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Should India go the Turkish way ?

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Snakes kills 50000 people in India every year

Therefore snakes should never be "rescued" ( as goes that silly term ) but eliminated once found in some house etc.

Elephants kills 400

That is a complex topic requiring more than one post.

Tigers kills 50

Source please.

Don't know much about deaths due to stray dogs but

The Bombay High Court some years ago said that more people in Bombay have died by dog attack than by terrorists. It is that serious.

Also some years ago the Kerala Home Minister gave a statement that any neighborhood in Kerala that finds problems because of stray dogs, the people there can take any action and the police should not take action in case any dogs are killed.

Also, in Beed town in Maharashtra some doctors rear formerly stray dogs to eat ( and thus dispose ) the illegally aborted human female fetuses.

Other such things.
Well you keep as you like. It's of no significance to Muslims. Baburi Mosque worth more then million Taj Mahals which you destroyed like uncivilized subhumans which you actually are.

Why should India react to something happened in turkey.
Let bygones be bygones; this country needs to forget certain things and move forward otherwise we face the same danger that faced Soviet union a few decades ago. The collapse of soviet union has little to do with communism and more to do with ehtnolinguistic relations imo.
BJPs idea of trying to turning india into a hindu version of pakistan is truly stupid. It has no positives other than some feel-good effect about eras that are long gone.

No you filthy gangadeshi, you can never be like Pakistan, you will remain an uncivilized taboo filled filthy gangadeshi run by mob lynchers and mass murderers. We may he corrupt bastard but none of them teach lynching of minorities.
That doesn't change facts.
N it's a fact that south/northeast have nothing to do with Pakistan.
Any nonbhayya can appreciate how different we r socially n culturally.(let's not even invoke race).

Even on this forum,, it's apparent.
The typical chain of thought.

Bhayya India- oh we great but invaders/west/leftist/liberals/Moslems.

Bhayya Pakistan- oh we great but leaders/yahoodhanood/liberals/leftist/west

Nonbhayyas are as different racially to bhayyas as they are to Indic Pakistanis on this side of the Indus.

Irani Pakistanis are as much outliers to the racial construct as all the north eastern state Indians are.

As I said,it depends on where you draw the line and who draws the line.

In my view the line should always have been the Indus.

Beyond that was rarely if ever ours.

It was "ours" (mine ancestrally).

Cheers, Doc
Bhagat Singh was a Sanghi according to newer BJP IT cell propaganda.

Whatever characters are historically important, they appropriate for their own. Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, APJ Abul Kalam were all Sanghis...

For some reason, they don't want Mahatma Gandhi :sniper::rofl::rofl:

Congress has now woken up and started giving credit to PVN after TRS has appropriated him.

Why Congress has now woken up to own PV Narasimha Rao’s legacy
In episode 531 of Cut The Clutter, Shekhar Gupta says Congress in its obsession with Gandhi-Nehru family lost most of its icons to BJP. It can’t afford to lose one more.
THEPRINT TEAM 25 July, 2020 5:57 pm IST

A file photo of former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao. | Photo: Commons
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New Delhi: The Congress party has woken up to the fact that it cannot afford to lose former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao’s legacy, like it has lost many other icons to the BJP, ThePrint’s Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta said in episode 531 of CutTheClutter.

If the Congress loses Rao, then it’s inevitable that in the course of time, it will also lose Manmohan Singh to the ruling party. The party knows that it cannot hail Singh as a great reformer without acknowledging that his work as finance minister was under Rao’s time as PM, Gupta said.

He added that it is in light of this realisation that party leaders Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Singh issued eulogies in praise of Rao and his contribution Friday, the 29th anniversary of the 1991 economic reforms.

The Congress party now seems to be waking up to the fact that because of their obsession with the Gandhi-Nehru family, they have been losing most of the icons of their own past to the BJP.

For instance, Bhagat Singh was not a Congressman. But it is because the Congress never quite embraced him as tightly as they could have that almost everybody has hijacked him — from the Left, where he technically belonged, to even the BJP, the AAP and Anna Hazare.

The Congress even lost ex-PM Lal Bahadur Shastri and his legacy. The party didn’t have any reason to dump Subhash Chandra Bose, but it did. So he has also been taken away completely by the BJP. Same is the case with other freedom fighters like Madan Mohan Malaviya and Bal Gangadhar Tilak, said Gupta.

This is because the BJP and RSS have a desperate need for their heroes of the freedom movement. Besides V.D. Savarkar’s complex legacy, the BJP-RSS have very little to show for by way of heroes and stars of the Freedom Movement — that’s a reality. So they’ve actually happily adopted what the Congress abandoned, he said.

Quality journalism is expensive and needs readers to pay for it. Your support will define our work and ThePrint’s future.

Some eyes in the Congress would have lit up in concern when Pranab Mukherjee was honoured with the Bharat Ratna by the Modi government, and it is only a matter of time before Rao too is given that honour.

Also read: P.V. Narasimha Rao’s Kashmir policy was much more muscular than PM Modi’s

Will have impact on Congressmen
The Congress, particularly people seen to be close to the party’s dynastic establishment, have been very critical of Narasimha Rao’s economic reforms.

After the party lost elections in 1996, the many entity committees that were set up to find responsibility for the loss had blamed the economic reforms. And they thought that under Rao, Congress had strayed from the party’s old socialist ideas, Gupta said.

The party had also held him responsible for the destruction of the Babri Masjid, which took place when he was the PM in 1992. To that extent, they held Rao responsible for losing the Congress its Muslim vote forever, he added.

But after decades of ignoring him, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and party leader Rahul Gandhi in their statements commended Rao’s “bold leadership” and “erudite personality”.

Praising Rao’s political milestones, Sonia in her statement said, “Above all, he was a dedicated Congressman who served the party devotedly in various capacities.” Rahul Gandhi also showered praise on Rao, saying his “contribution continues to shape modern India”.

“Frankly once again, one hasn’t seen Rahul Gandhi praise Narasimha Rao in an unqualified manner like this so far. This will have an impact on the Congressman down the line, especially people like A.K. Antony and many others of the old ‘Darbar’ people who’ve been very critical of Narasimha Rao, specifically his economic reforms,” he said.

Regional parties trigger
Gupta said the trigger for this move was the fact that the Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao announced year-long celebrations to mark Rao’s centenary, and also demanded a Bharat Ratna for him. The YSR Congress Party has also issued statements praising Rao in the past.

These were clear signs that regional parties were hijacking Rao and his legacy, he said.

Even before the split of Andhra Pradesh into two states (in 2014), a highway going from the (Hyderabad) city to the airport was named after Rao.

“As far as I know, it’s the only major landmark in the country named after him because Congress not just forgot his name, but they basically buried him and declared him the villain, responsible for the decline of the Congress party,” he said.

Pakistanis live in a dream world. They always have. Their politicians have looted the shit out of them using india bogeyman and "islam khatre mei" and all that nonsense and in return they have a country infested with terrorism and a standard of living comparable to sub-sahara or certain war-torn countries.
But I'm afraid BJP is leading india in the same direction of religious fanatacism; a step-backward for india, into the realm of pakistan.

You are talking as if you are any better in living standards. We said bye bye to communal shithole created by Brits bye in 1947 and we all Pakistanis are glad, none of our politicians sell Islam khatre main hai, those who try to sell, never succeed in political history of Pakistan..

None of our politicians say we will wipe out Hindus, or we will rape their dead women and then get elected as CM.

Many of our PM were accused of corruption (that's bcoz our politics revolve around it and we are obsessed with Corruption, it's the single word define our internal politics) but none of them were barred from entering USA.

How you ugly stinky subhumans even dare to equate Pakistani politics with that of your barbarian communal hellhole.
We were called India throughout our history. Our free independent self ruled history.

It is our international identity.

Yeah Naaaaah Mate!

That's not how it is. You were called India and/or Hindustan, not by your choice but through imposition by outsiders. Your international identity is given to you guys, again by the outsiders who refused to correct themselves based on your true and actual identity.

Never mind, I've been through this conversation with many 'Indian' citizens. Somehow they have made their peace with this equation of 'Bharat = India'.

Congress has now woken up and started giving credit to PVN after TRS has appropriated him.

Why Congress has now woken up to own PV Narasimha Rao’s legacy
In episode 531 of Cut The Clutter, Shekhar Gupta says Congress in its obsession with Gandhi-Nehru family lost most of its icons to BJP. It can’t afford to lose one more.
THEPRINT TEAM 25 July, 2020 5:57 pm IST

A file photo of former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao. | Photo: Commons
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New Delhi: The Congress party has woken up to the fact that it cannot afford to lose former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao’s legacy, like it has lost many other icons to the BJP, ThePrint’s Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta said in episode 531 of CutTheClutter.

If the Congress loses Rao, then it’s inevitable that in the course of time, it will also lose Manmohan Singh to the ruling party. The party knows that it cannot hail Singh as a great reformer without acknowledging that his work as finance minister was under Rao’s time as PM, Gupta said.

He added that it is in light of this realisation that party leaders Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Singh issued eulogies in praise of Rao and his contribution Friday, the 29th anniversary of the 1991 economic reforms.

The Congress party now seems to be waking up to the fact that because of their obsession with the Gandhi-Nehru family, they have been losing most of the icons of their own past to the BJP.

For instance, Bhagat Singh was not a Congressman. But it is because the Congress never quite embraced him as tightly as they could have that almost everybody has hijacked him — from the Left, where he technically belonged, to even the BJP, the AAP and Anna Hazare.

The Congress even lost ex-PM Lal Bahadur Shastri and his legacy. The party didn’t have any reason to dump Subhash Chandra Bose, but it did. So he has also been taken away completely by the BJP. Same is the case with other freedom fighters like Madan Mohan Malaviya and Bal Gangadhar Tilak, said Gupta.

This is because the BJP and RSS have a desperate need for their heroes of the freedom movement. Besides V.D. Savarkar’s complex legacy, the BJP-RSS have very little to show for by way of heroes and stars of the Freedom Movement — that’s a reality. So they’ve actually happily adopted what the Congress abandoned, he said.

Quality journalism is expensive and needs readers to pay for it. Your support will define our work and ThePrint’s future.

Some eyes in the Congress would have lit up in concern when Pranab Mukherjee was honoured with the Bharat Ratna by the Modi government, and it is only a matter of time before Rao too is given that honour.

Also read: P.V. Narasimha Rao’s Kashmir policy was much more muscular than PM Modi’s

Will have impact on Congressmen
The Congress, particularly people seen to be close to the party’s dynastic establishment, have been very critical of Narasimha Rao’s economic reforms.

After the party lost elections in 1996, the many entity committees that were set up to find responsibility for the loss had blamed the economic reforms. And they thought that under Rao, Congress had strayed from the party’s old socialist ideas, Gupta said.

The party had also held him responsible for the destruction of the Babri Masjid, which took place when he was the PM in 1992. To that extent, they held Rao responsible for losing the Congress its Muslim vote forever, he added.

But after decades of ignoring him, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and party leader Rahul Gandhi in their statements commended Rao’s “bold leadership” and “erudite personality”.

Praising Rao’s political milestones, Sonia in her statement said, “Above all, he was a dedicated Congressman who served the party devotedly in various capacities.” Rahul Gandhi also showered praise on Rao, saying his “contribution continues to shape modern India”.

“Frankly once again, one hasn’t seen Rahul Gandhi praise Narasimha Rao in an unqualified manner like this so far. This will have an impact on the Congressman down the line, especially people like A.K. Antony and many others of the old ‘Darbar’ people who’ve been very critical of Narasimha Rao, specifically his economic reforms,” he said.

Regional parties trigger
Gupta said the trigger for this move was the fact that the Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao announced year-long celebrations to mark Rao’s centenary, and also demanded a Bharat Ratna for him. The YSR Congress Party has also issued statements praising Rao in the past.

These were clear signs that regional parties were hijacking Rao and his legacy, he said.

Even before the split of Andhra Pradesh into two states (in 2014), a highway going from the (Hyderabad) city to the airport was named after Rao.

“As far as I know, it’s the only major landmark in the country named after him because Congress not just forgot his name, but they basically buried him and declared him the villain, responsible for the decline of the Congress party,” he said.


Better late than never.
Therefore snakes should never be "rescued" ( as goes that silly term ) but eliminated once found in some house etc.

It is the same ideology, one idiot commie advised ''TO KILL all SPARROWS in the country TO SAVE GRAINS, LATER YEARS MILLIONS DIED due to pest'' :rofl::rofl: (Check Mao)
That is a complex topic requiring more than one post.

Source please.

They are rough figures, as they generally kills but govt mostly not publish them... as we are 5000 years old Civilization we know unintentional deaths.

The Bombay High Court some years ago said that more people in Bombay have died by dog attack than by terrorists. It is that serious.

Also some years ago the Kerala Home Minister gave a statement that any neighborhood in Kerala that finds problems because of stray dogs, the people there can take any action and the police should not take action in case any dogs are killed.

Also, in Beed town in Maharashtra some doctors rear formerly stray dogs to eat ( and thus dispose ) the illegally aborted human female fetuses.

Other such things.

Stray dogs here to stay, may be they increase 60 millions too as most people are started feeding them.I am least bother about Commies+Jihadi (kerala type)propaganda about Stray dogs as even they want to eliminate they cant even in a small city in Kerala forget about entire India.
This thread has long outlived its purpose which was to use the Turkish news story as an example to argue for the destruction/renaming of Mughal-era monuments in India, including the world famous Taj Mahal. Sanghis agree, the rest disagree.


Kindly lock this thing. There's nothing but communal venom across these posts.
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