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Sikhs rally in London over 1984 India temple attack

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This might be true, but you have to realize there a good number of Pakistani Sikhs in these countries too and one cannot count out their involvement in such movements in these country.

Pakistani Sikhs?? There are probably even few Indian Sikhs who still harbor the dream of breaking India and forming Khalistan but I don't believe any Sikh today will support violence, I have even heard people taking that Sikhs are more patriotic than Hindus etc etc
There are lot of UK sikh who sympathize with khalistani terrorists even now, same with canadian sikhs.
Govt recently has removed nearly 100 names out of terror list so that they can move around and come to India.
Use that opportunity, live like normal person, use democracy to force govt.
No sikh in punjab supports this, outsiders should not try to lit the fire again. You dont want to do that.

Garland bhindranwale the village idiot as much as you want, nobody will bother as long as you dont indulge in violence.
If Khalistani start their shyte again in India, it will be the Sikhs themselves who ll beat the crap out of them. And all the Pakistanis jumping up and down with joy, you should try talking to a Khalistani about Pakistan, they ll have some choice things to say about Pakistanis and Muslims:rofl:

I personally know some boys who go to such meetings and rallies here in Canada, their main grievance is the anti sikh rioting. They know they got played by Paksitanis and don't want to repeat the same mistake again.
1984 sikh riots is a disgrace to India, I am ashamed that after so many years, nobody is punished. Ditto with gujrat riots.
I'm ashamed of the Anti-Sikh riots in 1984, but I support the storming of the Golden Temple.
A comment i read on this other forum,

I was at someone's house attending a paath yesterday (in the West Midlands)....and the granthi (who was from one of the main gurdwara which sent many coaches) said that many people had gone on the coaches to enjoy a day out in London.

I am sure that was the case because the numbers on the march looked quite low to me - from the video footage and pictures. The figure quoted by the BBC of 25,000 is probably near the mark.

The figures would have been more had the entire Sikh community knew about it

I just came to know about this event from the BBC news.. and many of my Sikh friends probably didn't even know about it or they would definitely mentioned somewhere to me
The figures would have been more had the entire Sikh community knew about it

I just came to know about this event from the BBC news.. and many of my Sikh friends probably didn't even know about it or they would definitely mentioned somewhere to me

99% SIkhs hates decade old dead Khalisthan Movement. Already posted many things few pages back.
I would have gone for Day Trip in London. But I was not there ;)
99% SIkhs hates decade old dead Khalisthan Movement. Already posted many things few pages back.

50% surely does.....
25% don't care or they refrain giving their opinion on it
25% are pro

this is true among many Sikh communities residing in foreign countries
50% surely does.....
25% don't care or they refrain giving their opinion on it
25% are pro

this is true among many Sikh communities residing in foreign countries

Now that was quite a blunt attempt of making up opinions isnt it Zaki??Sources?
Saying Sikhs hate decade old dead Khalistan Movement is not true. Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale Ji is declared Shaheed by SGPC. You can see his posters, stickers on every major roads, bikes, cars, even trucks who go to other states. Every Gurudwara granthi mentions his name in Ardaas every day. 'Bluestar' will remain etched in the Sikh psyche for generations, Genocide is too deeply etched in our memory to be forgotten. This doesnt mean we hate Hindus or India, No! Sikhs and Hindus live like brothers in Punjab, heck Sikh boy/girl can marry Hindu boy/girl without any objection, parents today have education and social standing as first priority not religion or caste. Hindus and Sikh pray together. Problem only arise when Congress spread spreads its propoganda that Indira was Saint and it was all Bhindrawale's fault. Indira always had grudge against Sikhs, According to Amnesty International, 140,000 people had been arrested without trial during the twenty months of Indira Gandhi's Emergency (25 June 1975 – 21 March 1977). Of them, 40,000 had come from India's two percent Sikh minority.

Sant Harcharan Singh Longowal -
"The question before us is not whether Indira Gandhi should continue to be prime minister or not. The point is whether democracy in this country is to survive or not. The democratic structure stands on three pillars, namely a strong opposition, independent judiciary and free press. Emergency has destroyed all these essentials."
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