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Sikhs rally in London over 1984 India temple attack

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25+ years on.....it's about time the largest democracy....oops sorry.....deMOCKracy delivers justice to the GREAT SIKHS!
dude is that even a retort!!!
it's no body's responsibility to force u the way to think!!
and that's why i said if a forum can bring such changes in a man then only imaging what would have happened if he lived with with mullah's!!
who would have properly utilized his emotions!!!

and i am sorry if i sound like an A$$hole but the fact is one should never blame others for his own condition. personally nothing drives me more crazy:angry:

Again a neat way to avoid addressing the behaviour and attitudes by some people here.
i didn't ask anyone to believe me

Just telling based upon my personal experience

You should have added that its your personal observation isnt it??
these are odd people. they don't represent the general sikh thinking. most sikhs do not agree with operation bluestar or an attack on the temple.

Stick to he basics and debate, u dont need to get deeply into ur assumptions and based on that try to corner the debate to your side...
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