours, it's too hard.

I am trying to learn Modern Standard Arabic which is understood by all 22 Arab Speaking countries and is considered the Standard.

Barak Allahu Feek, ya Akhi....:D
One step further toward unity (; .. A country like :pakistan: had successfully created its own identity long before the partition of the subcontinent. In fact, Pakistan was the first country in the world that had done something amazing like creation of identity, and they myth of independence.
I agree with you 100% as we will always need Arabic for our Faith.
I was only thinking in terms Trade and Commerce and Scientific Knowledge and Education

I am trying to learn Modern Standard Arabic which is understood by all 22 Arab Speaking countries and is considered the Standard.

Barak Allahu Feek, ya Akhi....:D

ويبارك فيك يا أخي الكريم

All Pakistanis living here in KSA speak Arabic, but not the standard Arabic. But I had seen many who speak Arabic fluently.

In this video, you will hear and see a Pakistani guy speaking standard Arabic :yay:

You are a bit off the mark, you are confusing Alphabet with language, it was the Turkish language that was written in Arabic alphabet and was than under Ataturk changed to be written in Latin alphabet; it is the same language written in different Alphabets, like the Persian, the Urdu or others that are distinct from the Arabic language but are written in the Arabic alphabet.

Excuse me sir but you lack knowledge about this issue, what revojam has said is true.
There was never something called Ottoman "Turkish" it was only Ottoman language , plus it was a mixture of Arabic and Persian words almost without a single Turkish word in it.Our original language was Old Turkic alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia but because of Ottomans we lost the language our ancestors used and whats more funny outside the palace courts simple man in the street was not even aware there was a freak-of-a-language called Ottoman language existed.So my point is many muslims ignorant to our rootS love to say "Kafir Ataturk replaced old Ottoman Turkish with Western latin alphabet" no it did not happen like that : Our root language was forgotten because of Ottomans Ataturk simply restored it after abolishing this Arabic-Persian language.Thanks to modern Turkish today we can easily understand our kinship (Turkic people) from Middle-East to all over Central Asia if it wasn't for modern Turkish we could not even understands whats Azeri Turks living in next door saying.

Another issue is, we lean so much of our Ottoman heritage.

Many Turkish people don't know much about ancient middle-asia turkish states. Or the great war heroes like Kürşad who raided chinese palace with 40 warriors, Undefetable warrior Kül-Tiğin etc......

How beautiful Turkish script was....i can even read it.... damn i cant read sh it from the new Turkish script :D

Hayat, ne bir hazz; ne de bir ıztırabdır. Hayat, bizim şerefle bitirmege mecbur olduğumuz ağır bir vazifedir.

You cannot understand this "hat". It includes many Turkish words beside Arabic words.
No you are just ignorant.. either behave yourself or stay out of this forum dont make all of us look bad..

And honestly Persian is one of the most beautiful sounding languages in the world.

Personally i think that Turkish, French, Persian, Arabic and Spanish are the most beautiful sounding languages and Greek is nice too..

You are just saying this too impress people and looking at your username I don't think you are Turkish, probably half latin or something.
I never said it to be rude or anything just what I think just like I hate the sound of some other languages, like french sounds very funny to someone who don't understand it.

How beautiful Turkish script was....i can even read it.... damn i cant read sh it from the new Turkish script :D

Yes it looks beautiful, but as you can't understand from the new turkish script I can't understand that, but let me tell you Turkish is the easiest, and easiest language to read from. Whatever the letter is the sound is like that example in English there is ing, er and stuff in Turkish you read just the way it sounds so this is a great thing thought about and that's why latin is more suitable as I have read the ottoman Turkish would have been much more difficult and to improve literacy rapidly they transformed the script.

However if I was in power i would add some letters from the Orkhon Script to the Turkish Language.
Another issue is, we lean so much of our Ottoman heritage.

Many Turkish people don't know much about ancient middle-asia turkish states. Or the great war heroes like Kürşad who raided chinese palace with 40 warriors, Undefetable warrior Kül-Tiğin etc......
even French people have an expression for strength:
"fort comme un Turc" = strong as a Turk
your reputation of very good fighters is worlwide famous

I never said it to be rude or anything just what I think just like I hate the sound of some other languages, like french sounds very funny to someone who don't understand it.
that's why i love French language , because it is complex and poetic
you can say something not straight, you can play with words much more than English language
it is hard to master but it is itself a pleasure . you understand why French consider language as the important part of their culture
you want to please French people: say some words in French , especially a proverb a famous quote ;)
Yes, Arabic syntax and pragmatics often confused secondary speakers. Also, standard Arabic is ultra complicated due to words order, functionality, and stylistics. I would recommend learning Egyptian accent, forget about ours, it's too hard.

If I may please, Are you an Arabist?

And vice versa. Egyptian-Arabic speakers borrowed some words from the Turkish langauge such as Afaarm - Thank you - or Ya Basha - Hey boss -

I have to finish my studies before I become anything yet. I might choose that as my career.

Another issue is, we lean so much of our Ottoman heritage.

Many Turkish people don't know much about ancient middle-asia turkish states. Or the great war heroes like Kürşad who raided chinese palace with 40 warriors, Undefetable warrior Kül-Tiğin etc......

Kurshad was a fictional warrior created by Nihal Atsız in the novel Bozkurtların Ölümü

The real prince's name was not Kurshad and we only know the Chinese transcription of his Gokturk name. He was originally a vassal of China and stationed near the capital and rebelled against the Emperor but failed.

Ashina Jiesheshuai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People know Gokturk history and names through Chinese records or monuments they left behind. Europeans translated Chinese records of Gokturks and translated Old Turkic inscriptions and from them Turkish people got the information. Many names are known only though their Chinese character transcription. Then some people started making up new names for them and putting them in fictional stories.
Kurshad was a fictional warrior created by Nihal Atsız in the novel Bozkurtların Ölümü

The real prince's name was not Kurshad and we only know the Chinese transcription of his Gokturk name. He was originally a vassal of China and stationed near the capital and rebelled against the Emperor but failed.

Ashina Jiesheshuai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People know Gokturk history and names through Chinese records or monuments they left behind. Europeans translated Chinese records of Gokturks and translated Old Turkic inscriptions and from them Turkish people got the information. Many names are known only though their Chinese character transcription. Then some people started making up new names for them and putting them in fictional stories.

Your knowledge about Kurshad and Nihal Atsiz is astonishing. You Turk or what? 'Cause even Turks dont know about such details.
Your knowledge about Kurshad and Nihal Atsiz is astonishing. You Turk or what? 'Cause even Turks dont know about such details.

I first heard of this stuff when a pan turkist started throwing random names at me of Gokturk Khans nobody ever heard of. I wondered how Turkish people would be able to know the names of these Khans when the Ottomans were descended from Oghuz and shouldn't have any historical records of the Gokturks and that it must be from Chinese records. The Gokturks left a few stone inscription and most foreign records of their history are in Chinese. And since Chinese characters record foreign names imprecisely there is no way the names the guy told me could be real. Only some names like Kul Tigin were recorded on Gokturk stele.
I first heard of this stuff when a pan turkist started throwing random names at me of Gokturk Khans nobody ever heard of. I wondered how Turks would be able to know the names of these Khans when the Ottomans were descended from Oghuz and shouldn't have any historical records of the Gokturks and that it must be from Chinese records. And since Chinese characters record foreign names imprecisely there is no way the names could be real.

First recorded names of Turkic Khans by Turks starts with Gokturk Monuments written in Orkhon Script. Before that time, the pronunciation of the names are disputed.

The Name of Oghuz was recorded in Oghuznama of Uighurs written in Old Uighur Script with Pre Islamic motifs.
First recorded names of Turkic Khans by Turks starts with Gokturk Statue written in Orkhon Script. Before that time, the pronunciation of the names are disputed.

The Name of Oghuz was recorded in Oghuznama of Uighurs written in Old Uighur Script with Pre Islamic motifs.

The ancient Uighurs descendants are the Yugur people in Gansu. They are still animist or Buddhist and not Muslim.


The other people called Uyghurs in Xinjiang were not called Uyghur until 1921. The Soviets took that name from the Old Uyghurs and gave it to them at a conference in Tashkent. They are descended from other Turkic tribes and Tocharians.
The ancient Uighurs descendants are the Yugur people in Gansu. They are still animist or Buddhist and not Muslim.


The other people called Uyghurs in Xinjiang were not called Uyghur until 1921. The Soviets took that name from the Old Uyghurs and gave it to them at a conference in Tashkent. They are descended from other Turkic tribes and Tocharians.

Quite Good. Uighur Khaganate (date of collapse 840 AD) was actually Tokuz-Oghuz (Nine-Oghuz); modern Uigurs are descendants of Karluks a.k.a. Üç-Oghuz (Three-Oghuzs).

Although the ethnic roots is insignificant now, whereas ancient Uighurs or ancient Karluks are extinct.

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