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Solution to TTP | Negotiations or Annihilation ??

What is the Solution to TTP Problem.

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i will so happy if i attack as sucide bomber on hakimullah meeting and finish all of them with me.
Are you kidding me?Its so obvious.They killed their own buddy(Khalid Khwaja) and you think we can negotiate with rats?Annihilation is the only way forward or perhaps we should ship them to Kashmir and or send jagjit to Fata for negotiation.
Negotiations or Annihilation? If it's that stark a choice then:

The question would be whether PA/ GOP have the will to annihilate. Or any responsible government army in this day and age.

(Another question is whether annihilation is the right strategy, but that has been asked already)

By my book, 'to annihilate' means you utterly destroy, sow the region with salt, turn it into a parking lot, bring carnage to every likely enemy that so much as draws a single breath in a given area.

Something like what the Russians did to Berlin at the end of WWII.

Not killing a few of the enemy, but killing everyone who fought, plenty who did not fight, their friends, sympathizers, even anyone who so much as associates with them for more than five minutes.

This is not a viable option as I doubt whether a responsible army or government (We're not talking of some African country falling apart) has the will to do it or can even do it.
We should evacuate all innocent citizens from NW and SW and throw artillery and laster guided bombs at anything that moves.Shell the whole damn area whenever terrorists are trying to fire at Security Forces.If they cross border into Afghanistan we should not hesitate to shell them there too.
I am the first person here who believes negotiations is the way to go. The reasons are:

- TTP make a huge population and its not just an army, its an ideology and ideology can not be destroyed. The more you try to kill it, the more reasons you give them to justify their cause.

- Today thousands of people, lacs actually are ready to sacrifice themselves for these groups. They are doing so because they are unhappy, unsatisfied with something. The govt needs to change the reason why they take up arms.

- Education, jobs, social upliftment is what will eradicate the ideology behind the terrorism. Majority, infact more than 90% of the so called terrorists are just dummies doing what their masters command them to do. Killing them won't change the scenario. The masters need to be killed. Social and economic development would be more than enough to lure the rest 90% away to a greater cause.

- Killing all of them would strengthen them further. They might get weak but as soon as the army operations are over, they will come up like earthworms come up in rains.

Just my 2 cents.

evil begets evil

is how I will sum it all up what you said
by the way I would suggest a mix approach talk where they are willing to listen and stop being an A** hole and then eradicate the ones that are pure & down right terrorists without any traces of humanity

hell these people have already brought the two nations into war & they wont hesitate from trying to do that
as far as the negotiations are concerned they should be sincere and genuine complaints of the people need to be addressed
the whole Pashton Papulation was stigmatised with terrorism but what Punjabi taliban have done brngs chills to the bone

on the other hand if it is decided that force has to be used then it has to be rapid, ruthless & for short duration so that the prospective jehadis think twice before joining the ranks of heaven merchents

I am the first person here who believes negotiations is the way to go. The reasons are:

Very valid point but i disagree...Let me share my opinion....

- TTP make a huge population and its not just an army, its an ideology and ideology can not be destroyed. The more you try to kill it, the more reasons you give them to justify their cause.

- Today thousands of people, lacs actually are ready to sacrifice themselves for these groups. They are doing so because they are unhappy, unsatisfied with something. The govt needs to change the reason why they take up arms.

- Education, jobs, social upliftment is what will eradicate the ideology behind the terrorism. Majority, infact more than 90% of the so called terrorists are just dummies doing what their masters command them to do. Killing them won't change the scenario. The masters need to be killed. Social and economic development would be more than enough to lure the rest 90% away to a greater cause.

- Killing all of them would strengthen them further. They might get weak but as soon as the army operations are over, they will come up like earthworms come up in rains.

Just my 2 cents.

- TTP is not an ideology...They are terrorists and not preachers of Islam...Lets not confuse the two...TTP is not someone who is following Islam but a power hungry blood thirsty beasts...All they are doing is take advantage of sorry situation of these so called lawless areas and putting up their cause...

- No doubt about Govt. role to bring in development...However the same TTP will do whatever it can to deny development reach in these areas...Development of these places is inversely proportional to the survial proabability of TTP...So you got to use shock and awe...and development in tandem to these operations....

- No doubt about the fact that Master's need to be killed...However you kill one master and there comes another to lead the so called dummies...You got to keep pushing them until and unless they give up...

- Not really...Once they are weak this will give you a cushion to speed up development efforts...For example no one will like to go there and build hospitals, Schools, Roads etc if the area is not peaceful...As long as they have the capacity to strike you will nevet achieve peace because they(TTP) will not allow development....Though it would be a disaster to mistake temporary peace with overall solution...

I think there is a stalemate and needs very smart and wise thinking to get over it...Let me explain the stalemate first..

We all know underdeveloped areas are breeding grounds for terrorist...So ultimate solution to get rid of such problems is to develop these areas.....Underdeveloped areas provides ample opportuniy for groups like TTP to recruit as many people as they can....So from their POV it is counter productive to let these areas develop....To stp state effor they will bomb every corner of these places frequently so that no serious development effort can take place...If state choose to attack then collateral damage will work in TTP favor...If they don't their influence will go beyond state controlling capabilities...Result Mess....and stalemate...

Solution - There is no easy solution and will differ from state to state...In Pakistan case PA has taken the initiative of cleaning up the mess...Based on my discussion with few Pakistani members it seems that PA is taking responsibility of developing the areas that have been cleared which is a positive sign...Now how successful they would be only time will tell however one has to break this stalemate for any positive results to come out...
In my opinion, annihilate the monsters. No negotiations with them.
PS. Besides i believe that PA knows better.
- TTP is not an ideology...

To you indeed. To them they are struggling for an idelogy--whatever it means to them. Such ideology-centric struggle can not be annihilated by force---negotiation and simultaneous development are the only effective ways.

Otherwise, the collateral damge will be so high that may cause secessionist aspiration among the whole FATA population too soon.

Also keep in mind the words of one Ajai Shukla / New Delhi May 04, 2010, 0:29 IST:

........From the strategic perspective, Pakistan today remains exactly where the most hawkish Indian analysts would want it: diminished on the Indian border and locked in bloody combat on its western reaches.......
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Thanks JJ but they dont have any idealogy , their purpose is to cause as much damage as they can to this Country.

I agree with the massures you have mentioned.
I have voted for "Annihilation" but the only concern I have is the price which the IDPs have to pay and are paying for these military operations. We are not in their shoe, they are the ones paying the biggest price of this WOT. I don't think we have anyone here from them to represent them, I wonder what their views would be on this.
Why not negotiate? They could trade the information they have about who their supporters in the Pakistani government are in exchange for their lives. Pakistanis could have faith in such a process if the trials were public, I suppose. Question is, would those currently in power in Pakistan allow it?
A surprisingly lot of people are for negotiations. Negotiate about what? They are so deeply committed to their ideology and it is difficult to see what negotiations can achieve accept cede territory & people to them. Their ideology is so pernicious that to sit in negotiations with them would be to legitimise their aims which are simply not compatable to what most educated Pakistanis want for their country. In any case what exactly would be on offer at the negotiations? Soft talibanism as opposed to hard talibanism that they want to impose? That would be just one step towards achieving their ideology and away from the hopes & aspirations of most Pakistanis. They would probably just push forward from that point. When is enough actually enough? The danger would be that more & more would be slowly ceded until there is nothing left to cede. Pakistan as it exists now will simply be nibbled away to talibanism.

While it is human nature to want to be reasonable, there are some times when force is the only language that can actually be of any use.This, I believe is just that type of a case.

Any negotiations should be on terms of their surrender & on nothing else.
No Negotiations No peace talks. These guys will use this time to regroup. We have got the Tamil Tigers Model in front of us, every time the Srilankan government negotiated it only gave time to LTTE. It took them well over 25 years to beat this insurgency and the only way they were able to achieve this was militarily.
We do not have the luxury of negotiations any more, but I do agree this deobandi-wahabi ideology of violence have to be defeated on ideological grounds as well. Only after the TTP is defeated and all of its leadership is either dead or beheaded. None of them should be left alive.
Its kinda hard to answer that, since clearly this "TTP" is organized by a foreign organization, and we have to get this through our head. TTP is a scapegoat, to make Pakistan look more..unsafe. I support Pakistan Army, but I believe that carpet bombing these areas is going to make things WORSE, because once innocent people start dying and homes get destroyed, thats when innocents that had nothing to do with this, get involved into this and pick up arms. For example if their son dies because of a Army carpet bombing, they have no one to go to, to say that oh look our son has died. Thats when they decide to pick up arms and fight. The best solution is to find out where the (core) operations are planned, take that place down. And install education in the area, and come to a mutual solution involving the jirga. All I can say is other than that.
Allah Knows Best.
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