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Solution to TTP | Negotiations or Annihilation ??

What is the Solution to TTP Problem.

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TTP is a part of the international terror network under the Al Qaeda umbrella. They are financed by Al Quaeda and other terrorist networks. Their aim is to enforce their version of Islam on Pakistan.

I don’t want to have any thing to do with the kind of Islam TTP preach and practice. Islam that I believe in is a peaceful religion and would not publicly whip women as was shown in the video. Nor my version of Islam would allow boys to cut off heads of blind folded soldiers as was done to PA soldiers by Swati Taliban ( videos were circulated showing these events and they were not fakes as claimed by Taliban sympathizers).

US and Afghanistan might, but I for one would not “Negotiate” with terrorists. Pakistanis have only two choices, either follow TTP or eliminate them. I am for their elimination. Call me what you will.
The TTP needs to be defeated militarily and their hardcore fighters need to be annihilated, we have borne the brunt of their brutal assaults, it is pointless if we let the seasoned veteran fighters and terrorists off the hook and let them gain strength and prestige...
Yes, they shall gain prestige...many sick minded individuals are always in awe of such brave warriors who are declared undefeated mujahids regardless of their deeds, if you do not believe me then listen to the Ameer of Jamaat Islami. What a noble old man, full of love and tolerance...for the terrorists that is.

You cannot negotiate with TTP, we did that many times and each time they annexed a new territory...TTP as a group should never be allowed to survive in Pakistan.
If anyone surrenders and is arrested they too should face trials and be judged according to what they have done.

However in order to address the overall militancy problems we are facing we need to have a broad spectrum solution which rectifies the policy errors of the past, provides sociopolitical reforms and accelerates the economic growth in Pakistan.

A very tall order, if i may add.
No other way about it though, especially if one sees what views the Taliban have on a functioning society.
Be it the Afghan or the local Taliban, their political and social views are absolutely totalitarian and brutal.
The fact that the local Taliban are much more brutal in their terror tactics would have been a sign by the heavens for Pakistan to realize the danger and act accordingly, however we are so confused that even these extreme of the extremists still have sympathizers...who believe there is a cause.
There is no cause.
This is a movement which seeks a cause...everyday it leeches onto some new conspiracy theory and declares renewed vigor...
Are you kidding me?Its so obvious.They killed their own buddy(Khalid Khwaja) and you think we can negotiate with rats?Annihilation is the only way forward or perhaps we should ship them to Kashmir and or send jagjit to Fata for negotiation.

I can do that for you. :yahoo:

Read my post again. I don't believe in complete negotiation. I believe in killing the leaders, the hardcore terrorists who will never change. BUT, the rest 90% are just innocent people fooled with the false version of Islam. They don't know its false so preach it with everything they have.

They don't have an ideology, but that is what we, the educated believe. They believe they have an ideology, a cause to carry on this fight. Until and unless this belief is eradicated from their minds and truth about Islam is exposed to them, no amount of fighting can clear them out.

Killing these innocent false led people will only strengthen their cause giving rise to another army. The cycle will never end.:disagree:
To you indeed. To them they are struggling for an idelogy--whatever it means to them. Such ideology-centric struggle can not be annihilated by force---negotiation and simultaneous development are the only effective ways.

Otherwise, the collateral damge will be so high that may cause secessionist aspiration among the whole FATA population too soon.

You missed the whole point..Didn't you???...Did you even read the rest of post??? I explained the stalemate scenario and how complex the issue is...Read it again and you will find out that i am saying exactly what you are suggesting...

However i still stand by the fact that TTP is no ideology....They are just thugs who are power hungry and using Islam to fool and brainwash people...They are calling them massiah of Islam and claim to follow the same ideology... They want rule of Islam and break the very tenets of Islam on every single move...

Also keep in mind the words of one Ajai Shukla / New Delhi May 04, 2010, 0:29 IST:

........From the strategic perspective, Pakistan today remains exactly where the most hawkish Indian analysts would want it: diminished on the Indian border and locked in bloody combat on its western reaches.......

I didn't get your point... As an adversary i see nothing wrong in above statement from strategic perspective...
Negotiations towards a laying down of arms and disbanding of the Taliban and assorted groups militias, certainly. Neither the GoP nor the PA have closed doors to that. In fact they routinely issue statements that the militants can avoid military operations if the lay down their arms.

The fact is that these terrorists are ideologically driven by a distorted and vile interpretation of Islam, and they will not surrender/disarm because they believe they are doing 'Allah's work'.

In Swat the GoP gave them almost everything they asked for, and that was not enough, and in violation of the peace deal the Taliban expanded into other districts and forced their control over the people there, eventually forcing the GoP to respond militarily.

By extension, that ideological drive is also why previous peace deals did not work, since the Taliban/Al Qaeda/LeJ ideology demands imposition of their barbaric and medieval version of Islam on all of Pakistan. So any 'deal' arrived at through negotiations with these groups will only be temporary, and allow these groups to build networks with other groups across Pakistan to spread their ideology and eventually mount violent militant campaigns to take over all of Pakistan and overthrow the government.
1)The best way to deal with them is create divisions in the groups and try to stop the funds they are getting. This will make the organization weak.

2) Stop the new recruits by educating and development.

Although these things will take some time i am sure yield results
Is it just me who feels that TTP is working without an ideaology or few other fellows think this way too ??

Sorry if i sound stupid but no where on earth TTP is going to get one Sharia law tailored to serve their facist pipe dreams.

I think these people should be annihilated Here are few example i would like to give.

1: Prophet SAW ordered to demolish Masjid al zarar later known as Masjid ul Mnafeqoon and after his visal his successor fought against those Munafiqeen who planned to dismantle the Unity among the people.

2: Prophet SAW's grandson fought against munafiqeen in Kerbala the noteable point is that 18000 soilders in Yazeedi forces were Hufaaz and scolars.

3: In 1050 to 1124 Muslims had to fight Hassan Al sabah who made his fidaeen to murder the leading Muslim Scholars .

He was later killed and his castle of death was captured.

So yes our history does require us to fight theseTakfeeri munafiqeen and this is the right thing to do at this stage.

They should be given chances to lay down their arms but if they dont then it is our war and we would have to fight it no matter what it takes.

Regards : :pakistan:
Is it just me who feels that TTP is working without an ideaology or few other fellows think this way too ??

IMO the core leadership of the TTP/AQ etc do have an ideological vision and hunger for power, and they are able to brainwash plenty of men with that ideology. However it is also true that many of the local 'commanders' and recruits are also petty criminals and merely in it because being part of the TTP gives them 'power' and influence, much like low level gangsters, who were a part of the mafia, would enjoy a degree of influence and power in their neighborhoods.

But since negotiations will be with the core leadership, that is ideologically driven, long term peace will not be achieved through negotiations for the reason I mentioned.
IMO the core leadership of the TTP/AQ etc do have an ideological vision and hunger for power, and they are able to brainwash plenty of men with that ideology. However it is also true that many of the local 'commanders' and recruits are also petty criminals and merely in it because being part of the TTP gives them 'power' and influence, much like low level gangsters, who were a part of the mafia, would enjoy a degree of influence and power in their neighborhoods.

But since negotiations will be with the core leadership, that is ideologically driven, long term peace will not be achieved through negotiations for the reason I mentioned.

Hmm well i think this is a noteable point as i know some Gangsters who used to go to FATA and WANA after killing someone.

Now they have gone there permanently so yes it seems to be a cocktail.

Do you suggest war ?
These are bloody kharijis, they can never be completely annihilated.
They will keep emerging till Qayamat, according to the prediction of Holy Prophet SAW.
There is a third option.
They can be used. (They are already being used, we just have to take place of there current handlers and boom)
no negotations with these animals we've tried it and seen their true colors kill em all they deserve the death penatly for what they've done.
Even before 9/11 FATA was well known as lawless no go area.Whenever criminals killed someone they used to move to FATA to avoid capture (Not even Pakistan Army would venture into FATA).We should either declare the territory non Pakistani or get full writ of state.If the FATA people don't like our writ then they should not cry about drone attacks after all we're not having authority there so they should protect themselves from drones.I am sick of arguments of some people from FATA that No one from Islamabad should have authority over FATA because it is meant to be free area what bullcrap.If you go on giving refugee to terrorists then except big US bombs over your territory and dont expect help from Pakistan Armed Forces and Government then.
There is a third option.
They can be used. (They are already being used, we just have to take place of there current handlers and boom)
Send them into Kashmir as infiltrators? Like that really worked well the last five times Pakistan tried it! Send them to Afghanistan to supervise the Taliban? You'll lose control of them before they leave the frontier areas.

Oooh! I know! Set them to work as crossing guards near Pakistani schools. Give the kids an example of an authority figure they can look up to....
Send them into Kashmir as infiltrators? Like that really worked well the last five times Pakistan tried it! Send them to Afghanistan to supervise the Taliban? You'll lose control of them before they leave the frontier areas.

Oooh! I know! Set them to work as crossing guards near Pakistani schools. Give the kids an example of an authority figure they can look up to....

Solomon , STOP derailing my thread.
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