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Should India arm Vietnam & Philippines?

Plz how would we arm such countries when we cant arm ourselves? We can only arm them with a few choices. If that is what you are referring to....by all means go right ahead. I think We should form a huge cyber defence force with all 3 nations.
Ever heard how Terrorism has gone down in India in last few years thanks to U.S. WOT ?
LOC incursions tanked. Got diplomatic edge and more support. Got access to latest weaponry and better trade relations with US.

Hope DRDO and ISRO are taken off from Entity list. Or is it done ?
WoT would have helped Pakistan a lot. But Pakistan is cursed with bad leaders.

1. They could have got best image by uprooting terrorists. Got support of Western nations and especially US.

2. Removing Taliban and bringing Pakistan friendly govt. in Afghanistan would have not allowed India to get into A-Stan.

3. Would have given US access to A-stan resources and that means billions worth of investment. Also Pakistan wouldn't have face so much trouble with Terrorism and International humility.

4. Would have got better deal for Kashmir as US and West would have favored them for some extent and instead of them talking about Human rights issue in Pakistan, they would have focused on Kashmir.

5. Would have got stable country, making way for China to increase its investment too.

6. They could have kept India specific non-state actors and West would have turned a blind eye.

7. They could have got similar type of Civil Nuclear Deal.

But they messed up. Mumbai attack brought more hatred and bad name from rest of the world.

I have always said, India's best allies are Pakistani leaders themselves who keep screwing Pakistan and letting go good opportunities. :enjoy:
India comes 13th as largest arms exporter - not bad going by our indigenous arms industry - this space is going to improve drastically in the coming years due to private players coming into the field - as for specifically exporting to Vietnam and Philippines then we should definitely go for it.
Slums are far better than what Pakistan has to offer to anyone , Ever their own Citizens , which means , Bumbs .

I will leave this to OP to answer

290 KM missiles are Deep Enough according to MCTR . Pass your Gas elsewhere . Don't Stink this thread .


It depends on our interest in that Region , They can be used in response to China's Arming of Pakistan .

Dude i'll not go for a tit for tat answer. We all know where Pak stands in the world today & should be the last people to comment on India's progress or living standards.

Typical Pakistani.... jumping to conclusions. How do you know it is never going to happen. You read the Viet's Naval Commanders statement didn't you. We have interests in SCS. We should Inshallah in the near future help Vietnam & Philippines have a credible deterrence to China.

Just think if you are in a position to say this.i bet u know what I already mean.

It seems i have upset quite many here.:lol: Is the truth that much painful? Why bring Pakistan in after all Pakistan or Pakistanis are not the ones living in the fantasy world thinking of arming CUBA against the US.:lol:
It seems i have upset quite many here.:lol: Is the truth that much painful? Why bring Pakistan in after all Pakistan or Pakistanis are not the ones living in the fantasy world thinking of arming CUBA against the US.:lol:

You should arm yourselves first against USA , then comment on others .
Ok guys arms them and in return China will arm Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Burma and and .........Ops. not other Indian neighboring country left which India don't have a problem.
The only thing India can offer to both vietnam and philippines is its slums.

To the thread starter what exactly were you thinking that made you open a new thread for something to which you know the answer already.
China might be focused solely on its economic growth, that does not mean its negligent to whats happening in its backyard and you are talking about selling ballistic missles for deep strike.:disagree:

Do you have idea about your own country's urban environment before using this word. :hitwall::rofl: China is busy with all her neighbours, having dispute with 20 countries.
Why bring Pakistan in after all Pakistan or Pakistanis are not the ones living in the fantasy world thinking of arming CUBA against the US.:lol:

You sure live in a fantasy world when you start mentally comparing Pakistan's position with India's and comment on that basis, The problem is you Guys under estimating what it means to receive support from a country like India, All of China's opponents are vying for it - ever thought why could it be? East Pakistan should be lesson enough to what can happen from India's support.

As for slums - recent studies say 50% of Pakistan's urban population live in slums, that's like every second person in a city or town is a slum dweller.
Ok guys arms them and in return China will arm Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Burma and and .........Ops. not other Indian neighboring country left which India don't have a problem.

I think India should arm Vietnam in response to China-Pakistan cooperation. it is important because Vietnam is important to protect SCS region. If Vietnam goes down SCS is a lost cause and China would gulp it down in no time.

So forget about a moment and dont look through the prism of China providing arms to Pakistan. Even then the security of Vietnam should come right on top of Indian agenda. India should provide Agni, Brahmos, and other possible support to ensure that Vietnam is able to defend against any kind of Chinese attack. Nukes is also not a bad option.

Seriously if SCS is lost to China, Indian's turn to face a bloody long war is not far away.
Ok guys arms them and in return China will arm Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Burma and and .........Ops. not other Indian neighboring country left which India don't have a problem.

jhund main bhediye shikar kartey hai.. sheir akele ladta hai. But it is shameless, every time its china china china.. heard a lot from **** guys. are you guys not happy being a Pakistani? jab dekho china china china.. lol. tum kya ho bhateeja ya bhanja uska? crap
before talking about SHOULD or NOT,it is necessary to make sure if india is has the ability to arm the two small countries. it is difficault for a country which cann't survive without foreign weapons to arm other countries.

India need not arm them with Indian missiles or fighter...all we need to do is teach them how to use plutonium ..... rest all will be taken care of. China do not realize the long term consequence of arming Pakistan with nukes....a day will come when China will have one decision to make....embrace ISLAM or get a NUKE.

What difference does it make...unlike Pakistan they are not ruled by Taliban. So it not of any concern for India...China can arm Nepal and Bhutan too...we have no problem.
India need not arm them with Indian missiles or fighter...all we need to do is teach them how to use plutonium ..... rest all will be taken care of. China do not realize the long term consequence of arming Pakistan with nukes....a day will come when China will have one decision to make....embrace ISLAM or get a NUKE.

me and the rest of the world is under the assumption that china already has nukes and has had them since the 60s, not sure what rock your living under but ok
why cant India be strategic partner of Vietnam.

and why cant India provide arms to Vietnam for SELF DEFENSE?Whats wrong with it?

I mean not for aggression against China but definately for DEFENSE and for ensuring Vietnam security India can provide all kind of weapons to Vietnam from Brahmos, LCA, Agni, LCH, Arjun etc etc.

I see nothing wrong in providing arms to Vietnam for defensive purposes. Also giving away Tibet was a big mistake by India. India didnt realise at that point of time but realized its mistake very late. Is this history in repeating? China making its move slowly and eating away SCS like it did with TIbet and India not moving a finger? Will it haunt India 10-20 years later if Vietnam looses and China overtakes SCS? the answer is 99.99% Yes.

So India needs to be proactive and DEFINATELY help Vietnam by providing arms for its self defense.
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