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Social media is lying to you about Burma’s Muslim ‘cleansing’

Arakan was the compulsory part of the United Independent Shah E Bangla Sultanate. It was captured by Mugs when the United Independent Bangla Sultanate was attacked by coward Mughal(Aryan) in 15th Century. The Mugs extended their invasion up to Barisal. In later stage,during Mughal era we again recapture our own land up to Naff river in 1610. Arakan is still captive by the Mugs and it is now part of Myanmar. In such way, the problems were raised. Mughal invasion was partly responsible for present Arakan situation. Due to Mughal attack our defense in the South become weak and we loose our valuable territory. It is a sad story. Our retained people are still suffering. Mughal invasion and Mug attack on United Independent Shah E Bangla Sultanate in 15th are responsible for the present miseries of the Sons of Arakan. Constructive work, education may give the remedy..
It is a Raw-CIA-Mossad funded paper . Oh wait it could be Myanmar regime that has buyed Tribune who knows :rofl:. Without any credible evidence of Human rights violation or any photos to support it Cyber-jihadis are beating their chest Pointlessly .

I have followed a couple of your posts since when you were new at first you were impartial now every time you post you are ranting about some type of cyber jihadis your brethren have corrupted you. :D

1)Pakistanis and Bangladeshis claim over 2000 muslims dead in Gujarat riots, the actual death toll is 790 muslims, 290 hindus...
2) Fake pictures, fake setups in Israel - Palestine issue used to whip emotions against Jews..
3) Denial of exodus of 5,00,000 Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir Valley in 1989 because islamic extremism.
4) Denial of millions of christians plight in Sudan...

Anybody see a connection to these astounding claims !

I am going to reference one of your countrymen when I say how is this in the even wettest of your dreams related to this thread?

On topic maybe the news is exaggerated but the when the President of the state comes out and says the people are not welcome in land they have lived in for centuries then there is no doubt there is a problem.
I have followed a couple of your posts since when you were new at first you were impartial now every time you post you are ranting about some type of cyber jihadis your brethren have corrupted you. :D

I am going to reference one of your countrymen when I say how is this in the even wettest of your dreams related to this thread?

On topic maybe the news is exaggerated but the when the President of the state comes out and says the people are not welcome in land they have lived in for centuries then there is no doubt there is a problem.

We have not corrupted him but reading the amount of BS that's spewed out here, any one can lose his real self..

Btw, Cyber Jihadis is counter to Internet Hindus though one thing I agree on is "Internet Hindus" is not that offensive..
It is a Raw-CIA-Mossad funded paper . Oh wait it could be Myanmar regime that has buyed Tribune who knows :rofl:. Without any credible evidence of Human rights violation or any photos to support it Cyber-jihadis are beating their chest Pointlessly .

To hide their incompetence after being caught red handed using fake pics and beating drums of fake pogrom and giving fake figures as the number of people killed..

This is at the same time when they turned the refugees from their border back to be killed..hypocrisy now is this not?

I have been seeing these pictures for a long time. I even saw a picture of what was clearly the aftermath of the Rwandan civil war being posted as 'Muslims slaughtered in Burma'. I paid no mind to them as I assumed everyone was smart enough to know that clearly these were not authentic photos. There are absolutely no pictures of any genocide in Arakan. The only pictures are of the aftermath of rioting and communal violence (which has claimed Arakanese lives as well as Rohingya). Yet I hear day after day about government sponsored genocide. The media blackout has been lifted if I'm not mistaken and the army was never once deployed. Were the police biased against the Muslims? Most likely. Genocide? Nonsense.

It appears to me that Muslims, particularly right-wing ones, are crying out to be outraged. I have said again and again that opportunists are exaggerating the situation to trick gullible and naiive young men into their control. From these forums, it appears to be working quite well.

If, ofcourse, there surfaces evidence about killing fields and concentration camps as that idiot mb44 is desperate to see to validate his nazi analogy, then I will have egg on my face. But so far this has been nothing more than the proof of Godwin's Law.


We have not corrupted him but reading the amount of BS that's spewed out here, any one can lose his real self..

Btw, Cyber Jihadis is counter to Internet Hindus though one thing I agree on is "Internet Hindus" is not that offensive..

For all those MF BC who say fake and bla bla What about this barbarism.

Death to all those barbarians and Death to all their supporter even on Net !@!
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For the first time in world history a "genocide" has been captured in a 2 minute YT video...

I was led to believe most Indians are indifferent to this issue, unless you're a BJP guy who hates Rohingyas just because they happen to be Muslims![/B]

Indians who dont buy the propaganda about the Rohingya "genocide" and who condemn the dehumanising of the Rohingyas by belittling their sufferings are Islamophobic BJP goons !!

BDers never cease to amaze with their cognitive/analytical abilities.
For the first time in world history a "genocide" has been captured in a 2 minute YT video...


Another fake video dude, those are black guys in the video, most likely from Africa, shameless liars.
We have not corrupted him but reading the amount of BS that's spewed out here, any one can lose his real self..

Btw, Cyber Jihadis is counter to Internet Hindus though one thing I agree on is "Internet Hindus" is not that offensive..

I know about that but I remember reading one of his posts where he said he would be impartial and someone was like within a couple of weeks you will change and the funny thing is it happened. As for cyber jihadi I remember the thread where it was first introduced I believe it was the Internet Hindu thread and trolla lalla picked up on it and it became his slogan. :rofl:

Another fake video dude, those are black guys in the video, most likely from Africa, shameless liars.

I agree that most of this is faked to gain sympathy for their cause but referring to my post number 32 even you have to admit there is a problem when the President wants to remove people from their homes.
I know about that but I remember reading one of his posts where he said he would be impartial and someone was like within a couple of weeks you will change and the funny thing is it happened. As for cyber jihadi I remember the thread where it was first introduced I believe it was the Internet Hindu thread and trolla lalla picked up on it and it became his slogan. :rofl:

Nah, the term cyber-jihad has been used before, just google it.

I agree that most of this is faked to gain sympathy for their cause but referring to my post number 32 even you have to admit there is a problem when the President wants to remove people from their homes.

Fakery and deception don't help one gain sympathy. It only belittles the seriousness of the issue. You know crying wolf and all that.
1.Arakan is historically and culturally a part of SA. Geographically it is an extension of Bengal. What is happening in Arakan must not be seen in isolation from what has been happening in India. In India the cleaners are Hindus. In Arakan they are Buddhists.

2. Note, this round of the continued genocide began soon after Indian PM's visit to Burma. Obviously he was asked about his opinion once the Burmese began their killings. Yep, sort of a NOC, the target being the same.
For all those MF BC who say fake and bla bla What about this barbarism.

Death to all those barbarians and Death to all their supporter even on Net !@!

It's Rawanda civil war, idiot.
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If the Burmese have nothing to hide then they should open up the area for international journalists. Why is it not open? What are the Burmese hiding?

That said fake video's and photo's do not support the Rohingya cause, those idiots that are using these should realize that they are hurting the credibility of the news about a real ongoing ethnic cleansing that has been going on for decades. Apparently these poor Rohingya's who are virtual slaves in their land do not have access to mobile phones or camera's to record the atrocities. But Ronigya's that are coming over to Bangladesh, they are telling first hand accounts of what happened. Rohingya's need to get better organized about recording the crimes and then disseminate them. This is the least they can do to take their message to the world community.

But regardless of how inept Rohingya's are about recording the crimes committed by Burmese on them, the biggest proof we have for this ethnic cleanisng is about 300,000 (official) to 500,000 (unofficial) Rohingya refugee's sitting in Bangladesh and not willing to go back, despite the pretty bad condition of living at the refugee camps. And there are another 500,000 to 700,000 Rohingya's living as refugees in regional and other countries (India, Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia etc.).

Since Burmese cannot and will not open up the area, we have to go by what Rohingya's are saying that the death toll so far has been about 20,000 people killed. The burden of proving that this is false is on the Burmese.
Pathetic attempt by an Internet hindu to save the a$$ their buddisht genocidal terrorist. I guess the myanmari junta personally got trained by RSS, Shiv shena and Modi like thugs. There is simply no denying that a roghingya genocide has been taking place in Burma over the last 60 years. It doesn't take a pea sized brain to comprehend that which unfortunately internet hindus lack.
Pathetic attempt by an Internet hindu to save the a$$ their buddisht genocidal terrorist. I guess the myanmari junta personally got trained by RSS, Shiv shena and Modi like thugs. There is simply no denying that a roghingya genocide has been taking place in Burma over the last 60 years. It doesn't take a pea sized brain to comprehend that which unfortunately internet hindus lack.

Ok, then what is the Muslims doing when you have the time to criticize the Hindus. Then tell me if any Muslims countries have come forward to help their muslim brothers. Even your own country refused to take in the refuges.
Ok, then what is the Muslims doing when you have the time to criticize the Hindus. Then tell me if any Muslims countries have come forward to help their muslim brothers. Even your own country refused to take in the refuges.

Its BAL that refused it not muslims. Do you know that bangladeshis in teknaf areas are getting
arrested for giving shelter to the rohingyas by not abiding by this Dalal gov directive. Even BGB
are lax on this issue. This is the only time that rohingyas were denied shelter thanks to this
terrorist , anti-state fagotic org called BAL. Previously 3 times of mass exodus of rohingyas , they were given shelter during BNP era. BD has some 800000 rohingyas and PAK, malaysia and indonesia
also has many. There is more rohingyas in muslims countries than in Burma and BD has the largest chunk of it. My country is currently ruled by mirjafars not muslims. But don't bother with it
if your brain can't handle it.:coffee:
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