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Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

Yes really SAARC is a sucking,timid, lethargic organization,its still floating all because of India,we should dismantle it or atleast leave it.

As far as SL is concerned if u have a better opinion than SAARC then leave it

But u r not qualified to join BRICS or G-20 either(no offense,just facts)

Well SL can join NATO,but it not an economic block,its a hardcore military block,and joining it will eventually put more strain on SL,as definitely it will b unable to bear the heat of NATO,all will u see is ur soldier's dying for no reason in Afghan and Iraq and billion's wasted for no problem of urs and that to when the economic condition is not at the best.
@mahinda18 : half of the countries you mentioned are no more the world leaders India and China have overshadowed them as for USA, she continue to be in a dillema over how to react when it comes to emerging nations, believe it or not we are now emerging to be the new world leaders, the sun has set in the west and has rised in the east.

Dont be crazy :cheesy:
Well, srilanka can alsn join other groups without quitting SAARC, and can you please elaborate more as to why SAARC holds no future?
SAARC is a organization of south Asian Countries and because poor countries you think srilanka should leave it ?? Is this the point ??

How much harm your country facing as a member of SAARC ???

SAARC represent our unity, can start new way to improve business with each other.
Well, srilanka can alsn join other groups without quitting SAARC, and can you please elaborate more as to why SAARC holds no future?

Decisions are made bilaterally.. There is no common interests that binds SAARC.

But personally i believe srilanka shouldn't leave SAARC, they will miss the medals of the SAAF games in the future if they do so:P
Yes really SAARC is a sucking,timid, lethargic organization,its still floating all because of India,we should dismantle it or atleast leave it.

As far as SL is concerned if u have a better opinion than SAARC then leave it

But u r not qualified to join BRICS or G-20 either(no offense,just facts)

Well SL can join NATO,but it not an economic block,its a hardcore military block,and joining it will eventually put more strain on SL,as definitely it will b unable to bear the heat of NATO,all will u see is ur soldier's dying for no reason in Afghan and Iraq and billion's wasted for no problem of urs and that to when the economic condition is not at the best.

No they cant join NATO because NATO is lead by America and SL is close to CHINA

Like i said before Government not run on personal opinion
Yes really SAARC is a sucking,timid, lethargic organization,its still floating all because of India,we should dismantle it or atleast leave it.

I agree, I dont about the india. But SAARC diffidently should be dismantled.

As far as SL is concerned if u have a better opinion than SAARC then leave it

But u r not qualified to join BRICS or G-20 either(no offense,just facts)

I wish I could, but unfortunately i'm not president.
G20 is just large economies, the 20 largest economy, that's it. Thats not good bet.

Well SL can join NATO,but it not an economic block,its a hardcore military block,and joining it will eventually put more strain on SL,as definitely it will b unable to bear the heat of NATO,all will u see is ur soldier's dying for no reason in Afghan and Iraq and billion's wasted for no problem of urs and that to when the economic condition is not at the best.

I could live that that :smitten: But out doubt it'll happen. NATO is North Atlantic Treaty Organization, not even Australia or New Zealand are a part of it. But they have integrated with it.
No they cant join NATO because NATO is lead by America and SL is close to CHINA

Like i said before Government not run on personal opinion

never matter's,what i was implying the repercussion's,just after 2 days they will running with a$$ packed from NATO,frankly NATO is not for poor nation's like SL,which was in the midst of a civil war dor decades with a devasted economy
I could live that that :smitten: But out doubt it'll happen. NATO is North Atlantic Treaty Organization, not even Australia or New Zealand are a part of it. But they have integrated with it.

Frankly u can live with that with no problem if ur brother and father is not in the midst of Tora Bora fighting against Taliban,where SL had no stake,be little practical,and think it would be for a reason why ur country never proposed all this
And i don't see why, northern and eastern parts of sri lanka have leech from lines of credit from Colombo for apparently 'development' If they made a war for 30 years, not not my god dam problem for their so called lack of 'development'. Why is Colombo throwing 215 Billion Rs every year into the security of that no future crap hole? that's over $100 million USD a week to apparently provide security so they don't kill themselves! Why does my tax have to foot the bill for that? Why not just build a fence like they did in Israel? I'm sure you can build a fence for a one off payment of 215 Billion Rs, not throwing my hard earned money to stop them killing themselves. If i was president i would do things a lot different, but likely i have some contacts which gives me some good influence with the president :P Hopefully I will be able to change all this, and turn this country back into business.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.


Please do it ASAP. That was what the Tigers wanted and that was what your Government and Army was stuggling to prevent.

If only you were the President of Sri Lanka ....:P
Please do it ASAP. That was what the Tigers wanted and that was what your Government and Army was stuggling to prevent.

If only you were the President of Sri Lanka ....:P

Tigers..:what: Didn't they just got elavated from "endangered ' status to "extinct "in Lanka?
never matter's,what i was implying the repercussion's,just after 2 days they will running with a$$ packed from NATO,frankly NATO is not for poor nation's like SL,which was in the midst of a civil war dor decades with a devasted economy

Sri lanka isn't that poor, Its middle income. Thats only cos of the northern and eastern parts.

If you check a new IMF report, Its not allowing me post links here, donno why. It says more than 50% of Sri lanka's economy comes from Colombo. If you work out Colombo Income levels works out to be $48,000 USD, which is rich.

We should just build a fence around the other parts of the country, until they catch up. We shouldn't be held back cos they decided to kill themselves.
Tigers..:what: Didn't they just got elavated from "endangered ' status to "extinct "in Lanka?

Notice the past tense in my post. :P

And not all Tigers have been hunted down. ;)
Also I think our army is too large with lack of funding makes its ineffiecnt, and not practical.

We should scale down the army from 250,000 active, to around 10,000. and maintain current levels of defence expenditure. This should give a per troop spending of that any modern army of around $600,000 USD per solider per year. and just use this to protect Colombo, If the other parts of the country want protections let them pay for it themselves.
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