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Shoot down US drones, say Pakistani groups

So, You are admitting that Pakistan is a "Suicide Bomber Nation" hired by China?
No but if we are to face certain doom, we will help our friends by killing everyone

"Puny countries" referring to Israel?
Insecurity of Israelis exposed

O'man.. We are doomed.. :lol:

US Drones are attacking Pakistan and Israel/India will be nuked.. Are you guys on nuke diet to dream about all this?
Sarcasm doesn't work when it's dumb
No but if we are to face certain doom, we will help our friends by killing everyone

Insecurity of Israelis exposed

Sarcasm doesn't work when it's dumb

Insecurity? Show me one post I have made implying that Israel should attack Pakistan. Now look at how many Pakistani posts say that. Who has more to prove?

guys please stop nuking each other.
Its not economically feasible for USA to fire a nuclear missile for shooting diwn drones and certainly will bring bad PR.
Likewise pakistan wont fire nuclear missiles on Israel or India if it has conflict with USA.
No but if we are to face certain doom, we will help our friends by killing everyone

Insecurity of Israelis exposed

Sarcasm doesn't work when it's dumb

don't mind if i'm interfering..but Israel too has nukes and a much better payload delivery system.their nuke triad is operational(i guess as they bought submarines that can deliver nukes via missiles)..and israel is so tiny nation that if ever Pakistan/Iran nuke them,other Arab countries will kick their a** as they will get affected too.. :lol: :lol:

and why you guys want to nuke us???we are not sending drones..are we??nuke USA if you can..

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