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Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

I meant Sri Lankans in this forum.

Do arab people look like european?

Never challenge an aryan, Go and look at the picture of Syrian president and his father, he is 6 ft 2 in has blue eyes

Then again go and look at picture of Jordan King he also looks european

I get it, you want arabs to be classified in brown people category, not possible
Never challenge an aryan, Go and look at the picture of Syrian president and his father, he is 6 ft 2 in has blue eyes

Then again go and look at picture of Jordan King he also looks european

I get it, you want arabs to be classified in brown people category, not possible

Thanks for making my day. :lol:
Do arab people look like european?

I think so, their features are quite similar to Europeans.

I knew a Lebanese girl once, and when I first met her, I was sure that she was some kind of European.

Anyway, anyone who is not East Asian in East Asia, automatically sticks out like a sore thumb. Especially since almost all East Asians have the same hair colour and eye colour. :D
I think so, their features are quite similar to Europeans.

I knew a Lebanese girl once, and when I first met her, I was sure that she was some kind of European.

Anyway, anyone who is not East Asian in East Asia, automatically sticks out like a sore thumb. Especially since almost all East Asians share the same hair colour and eye colour. :D

I never have seen an arab actually. I think I read somewhere they are classified as Semitic.

Did I tell you I have huge crush on East Asians! ;)
I think so, their features are quite similar to Europeans.

I knew a Lebanese girl once, and when I first met her, I was sure that she was some kind of European.

Anyway, anyone who is not East Asian in East Asia, automatically sticks out like a sore thumb. Especially since almost all East Asians share the same hair colour and eye colour. :D

I have an indian friend who says the same thing as these bhartis are saying that arabs are dark people, The only way i can distinguish palestinian, lebanese and syrians, jordans from european when they speak arabs, I have seen blond lebenese, blond syrian

When people are jealous of some race they try to associate themselves with that group
I never have seen an arab actually. I think I read somewhere they are classified as Semitic.

Did I tell you I have huge crush on East Asians! ;)

I doubt that, I have never seen a single bharti with any favourable view of any east asians be it chinese or indonesian,

Most bhartis think of themselves as of high racial superiority they make fun of every race except europeans
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@thread starter what if the people richer than u in ur country apply the same logic??And then dont expect ur country to defend u when some firangi power bosses u around.
I never have seen an arab actually. I think I read somewhere they are classified as Semitic.

Did I tell you I have huge crush on East Asians! ;)

I can easily tell if some guys are middle eastern or Europeans. Folks discussing thread may not have that much exposure to ME people. Semitic look stands out.

I think Sri lanka is wasting its time and money by being a member SAARC.

If you look at it, all the SAARC countries are 3rd world and most of them are low income countries. How are you suppose to become 'good' when you hang around the 'bad'? we are wasting Billions of Rs to be part of this lethargic Association that is destined to fail. "dont they tell you not hang around the 'bad' kids when your little? as they will be bad influence on you"

I don't see the point in enhancing relations with neighbors, we're living in the 21st century. Distance is not a problem, any place around world is only few hours away. Why not enhance ties with 1st world countries.

Their been making this colossal wastes of money by arranging a summit every 2 years, now their' apparently doing it every year. what the hell?

Why not go with Colombo plan? work on better ties there? thier are great countries in that group that we can learn alot from.

And i don't see why, northern and eastern parts of sri lanka have leech from lines of credit from Colombo for apparently 'development' If they made a war for 30 years, not not my god dam problem for their so called lack of 'development'. Why is Colombo throwing 215 Billion Rs every year into the security of that no future crap hole? that's over $100 million USD a week to apparently provide security so they don't kill themselves! Why does my tax have to foot the bill for that? Why not just build a fence like they did in Israel? I'm sure you can build a fence for a one off payment of 215 Billion Rs, not throwing my hard earned money to stop them killing themselves. If i was president i would do things a lot different, but likely i have some contacts which gives me some good influence with the president :P Hopefully I will be able to change all this, and turn this country back into business.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.


SAARC is not useless and Sri Lanka is an active member of this organization, where your concern about its idleness than you are wrong because there must be a forum where south Asian countries can share, Communicate and discuss problems and it is useful. Problem of its non activeness is caused by a country which has no respect to neighbor countries and his aggression minimize friendly relation between countries of region.

Sri Lanka also effected by its aggression but Sri Lanka with other member countries ever played positive and effective role to strengthen the organization.

•The People's Republic of China has shown its interest in joining SAARC. While Pakistan and Bangladesh support China's candidature, India is against the prospect of Chinese membership. China's entry in to SAARC will likely balance India's overbearing presence there (Siri Lanka's progressive relations with China also will help to add a powerfull country to make organization stronger).

However, during the 2005 Dhaka summit, India agreed on granting observer status to the PRC along with Japan. During the 14th summit, Nepal along with Pakistan and Bangladesh, announced their support for the membership of China.China seeks greater involvement in SAARC, however, finds it too early to apply for full membership.

•Indonesia intends to become an observer as well, and is supported by Sri Lanka.

•Iran, a state with borders to two SAARC members, has traditionally enjoyed strong cultural, economic and political relationships with Afghanistan and Pakistan and has expressed its desire to become a member of the South Asian organization. On 22 February 2005, the Foreign Minister of Iran, Kamal Kharrazi, indicated Iran's interest in joining SAARC by saying that his country could provide the region with "East-West connectivity".On 3 March 2007, Iran asked to join the SAARC as an observer. SAARC Secretary-General Lyonpo Chenkyab Dorji responded by saying that Iran's request for observer status would be taken up during a meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of SAARC member countries in the 3 April summit in New Delhi.

•Russia intends to become an observer as well, and is supported by India.(Even Pakistan has no objection)

•Myanmar has expressed an interest in joining as a full member, even though it is already a member of the ASEAN. If done so, Myanmar will become the ninth member in the group. India is currently backing Myanmar.Myanmar’s military regime officially applied for full SAARC membership in May 2008. However, the application is still being considered and the government is currently restricted to observer status.

•South Africa has participated in meetings.

So you can see that because of one countries there is so much problems to make this organization effectfull.
SAARC is not useless and Sri Lanka is an active member of this organization, where your concern about its idleness than you are wrong because there must be a forum where south Asian countries can share, Communicate and discuss problems and it is useful. Problem of its non activeness is caused by a country which has no respect to neighbor countries and his aggression minimize friendly relation between countries of region.

Sri Lanka also effected by its aggression but Sri Lanka with other member countries ever played positive and effective role to strengthen the organization.

•The People's Republic of China has shown its interest in joining SAARC. While Pakistan and Bangladesh support China's candidature, India is against the prospect of Chinese membership. China's entry in to SAARC will likely balance India's overbearing presence there (Siri Lanka's progressive relations with China also will help to add a powerfull country to make organization stronger).

However, during the 2005 Dhaka summit, India agreed on granting observer status to the PRC along with Japan. During the 14th summit, Nepal along with Pakistan and Bangladesh, announced their support for the membership of China.China seeks greater involvement in SAARC, however, finds it too early to apply for full membership.

•Indonesia intends to become an observer as well, and is supported by Sri Lanka.

•Iran, a state with borders to two SAARC members, has traditionally enjoyed strong cultural, economic and political relationships with Afghanistan and Pakistan and has expressed its desire to become a member of the South Asian organization. On 22 February 2005, the Foreign Minister of Iran, Kamal Kharrazi, indicated Iran's interest in joining SAARC by saying that his country could provide the region with "East-West connectivity".On 3 March 2007, Iran asked to join the SAARC as an observer. SAARC Secretary-General Lyonpo Chenkyab Dorji responded by saying that Iran's request for observer status would be taken up during a meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of SAARC member countries in the 3 April summit in New Delhi.

•Russia intends to become an observer as well, and is supported by India.(Even Pakistan has no objection)

•Myanmar has expressed an interest in joining as a full member, even though it is already a member of the ASEAN. If done so, Myanmar will become the ninth member in the group. India is currently backing Myanmar.Myanmar’s military regime officially applied for full SAARC membership in May 2008. However, the application is still being considered and the government is currently restricted to observer status.

•South Africa has participated in meetings.

So you can see that because of one countries there is so much problems to make this organization effectfull.

Be realistic, man. At least name your country (read Pakistan) along with India while discussing issues concerning SAARC and its effectiveness.
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India is a member of G-20, rubbing shoulders with UNSC P-5 members.

Its just passing time with kids in SAARC.....
I have an indian friend who says the same thing as these bhartis are saying that arabs are dark people, The only way i can distinguish palestinian, lebanese and syrians, jordans from european when they speak arabs, I have seen blond lebenese, blond syrian

When people are jealous of some race they try to associate themselves with that group

I'm not sure what you mean by "dark people"?

From my own personal experience though, I think that Arabs tend to have very European "facial features". I have been confused before. :tup:

East Asian facial features are quite different from Europeans, so it's easier to notice it here. Look at a Chinese nose, an Arab nose, and a European nose for instance. Clearly, the Arab/European noses are much more similar, the East Asian one is different.
India is a member of G-20, rubbing shoulders with UNSC P-5 members.

Its just passing time with kids in SAARC.....

G-20, SAARC and all that are ineffective. its just waste of money and time, with no outcome.

File:Military Alliances.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Currently sri lanka is not part of any 'worth while' agreement. We should just quit the ones that we're already in, instead of spending tax money keeping them afloat.
@thread starter what if the people richer than u in ur country apply the same logic??And then dont expect ur country to defend u when some firangi power bosses u around.

I would be perfectly happy with that, I would mind if someone else is doing better than me. Infact it will have a 'tail wind' effect on me, and even inspire me to be better. Its called bounces off each other.

That was the theory about having special streams in school for higher archives, they will tend to 'bounce' off each other and be more competitive. Division always help keep you organized, and efficient.
This guy was the Governor of California, didn't help California much !!


lol common Colombo minister looks much better than that the Florida minister. this guy takes steroids, cheats his way in.
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