Some very interesting view there. So let me make a quick response to that.
Your postulation is not incorrect. In fact that it is a major determinant in the Chinese Foreign Policy vis-a-vis Pakistan. Deep down inside, China has some major concerns wrt the state of affairs in Pakistan. Since Pakistan increasingly is throwing up a picture of an 'uncontrolled chain reaction'. There are far too many
loose cannons in present-day Pakistan, for anybody's comfort even for a friend's peace of mind. China is not the only such identity, even KSA is a case in point.
Just to take your hypothesis further, while China is a supporter of the Deep State (Mily. Estt.) in Pakistan; that support is not unlimited.
Because China is clearly cognisant of the fact that the Deep State is riddled with 'Zia's Children' i.e. Men who will allow their Fundamentalism to overcome their Professionalism. Since the Chinese are convinced (certainly with justification) that the Political Estt. in Pakistan (for many reasons, not all of its own doing) is simply incapable of controlling things (esp the Strategic Weapon stockpile) it is now confonted with the situation (shall I say mortification) that the Caretakers (or Khaki Chowkidars, to borrow a term from our friend VCheng) may themselves be liable to be subverted/suborned. That is certainly no cause for comfort. Even for any friend! Especially if that friend happens to be a neighbor.
Which is why I had said in an earlier post (maybe six months ago) in response to Santro/Oscar (who I respect greatly) that "Pakistan's Nukes are both a boon and a bane to Pakistan itself". I stand by that opinion even now.
About your concluding paras, while I consider that to be in the realm of hypothesis: there is merit in that also!
Why do you think that Kargil episode played out the way that it did?
As I said in an earlier post on this thread: that Kargil punched a huge hole in the theory of "Nuclear Deterrence".
Now you may be able to guess why. As well as why India was able to raise the stakes during that episode and call its opponent's bluff. Just as India demonstrated its ability to respond in an "asymetric warfare" but using means vastly different from what anybody (including the opponent) expected. that is what worked really.
So again reverting back to the thrust of my argument to explain why the Chinese have been doing what they have. Its all about balance and order. Yin and Yang!
That cute little black and white graphic that we are used to seeing is very important.