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Should France & India co-develop AMCA 5th gen fighter?


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If India takes any boys help i will die of shame .
was LCA ' s development & induction wasnt sufficient reason for u to do die in shame :hang2:.,Well whom u r telling boys, france ??? france is much senoir aero industrial power than us do i have to prove u that.
Then chins and pakis.. will say bharatis cant even produce a 5th generation aircraft .
who cares what they say ,if we develop star war jetalso they would say it as a crap & copy .:bad:.
& china doesnt make a underwear of it's own without copying & stealing technology from other countries so what so great thing
indigenoius tell me .Also it is better to have a cutting edge weapon platform rather than having a compromised indigenious
weapon as in war more important is to have a cutting edge & superior weapon than ur advesrsary .

Any way we are getting TOT for Rafale ,mki and fgfa we should use this efficiently in AMCA , if still required we can use their avionics and other stuff as in mki . AMCA should be indigenous and nobody should partner .
well what do u mean by indigenoius when we have many foreign components in our own so called indigenoius fighter aircraft LCA
mark1 starting from radars ,avionics & engine .Just the airframe, softwares & pilot may be called as indigenious for us .
Well just for the sake of patriotism u are saying AMCA should be indigenoius & nobody should partner us ,when we cant even produce a decent powerful engine without partnership & we are dreaming of 5th gen fighter ,there is a limit to be fantastic :fie:
Already we are partnering with Russia for PAKFA and we can do that for Mig MFI .
what !!!

i think india should buy & invest in every 5th gen fighter program in this world whether that project is alive or cancelled :rofl:.as we are the richest people in the world

I dont agree with you
well i cant force u to agree with me ,as it is freedom of speech for everyone :D
all i can say look in a realistic & practical way, i dont want my country's AMCA project be as a laughing stock project like LCA for
realistically speaking
France will not spend anymore money developing a new fighter jet anytime soon
and given the eurozone crisis they definitely must'nt
India will gain a lot of tech and experience from other deals
the focus right now should be on pak-fa
amca can and will wait
I have, thank you very much doctor.
nice :D
Not just google, but a bit more. F-35 now has a production prototype. Yes there are problems. But we dont know ANYTHING about the other two except for carlo knopp and some chinese fanboys. It will take years of testing for them, to get down to the production prototype.

leave that F35 issue mate it has nothing to do here in this thread
But as I said what is done is done. We have hitched ourselves to the Russians. But having two 5th gen aircraft programs? Do you think we can afford that? Years, later perhaps fanboys will talk about THIS spectacular DRDO mistake.
that's what i am indirectly want to say from my postno7 & through this thread that if we codevelop AMCA then cost of development & production would be reduced a lot . as we must understand it's is our aam admi 's blood & sweat money which would be spend in this projects & also u never know the economic condition of india after 7-8 yr ,
realistically speaking
France will not spend anymore money developing a new fighter jet anytime soon
and given the eurozone crisis they definitely must'nt
well may be u r correct about that but so can be india affected by the recession .But codeveloping may reduce the cost for both the countries
India will gain a lot of tech and experience from other deals
the focus right now should be on pak-fa
amca can and will wait
well the question is not about building own but to build it & to induct it as 1st possible well i dont want a repeat of LCA
with amca project
now tell me when would we develop AMCA & produce it in 2025-30 as LCA mark2 is still in development
well may be u r correct about that but so can be india affected by the recession .But codeveloping may reduce the cost for both the countries

well the question is not about building own but to build it
Well when would developl AMCA & produce it as LCA mark2 is still in development
it will undoubtedly lower the price of development but the question isnt
how much it could reduce the price of devolopement
but can the french public and government afford such a thing
it will undoubtedly lower the price of development but the question isnt
how much it could reduce the price of devolopement
but can the french public and government afford such a thing
well i told it earliear that it depends upon the govt of india & france .Well french public has nothing to do with it ,
until then this co development thing is a pipe dream for us :drag:.
India has its exp with the french and LCA..
Its AMCA should look inwards.
Moreover..rushing the AMCA would be a bad choice.
India should wait for the results from the FGFA and then use that exp to go for a 5.5 gen type AMCA.
ALSO I HAVE A FEELING that French next fighter may be a unmanned ie UACV

RAFALE may well be frances last manned fighter....

ditto for europe

gripen ng typhoon and rafale here to stay until 2040
ALSO I HAVE A FEELING that French next fighter may be a unmanned ie UACV

RAFALE may well be frances last manned fighter....

ditto for europe

gripen ng typhoon and rafale here to stay until 2040

That's the point, anyone who is following the defence developments in Europe or even the US, will understand that they are reducing their manned fighter fleets to minimum types and numbers, while they constantly increase the number of unmanned aircrafts. At first UAVs were used only for recon roles, that in the past was done by fighters with recon pods. Today armed UAVs already took over parts of the CAS roles from manned fighters too (see Afghanistan or Libya now) and the next generation are stealth UCAVs like the X47 or the nEUROn. France and UK / Dassault and BAE just recently joint forces, to develop a new EUROPEAN armed UAV, after they made first experience of how important UAVs can be in wars, when they deployed Predators or Heron drones in Afghanistan and Lybia. Their base will be be the BAE Mantis demonstrator and they will most likely use EUROPEAN weapons like Brimstone or AASM.
France don't need a 5th gen fighter, because they plan with Rafale for around 30 more years and already develop several unmanned platforms that will jointly work with Rafale. They even plan to let the Rafale WSO take control over a nEUROn UCAV if neccesary, that could be used as the strike, jamming or even air defence (missiles guided by Rafale radar and data links) aircraft, while Rafale will be the active aircraft with the main aim to detect the enemy (one of the possible future upgrades of Rafale are side AESA arrays for increased radar detection).

So there is no need for the French government/forces to waste money in a stealth fighter, while Dassault might be happy to join as a private co-development partner. But as I often said before, we should not let ourselfs blind with national pride for such indogenous developments and focus on what is really possible by us and what is really needed! The combination of FGFA with AURA will be even better than Rafale + nEUROn and also than FGFA + AMCA. AMCA makes only sense as a purley naval platform comparable to the F18, but for IAF it's just a waste of money!
was LCA ' s development & induction wasnt sufficient reason for u to do die in shame :hang2:.,Well whom u r telling boys, france ??? france is much senoir aero industrial power than us do i have to prove u that.
Long time after Marut was made we approved LCA and the funds were not released and we dont have any notable previous experience . More over we are prone to sanctions . And this is the first time and finally we are making it , it was a delay . Now we got plenty of experience with mki and now we are manufacturing them Indigenously ie with a decent amount of home made components.
Taking help is fine but partnership is not good . More over we are getting TOT for MRCA and of course PAKFA . With FGFA we will be having excellent experience ie making things right from scratch thoug design was completed before Indian entry . And we had design and other experience with LCA though it was delayed . So LCA delay is not a failure . AMCA would be a real challenge for us .
If it fails which wont happen for sure, it will be an insult .

who cares what they say ,if we develop star war jetalso they would say it as a crap & copy .:bad:.
& china doesnt make a underwear of it's own without copying & stealing technology from other countries so what so great thing
indigenoius tell me .Also it is better to have a cutting edge weapon platform rather than having a compromised indigenious
weapon as in war more important is to have a cutting edge & superior weapon than ur advesrsary .
Ha ha ha :rofl::rofl::rofl:
But atleast we should have self satisfaction that we can make a 5th gen plane . What if we cant plane a 5th generation indigenous plane? Now u can laugh but after 10 years the situation will demand better things not even Tejas Mk2/Mk3 .

well what do u mean by indigenoius when we have many foreign components in our own so called indigenoius fighter aircraft LCA
mark1 starting from radars ,avionics & engine .Just the airframe, softwares & pilot may be called as indigenious for us .
Well just for the sake of patriotism u are saying AMCA should be indigenoius & nobody should partner us ,when we cant even produce a decent powerful engine without partnership & we are dreaming of 5th gen fighter ,there is a limit to be fantastic
U know that there were sanctions so , Kaveri was delinked from LCA and now we are developing it with France and we can make a better engine with in 15 years . Remember engine has a little contribution in indigenization . Indigenous means we should not depend on others , i mean any scarcity of a component shouldn't let us to beg others . We can relink engine and avionics and we had our aesa radar flown for the first time . We can make it perfect and miniaturized in 10-15 years ie by 2025 . Then we can get IOC and start induction .
Indigenous doesnt mean that every thing should be our own . Indigenous manufacturing is required to maintain self sufficiency . And the other reason why we went for foregin components is we never compromise on quality . We have 10+ years to develop an engine , better radar and next generation avionics .
what !!!

i think india should buy & invest in every 5th gen fighter program in this world whether that project is alive or cancelled :rofl:.as we are the richest people in the world
Its a tradition that most of the Air Forces will have combo of light,medium and heavy weight fighters. We cant manage future with LCA so joining Mig X is not a bad idea . Since we have separate indigenous AMCA , it ll further strengthen our industry on the other hand if you share AMCA 50:50 with any one it we will lose our command on AMCA and even in exports we will lose our hand.
Go through the links , its possible .After all it isnt a bad idea than joining F35 . Buddy if we cat develop a 5th generation plane Indigenously think about our future aircraft industry . We have got a good chance this time .

well i cant force u to agree with me ,as it is freedom of speech for everyone
all i can say look in a realistic & practical way, i dont want my country's AMCA project be as a laughing stock project like LCA for
Thats why i spoke my brother,
PLEASE NOTE: This is my personal view ,if u dont agree with my views plz be free to critcize me

:lol: u only told to be free to criticize you lol

Any way doctor,
you got a good idea but its dangerous for our future aircraft industry . If u say we can partner for now , then we may not get a chance to develop future manned generation planes indigenously .
If you share AMCA 50:50 with any one it we will lose our command on AMCA and even in exports we will lose our hand.
India has its exp with the french and LCA..
Its AMCA should look inwards.
the question is not about experirence buddy ,the question is how much indigenious we are in LCA ,well we still have nt produce a decent powerful engine for LCA yet & we are planning to codevelop with france's scnema on that.So if we have to be truely indigenoius we have to build everything no excuse on that especially if u are going to develop 5th gen fighter .

Moreover..rushing the AMCA would be a bad choice.
well our lca programme's development & induction has been a sorry affair for us ,& also LCA mark2 is still there for development & that might also take time may be 2017-18,While if we dont start now then it might take us 2019-20 to start a prototype & 8-10 yrs more to induct it (that too i AM liberal in it's time of induction ) it may even take more time who knows
India should wait for the results from the FGFA
the problem india has to buy single seater pakfa 1st & it's induction may be around 2017-18 ,while FgFA may took 2020-2021 for
development & induction so gaining experience may be a lenghty procedure & also they mightnot give us all technology like AESA radar technology & 5th engine technology i doubt ,
So experience & money both are required to build such a costly platform ,do u thonk russia couldnt have build PAKFA of it's own ,why did they join india in this project becoz they knew china was building it's own fighter so to get funds for development & coproduction & for an assured market they rope in india to join pakfa .So having france as a co funder would help the feasibilty of this project as we are already spending a lot on jets look my post no 7 of this thread

and then use that exp to go for a 5.5 gen type AMCA.
BTW what is 5.5 gen type fighter ,i know 5th & 6th gen fighter ,but what is 5.5 gen type fighter :blink:
That's the point, anyone who is following the defence developments in Europe or even the US, will understand that they are reducing their manned fighter fleets to minimum types and numbers, while they constantly increase the number of unmanned aircrafts.
1st of all thanks buddy for posting ur views :enjoy:
the fact that anyone is none other than me ,who has been following developments of europe & for that reason i was able to post such kinds of thread :D

France don't need a 5th gen fighter, because they plan with Rafale for around 30 more years and already develop several unmanned platforms that will jointly work with Rafale. They even plan to let the Rafale WSO take control over a nEUROn UCAV if neccesary, that could be used as the strike, jamming or even air defence (missiles guided by Rafale radar and data links) aircraft, while Rafale will be the active aircraft with the main aim to detect the enemy (one of the possible future upgrades of Rafale are side AESA arrays for increased radar detection).So there is no need for the French government/forces to waste money in a stealth fighter, while Dassault might be happy to join as a private co-development partner.
u r correct they would go for unmanned CAV ,but they had started development of stealth rafale but whther they would codevelop with any other country that depends upon them

But as I often said before, we should not let ourselfs blind with national pride for such indogenous developments and focus on what is really possible by us and what is really needed! The combination of FGFA with AURA will be even better than Rafale + nEUROn and also than FGFA + AMCA. AMCA makes only sense as a purley naval platform comparable to the F18, but for IAF it's just a waste of money!
i agree with u everything except that last part, i think if we devlop in the right way as a 5th gen fighter should be it would be really an powerful asset for IAF & also navy & it would be far too superior than f18
somnath sahaab.......our failure's are not a descent REASON....to co-develop Amca with france........or any other country

and how u r representing LCA AS A SHAME FOR COUNTRY.......than let me tell..that LCA was not a shame for our country..................years of waiting does't made it CRAP...............
Long time after Marut was made we approved LCA and the funds were not released and we dont have any notable previous experience . More over we are prone to sanctions . And this is the first time and finally we are making it , it was a delay . Now we got plenty of experience with mki and now we are manufacturing them Indigenously ie with a decent amount of home made components.
but the problem is same can be apllicable for china they also got sanctions in 1992 tianmmean square tragedy but still they
managed to copy & reverse enginer every jet they could get from russia & isreal & also they managed to produce a decent engine though some might doubt's it's engine efficacy but still they produced it & inducted in it's jet ,but for india still they havent inducted LCA yet while pak & china have inducted 1-2 squardon of jf17 (PAF) & 6 squadron of J10 (CAF)
& are going for block 2 of those serires while we havnt inducted mark1 yet forget about mark2 .U may finds my word bitter ,
but it's a bitter truth & we are to be blamed for not inducting yet ,atleast it should have been inducted by 2011 but it may be around 2012-13 & would that also happen or more late who knows .And for that we are to be blamed not sanctions

Taking help is fine but partnership is not good . More over we are getting TOT for MRCA and of course PAKFA . With FGFA we will be having excellent experience ie making things right from scratch thoug design was completed before Indian entry . And we had design and other experience with LCA though it was delayed .
well partnership has both advantages & disadvantages mainly in money matter only .Well MMRCA is 4.5 gen program & who knows
whether all critical technolgy would be covered in it like AESA, IRST & engine i doubt , same applies for Pakfa ,Yes we would
coproduce it with license from them
While for FFGA only there is pain in my sweet A$$ as india has been tricked by russia to buy 1st it's own version of single seater
pakfa & that may took 2017-18 for full time deployement & india would start FFGA from 2020-21 & that may take 4-6 yrs for deployemnt ,So we have to wait a lot for gaining experirnece from this project & then if we start AMCA after all this project it's development & induction may take around 10 -15 yrs which may it's indution around 2035-37 oh lord at that time I doubt 6th gen combat aircraft may have been deployed by china

Ha ha ha :rofl:
So LCA delay is not a failure . AMCA would be a real challenge for us .
If it fails which wont happen for sure, it will be an insult .
But atleast we should have self satisfaction that we can make a 5th gen plane . What if we cant plane a 5th generation indigenous plane? Now u can laugh but after 10 years the situation will demand better things not even Tejas Mk2/Mk3 .
well i had never said LCA project was a failure but it was a sorry affair for us starting from development & induction.AMCA project would never be a failure even if we develop on our own ,but if it induction would be at a time when that generation of plane would have been obsolete then what the use of that pride in having such a kind of jet .Think logically
well at that time i wont be laughing but chinese & pakis would be laughing at us with 100 :lol: & 100 :rofl: & we couldnt do anything about it apart from logging out or getting pink from this forum in shame

U know that there were sanctions so , Kaveri was delinked from LCA and now we are developing it with France and we can make a better engine with in 15 years . Remember engine has a little contribution in indigenization .
well sanctions were there but kaveri was indigenoius engine not american and kaveri thrust was not upto mark max 70-80kn but minimum 90-100 kn was required that too for forth gen fighter .so itwas a flop project so we have to develop it with france to get a good decent engine .There
are supercruise criteria for 5th genfightr also so would it have supercruise capablity also needs to
be seen .Well that's why engine is the most important criteria for indigenization as if we cant develop 5th gen fighter engine then "kya ghanta 5th gen fighter" would we make :lol:

Indigenous means we should not depend on others , i mean any scarcity of a component shouldn't let us to beg others . We can relink engine and avionics and we had our aesa radar flown for the first time . We can make it perfect and miniaturized in 10-15 years ie by 2025 . Then we can get IOC and start induction .
Indigenous doesnt mean that every thing should be our own . Indigenous manufacturing is required to maintain self sufficiency . And the other reason why we went for foregin components is we never compromise on quality . We have 10+ years to develop an engine , better radar and next generation avionics .
then what do u mean by indigenoius ???:blink:
& honestly speaking buddy ( may be OFF TOPIC) we dont have so much time as u never know the
geopolitical situation see france doent have emergency to have a 5th gen fighter like we do , i dont want to elaborate as i hope u must be knowing what i am saying

Its a tradition that most of the Air Forces will have combo of light,medium and heavy weight fighters. We cant manage future with LCA so joining Mig X is not a bad idea . Since we have separate indigenous AMCA , it ll further strengthen our industry on the other hand if you share AMCA 50:50 with any one it we will lose our command on AMCA and even in exports we will lose our hand.
Go through the links , its possible .After all it isnt a bad idea than joining F35 .
plz dont tell tradition of other countries man do u think US cancelled the production of F22 raptor
for granted .AND RUssia cancelled MIG mfi project as it dont have the mood to built it :lol:Well it was for god damned MONEY which it couldnt afford to build every jet .
& plz look my post No7 do u think we would afford another MFI project.

Buddy if we cat develop a 5th generation plane Indigenously think about our future aircraft industry . We have got a good chance this time .Thats why i spoke my brother,
well for our future aircraft industry only i am saying to codevelop it for faster induction & economical reasons though much depends upon france how they react to it such proposal ,but i am sure they wont be interested as they have started development of stealth version of RAFALE

:lol: u only told to be free to criticize you lol
well i am not blaming u buddy for criticising me ,so thats why i had said to u
well i cant force u to agree with me ,as it is freedom of speech for everyone
& it's ur god damned right to criticize me

Any way doctor,
you got a good idea but its dangerous for our future aircraft industry .
thank u very much & i really apreciated that

If u say we can partner for now , then we may not get a chance to develop future manned generation planes indigenously .
If you share AMCA 50:50 with any one it we will lose our command on AMCA and even in exports we will lose our hand.
well may be we could build 6th generation fighter on our own atleast (LOL)
anyway i really appreciate ur views & may hope we dont reapeat that same mistake in amca as we had done in LCA

somnath sahaab.......our failure's are not a descent REASON....to co-develop Amca with france........or any other country

and how u r representing LCA AS A SHAME FOR COUNTRY.......than let me tell..that LCA was not a shame for our country..................years of waiting does't made it CRAP...............
oHHH red indian sahaab ,1st of all u r getting me wrong on saying lca was failure & crap i have never said such things be careful with ur words against me :butcher:& well i am not saying entire LCA project was as a shame for our country but lca's delayed development time & induction is nt a shame for us that we cant even induct it till now while pakistan has deployed 1-2 squadron of jf 17 ,while China J10 a (4-5 squadron) .:hitwall:while they had also started it in same time .

And i had posted 9 more reasons apart from lca to codevelop cant u see that , kindly Dont show off ur patriotism attitude to me man . I know what is right & what is wrong so dont lecture me on patriotism

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