Asian Highway : Truth in the Map
Golam Ahmed Tuhin
Published: 2009-12-01
According to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the purposes of Asian Highway are framed as following table:
Bangladesh's current situation:
• Bangladesh already is connected with India through different highway root. Among them, Benapole (connects Jessore division with West Bengal), Sona-Masjid (connects Rajshahi division with north of West Bengal), Hilli (connects Dinajpur with Northern West Bengal), Tamabil (connects Sylhet Division with Meghalaya), Jokigonj (connects Sylhet Division with Assam), Akhaura (connects Comilla with Tripura). Besides those, Bangladesh is also connected with India through many other borders).
• Goods are pouring into Bangladesh from India through all those borders.
• Compared to the amount of goods imported from India, Bangladesh is exporting less than one tenth of its goods to India through those borders, since India has many restrictions to import Bangladeshi goods.
• As per ESCAP's definition, the benefits of connecting Asian Highway for Bangladesh is to increase it's business tie with India, China (Kunming), Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. (In short, it is to accelerate business with all south-east Asian countries and Kunming (China).
• There is no way we can get extra business by Asian Highway from India as we are already connected with India by so many highways through different points (see the map).
• Currently, many goods arrive in Chittagong port from different countries of the World and some of them are exported to Seven Sisters (eastern states of India) from Bangladesh by using highways through Akhaura, Jokygonj and Tamabil (Sylhet) borders.
1. Connecting Kunming City of China with shortest distance for doing better businesses.
2. Connecting South-East Asian countries i.e. Thailand (Bangkok), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Singapore, and Indonesia (Jakarta), Vietnam and Cambodia by land with possible shortest distance for doing better businesses as well.
3. Connecting India, Nepal and Bhutan for also doing better businesses to minimize trade deficit with them. We must need to mention that India is already connected with Bangladesh through many Highways and Water routes.
How will India gain its business with Proposed Asian Highway (the way India does want)?
• India will transport its goods from West Bengal to Seven Sisters and vice versa easily as they don't need to travel extra thousand of kilometers. Thus export from Bangladesh to Seven Sisters will be reduced or end.
• From Seven Sisters states, India will export its products to all South-East Asian countries easily via Myanmar (Burma) (they don't need to travel through Bangladesh). This will deprive Bangladesh from its desire to do business with South East Asian countries.
• India can do a better business from Seven Sisters to Kunming area of China thus Bangladesh must deprive from her desire to do business with China (Kunming).
• More goods will be imported to Bangladesh from India in more efficient way.
How Bangladesh will lose its business with Proposed Asian Highway (the way India wants)?
1. Bangladesh will have to travel extra thousand of Kilometer path to reach in the same destination in Myanmar from where different routes start toward Kunming(China), Myanmar(Burma), Thailand, Hanoi(Vietnam), Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia as the proposed route goes from Sylhet to Meghalaya- Assam-Nagaland-Manipur and then Myanmar. Travelling of additional thousand kilometers will take at least two days of extra time for the trucks or buses as those are hill areas and the speed cannot be higher. Whereas reaching in the same destination in Myanmar, we just need to travel only 30 miles away from Chittagong. In addition, the above mentioned countries can be traveled easily from there too.
2. There will be no need of Bangladeshi goods for Seven Sisters as they will get Indian products easily from West Bengal area using Asian Highway via Bangladesh (West Bengal-Jessore-Sylhet-Seven Sister proposed route).
3. Bangladesh will be flooded with Indian goods more easily using Asian Highway proposed route.
4. Because of reason # 1, there will be no way for Bangladesh to do business with China or any of the South-East Asian countries using the proposed Asian Highway. On the contrary, India will occupy all the businesses and solely benefited by using proposed Highway.
5. Because of the same reason, Bangladesh will be poorer (as the current level of export will stop to India) and India will be the most gainer.
6. Because of the same reason, Chittagong port will lose its strength (business).
Why we should connect Asian Highway via Chittagong?
1. We can reach more easily to the same spot in Myanmar by traveling only 30 miles from south of Chittagong from where we can go to any other countries like Kunming(China), Myanmar, Thailand, Hanoi (Vietnam), Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia.
2. Bangladesh can easily be connected with India, Nepal or Bhutan in a better way. Travelling to Nepal, we need only 40 miles road through India. Thus Chittagong port can be more dynamic as shipped goods can easily be reached to Nepal and Bhutan and even to many Indian States. This may reduce trade gap between India and Bangladesh.
3. Bangladesh will be more secured in terms of business and security.
4. India also can be benefited by importing goods from Bangladesh by using Chittagong port.
Now the general questions:
1. Is there any benefit for Bangladesh to follow India proposed route for Asian Highway?
2. Does India-proposed Asian Highway fulfill any of ESCAP's five purposes for Bangladesh?
3. Can anybody show us just one example that Bangladesh would be benefited by India-proposed Asian highway?
4. Isn't the India-proposed Asian Highway fully for India's benefit?
5. Why don't we build only 30 miles of road from Chittagong to Myanmar to connect Asian Highway that will be the most benefited for Bangladesh?
I would like to challenge anyone including ADB or WB Presidents to come and explain us how India-proposed highway will bring more benefit for Bangladesh for which they are shouting for.
Data source:
Asia Times Online :: Global Economy - Asian Highway network gathers speed
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Transport Division
Asian Highway Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Red circled area shows the Indian States that are considered as seven sisters
This document was prepared by Golam Ahmed Tuhin, a senior Engineer and freelance journalist, working at Honda Motor Company, Ohio, USA. Email: