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Shrine Of Hazart Younus blown/destroyed

Means it is worshiped by all abrahamic religions across the world. So why these nut jobs are destroying it ?I have very difficult time to digest this.

These must be world heritage site and now gone. All 3500 years of history demolished in few hours. What happen to actual grave ?
Christians don't worship any of the previous prophets.
Means it is worshiped by all abrahamic religions across the world. So why these nut jobs are destroying it ?I have very difficult time to digest this.

These must be world heritage site and now gone. All 3500 years of history demolished in few hours. What happen to actual grave ?

we dont worship graves or man dead or alive
Means it is worshiped by all abrahamic religions across the world. So why these nut jobs are destroying it ?I have very difficult time to digest this.

These must be world heritage site and now gone. All 3500 years of history demolished in few hours. What happen to actual grave ?

On one hand you call them nutjobs and on other hand you ask me why these nutjobs are destroying the shrine! Nutjobs are nutjobs, they would do anything for they don't have a functioning brain.

Don't know about others but Muslims don't worship graves, they don't even worship the grave of prophet Muhammad pbuh.

As per news item, the mosque situated in premises of the tomb have been destroyed. I am assuming actual grave is fine.
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Iraqis threw roses on US troops when they toppled Saddam. Now Iraq is a hell. At least Saddam was keeping them together and far more peaceful.

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