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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

I also see the disgusting E Asians abort their kids to make medicines for better sex and life.. Must be a very high valued research outcome that must be..

Haha bro, I kena that one also before on a small scale! Just go Tekka area and try buying big items like furniture and stuff and get them to deliver it to your place. They'd want all the payment upfront but will delay the delivery up to 2 weeks. We talking about just one couch here. I can only imagine how it would be in a corporate environment.

That's one reason why our government doesn't maintain too much ties with India. With that country, the question is always there - "Can and will they deliver as promised?" In my personal experience I noticed that they come up with an excuse alot faster than actually delivering on their promise. You have to actually chase them to get things done and after awhile it gets plain annoying!

Dude, cut off ties.. That will work best for you.
Cool story bro. Open a new thread on how much you hate Indian businessmen. You and LimPeh can jerk each other off to thoughts of how much you guys hate Indians there. This thread has nothing to do with what Singaporeans think of Indians. We dont care about Singapore at all. Are you blind that you cannot see what the topic being discussed is?

If that were true, u won't be coming here in planeloads! :blink:
Haha bro, I kena that one also before on a small scale! Just go Tekka area and try buying big items like furniture and stuff and get them to deliver it to your place. They'd want all the payment upfront but will delay the delivery up to 2 weeks. We talking about just one couch here. I can only imagine how it would be in a corporate environment.

That's one reason why our government doesn't maintain too much ties with India. With that country, the question is always there - "Can and will they deliver as promised?" In my personal experience I noticed that they come up with an excuse alot faster than actually delivering on their promise. You have to actually chase them to get things done and after awhile it gets plain annoying!

I am sorry, did the title of this thread change to "Crybaby Singaporeans get their panties in a twist and whine about Indians"? I dont think so, so kindly GTFO :wave:
If that were true, u won't be coming here in planeloads! :blink:

Ok, and who is granting visas, genius!! Btw, got issues cry river in front of your PM. I don't think any of us here can help what ever your problem is..

and when he said we, do you really think he represented the whole Indian ethnicity? Are you that thick?

and was that not you saying - we welcome Tamils with open arms!!
They are not just swaggering; they are being the biggest uncivilized pricks in the world. One billion dollar house lording over a slum in the mid of Mumbai where people starve? Hello??

Er......First the cost of building Antilla was 77 million. It is valued at $ 1 billion because of real estate value.

India’s Richest Man Moves Into world’s first billion dollar home

And how is building a luxurious house in the financial capital of the nation being uncivilized? unless he has somehow stolen the funds for development of people in the slums . Its his own earned money and his companies provide jobs to many and bring them out of poverty.
I also see the disgusting E Asians abort their kids to make medicines for better sex and life.. Must be a very high valued research outcome that must be..

Dude, cut off ties.. That will work best for you.

Yup that's what we r trying to do. The entire 'Little India' in Singapore almost functions as a separate country. The cleanliness and orderliness u would expect with the rest of Singapore is totally absent over there. This was raised up as an issue by the ministers recently in the Parliament. Most of us locals have been avoiding 'Little India' since we had the Indian invasion. I live like less than 5km from that place and I haven't been there myself in years. We are certainly cutting off ties at the grassroots level. Hope the ruling party wakes up to reality soon and starts looking elsewhere to fulfill our manpower needs.
If that were true, u won't be coming here in planeloads! :blink:

Tell your Govt to stop giving visas. You can cry about ethics and whatnot all you want, but at the end of the day, your Govt would rather have Indians working IT and Engineering jobs rather than Singaporeans. Not our fault that Singaporeans are not on par professionally with Indians. Go cry to your Government.

Was that not you saying - you Singaporean Tamils welcome your Indian counterparts with open hands and hearts so what happened all of a sudden, want to sink them in the sea ??

Yup that's what we r trying to do. The entire 'Little India' in Singapore almost functions as a separate country. The cleanliness and orderliness u would expect with the rest of Singapore is totally absent over there. This was raised up as an issue by the ministers recently in the Parliament. Most of us locals have been avoiding 'Little India' since we had the Indian invasion. I live like less than 5km from that place and I haven't been there myself in years. We are certainly cutting off ties at the grassroots level. Hope the ruling party wakes up to reality soon and starts looking elsewhere to fulfill our manpower needs.

Tell me, how can we help resolve the issue.. I think you have a running govt at office, don't you??

So sad, you are not able to manage your tiny nation properly..
This video below, describes the mind-set perfectly.

This is a video clip from a recent Indian movie, in which India apparently has a lot of "white servants" and "white beggars" all over the place. Pay special attention to 2:15 in the clip, in which there are several white American teenage girls begging on the streets of India, begging the rich Indians to give them a few rupees.

India In 2030 - YouTube

3:16 :O Look Beggar

Everything changed in the video but Mentality ? Na :rolleyes: Dreaming of making the Americans slaves lol
Ok, and who is granting visas, genius!! Btw, got issues cry river in front of your PM. I don't think any of us here can help what ever your problem is..

and when he said we, do you really think he represented the whole Indian ethnicity? Are you that thick?

Not ethnicity, I was referring to 'nationality'. My ancestors came out of the subcontinent more than a century ago, so I wouldn't be referring to ethnicity. I was referring to the folks who come out of the Republic of India which occupies only a part of that subcontinent. There is a whole Indian Singaporean community here which is separate from the India-community. Not an ethnic issue.

Topic hasn't been derailed as it is about "Shining India, Swaggering India". But as I've been noticing since the past two days, most Indian posters here don't like being told of their flaws and don't really present a proper counter-argument in most cases. It's going nowhere so I shall stop now.
Rage is not the main theme in India and I would say Denial is the one. The world economy is in trouble and India economy is in crisis yet nobody on the forum admit the obvious. If any the rage is associated with the forum its the denials expressed by rage against any criticism of the posters, even if who are Indians themselves would be purged to one voice that is we are downing together.
its not racist.
indians are by nature very arrogant people.

indians are difficult people to like and get on with.
they are an uncivilized bunch.

just look at the way indians behave in foreign countries, they have no respect for the country they live in. they breed like wild animals with no population control and destroy the host country.

indians in usa are among the most successful and richest..... it seems to bother u i suppose.... and looking by ur cntrymates comments it seems chinese top the arrogance list.... http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_American#Economics

ok so i
If that were true, u won't be coming here in planeloads! :blink:

why dont the singaporean government just kick these indians out of your country.

indians are a wothless bunch, they contribute absolutely nothing to society and hate the country they live in.

no wonder in countries like australia, indians are hated so much.

Violence against Indians in Australia controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

look at those scumbags disrupting australian society by blocking streets and acting like vulgar wild animals.
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