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Should India arm Vietnam & Philippines?

Strangely, the USA is the one providing billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year, NOT China.

And they gave this reason:

Indian Express - US envoy to Pak justified funds as ‘defence’ against ‘threat from India’

So the USA is allowed to give more military aid to Pakistan than the rest of the world combined, but India only cares about China even though we do not give military aid? :P

India cares for both....thats why we kicked US fighter jet out of MRCA competition..And also they lost another contract to Airbus

whereas you ppl provided nuclear tech to pakistan in comparision of American military aid

US might want border skirmish so that both countries economy suffer
but China wants a nuclear annihilation in south asia so that is can rule whole asia

so don't justify ur misdoing by hiding behind US
the fact is, if we do or don't China would still keep on arm Pakistan to use the puppets against India,... so we better arm Vietnam, forget about Philippine they have US to take care of, also they won't be daring as much as Vietnam against Chinese.....we can build stealth ships for them...give Brahmos and arjun mkII, agni too make a shake on Chinese regime,LCA II, LCH etc.....
Strangely, the USA is the one providing billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year, NOT China.And they gave this reason: Indian Express - US envoy to Pak justified funds as ‘defence’ against ‘threat from India’So the USA is allowed to give more military aid to Pakistan than the rest of the world combined, but India only cares about China even though we do not give military aid? :P

ha don't worry about it we know exactly what US is doing to Pakistan, it's called "bend over"..... we know how much they give and what kind of weapons they sell and in return what they do to Pakistan,
The only thing India can offer to both vietnam and philippines is its slums.

To the thread starter what exactly were you thinking that made you open a new thread for something to which you know the answer already.
China might be focused solely on its economic growth, that does not mean its negligent to whats happening in its backyard and you are talking about selling ballistic missles for deep strike.:disagree:
Just think if you are in a position to say this.i bet u know what I already mean.
Should India arm Vietnam & Philippines with ballistic missiles & other arms capable of striking deep into China & should it take a more pro-active role in SCS.

Would be a real bad idea mate. Consider the scenario were India sells offensive weapons to China's neighbors, we are sure to loose the moral high ground occupied till date. Further this shall set a precedence and excuse for Chinese administration to equip Pakistani forces and the losses India would incur should bilateral trade gets affected. Furthermore, one would not expect countries like Vietnam to wage an all-out war with China and hence supply of ballistic missile is virtually meaningless.
Just MHO!
We should go for arms selling When we ourselves become self sufficient.
We should go for arms selling When we ourselves become self sufficient.
These decisions are not just for Money. It is also for strategic purposes. Take into account of life span of every weapon and other related issues. Its a good CBM measure.

Would be a real bad idea mate. Consider the scenario were India sells offensive weapons to China's neighbors, we are sure to loose the moral high ground occupied till date. Further this shall set a precedence and excuse for Chinese administration to equip Pakistani forces and the losses India would incur should bilateral trade gets affected. Furthermore, one would not expect countries like Vietnam to wage an all-out war with China and hence supply of ballistic missile is virtually meaningless.
Just MHO!
Ballistic Missile ? MTCR won't allow us. And China is already providing them JF-17 and J-10B on soft loans.
I would rather say we should go forward with it.
We will not do this.

Even if we decide to do so, those weapons will be Assault rifles, mortars and Pinaka MBRLs.

We will not sell even Brahmos to Vietnam and Philippines let alone BMs.
These decisions are not just for Money. It is also for strategic purposes. Take into account of life span of every weapon and other related issues. Its a good CBM measure.

Ballistic Missile ? MTCR won't allow us. And China is already providing them JF-17 and J-10B on soft loans.
I would rather say we should go forward with it.

Sir, I don't think we are signatory of MTCR (Link) so there is nothing that stops us. But the point i was making is even if offensive weapons like Medium range missiles or some such is supplied, have these countries got balls to use against China. I doubt! In this case we are only courting controversy
Should India arm Vietnam & Philippines with ballistic missiles & other arms capable of striking deep into China & should it take a more pro-active role in SCS.

If you want to piss off the Chinese and be prepared for a Cold War situation with them. You can try.

What will you sell them? Nobody wants your jets or mechanized armor :lol:

India's defense exports are mediocre.
Strangely, the USA is the one providing billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year, NOT China.

And they gave this reason:

Indian Express - US envoy to Pak justified funds as ‘defence’ against ‘threat from India’

So the USA is allowed to give more military aid to Pakistan than the rest of the world combined, but India only cares about China even though we do not give military aid? :P

The aid case is little complicated.

The crucial thing is one of the main Chinese motives behind help to Pak is to keep majority strength of India bogged down on it's western border.(a tactics which used to be very effective till early 1990s.)
If you want to piss off the Chinese and be prepared for a Cold War situation with them. You can try.What will you sell them? Nobody wants your jets or mechanized armor :lol:
India's defense exports are mediocre.
Piss off Chinese ? Well we have solid reason. If they can sell their stuff to Pakistan, why can't we sell to their neighbors/nations near them.

As for what we may sell, there was talk of Brahmos. India is 50-50 partner and Russia already gave go ahead.
We can sell them satellites for military purposes. We are launching one for our Navy. :enjoy:
We can also launch it on soft loans.
If you want to piss off the Chinese and be prepared for a Cold War situation with them. You can try.

What will you sell them? Nobody wants your jets or mechanized armor :lol:

India's defense exports are mediocre.

HAL Dhruv

It already has been ordered and operated by many nations
Strangely, the USA is the one providing billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year, NOT China.

And they gave this reason:

Indian Express - US envoy to Pak justified funds as ‘defence’ against ‘threat from India’

So the USA is allowed to give more military aid to Pakistan than the rest of the world combined, but India only cares about China even though we do not give military aid? :P

If you bothered to go through the original cable in Wikileaks database you would have known that Patterson wanted US to provide arms to Pak so that Pak will be able to withstand atleast 6-7 days of Indian Invasion conventionally before resorting to nukes.
Acc to her Additional blk 52+ will allow PAF to remain in the Sky for additional 72 hours before it is finished thus giving an additional window for crucial negotiations.
She wanted this to prevent a nuke war.

Also I love this cable because it busted the Pakistani bubble that PAF pilots are good in quality.
Piss off Chinese ? Well we have solid reason. If they can sell their stuff to Pakistan, why can't we sell to their neighbors/nations near them.

As for what we may sell, there was talk of Brahmos. India is 50-50 partner and Russia already gave go ahead.
We can sell them satellites for military purposes. We are launching one for our Navy. :enjoy:
We can also launch it on soft loans.

How much (in $US) did India export in arms in the past few years? No offense, but nobody is lining up to buy your defense related maal. The Americans would be more likely to secure contracts in those nations with which China is flexing her muscles. If I were you, I'd just stick with your so called non alignment

Satellites and such - sure. And in fact it could be a somewhat lucrative possibility if you manage to pull it off; even of symbolically
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