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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

Stop pretending like racism is something that only exists in India. That movie was a racist movie and was wrong. But, everyone knows of Chinese racism towards blacks.

^^^ LOL, now the OP is even derailing his own thread. :lol:

The video I posted was 100% on topic. As anyone can clearly see.
LOL @ the chinese trolls going crazy on all Indian economic threads...disgusting, and @ the epic T CD you have posted a movie video for the hundredth time or so. All your incessant trolling will not change anything what it will eventually do is embitter all Indians against the Chinese water army. And keep your harebrained advice to yourselves please, we don't require your low quality suggestions on how to manage our economy.
LOL @ the chinese trolls going crazy on all Indian economic threads...disgusting

What, you guys don't like the taste of your own medicine? :D

And at least the Chinese members here are making arguments that are ON-TOPIC.

Unlike your fellow Indians, like "Supply&Demand" who has been doing nothing but bypassing the swearing filters on this forum, and without making any actual arguments.
Say all you want and defend your countrymen for all you want mate, personally I don't give a hoot. Your countrymen, your lack of manners, ultimately it's your problem. When you are in our country, you follow what we do and you adapt, not the other way round. Most Singaporeans are awakening to this and more Indians are realizing they are not welcome here. Call me a racist for all u want mate, it won't affect me one bit because in my opinion, I'm a concerned citizen looking out for my own country and people. I don't really care what an Indian thinks about me.

And no, I was not talking about the Indian laborer guest workers we are having here on minimum wage. I was referring to the expats working in IT and engineering, many who have gotten their degrees here, and many more with Indian certificates. They are the ones who come in with wives and kids in tow and it is they who are projecting a negative image.

You are in Canada anyway, so you don't have to worry about it. The Indians here are the ones who need to worry. Better they adapt before they start witnessing backlashes like what they saw in Australia.

Dude I have mentioned it before and I will say it again. You are a low life racist who makes up arbitrary stories on the internet to support his irrational hatred. Just like I dont have any credibility in your eyes, you dont have any credibility in my eyes. Lets just leave it at that.

^^^ LOL, now the OP is even derailing his own thread. :lol:

The video I posted was 100% on topic. As anyone can clearly see.

Your post was not on topic. In case you missed it, the topic was about rich and powerful people misbehaving. Kindly leave this thread, as your posts are (extremely) dumb and nothing to do with the topic I intended to discuss.
This video below, describes the mind-set perfectly.

This is a video clip from a recent Indian movie, in which India apparently has a lot of "white servants" and "white beggars" all over the place. Pay special attention to 2:15 in the clip, in which there are several white American teenage girls begging on the streets of India, begging the rich Indians to give them a few rupees.

India In 2030 - YouTube

:woot: hehe
If you replace white characters with Indians then that's the reality of India at this moment in the first part of the clip.
I deleted most of the article in the repost due to length and just bolded the part I wanted to draw attention to. I've seen that rising arrogance amongst the Indian expats and guest workers here myself. One actually went so far as to tell me "We are here because Singapore needs us. We are better for these jobs than anyone else. India is the leader in IT"

Our response is "No. Let's not even compare India and Singapore. You are here only because those companies rather slash their costs by 2/3 and pay way less for you guys than what they would for a Singaporean."

Just stop trying to lord over others based on your recent success guys, which hasn't been much anyway. I know you fired some missile somewhere and that made news, quite a few other military achievements too. But your HDI ranking is real low and any kind of comparison with the genuine Asian success stories like China, Taiwan or Singapore is pointless. You can be cocky, I'm not saying no, but stick to the Pinoys or even the Indonesians if u want please. Don't try it with those who are better, ESPECIALLY if you are going to their country to earn a living. I hope Indians do realize this and wake up if they wish to see themselves play a bigger role on the global scale.

Lucky you do not have to deal with their "business man", basically they have Zero ethics. Always failed to deliver as promised, breaching deadlines after deadlines, promises after promises and yet dare to bug you for full payment when the purchased products are not even in order as per the contract specified.
Good article, we really need to change our minds!
And dont care about those Chinese and Pakistani trolls (BTW why are Pakistanis even bashing India? They havent even achieved anything similar to our economy or military). Just because they dont talk about their problems, it doesnt mean that they dont have problems!
Your post was not on topic. In case you missed it, the topic was about rich and powerful people misbehaving. Kindly leave this thread, as your posts are (extremely) dumb and nothing to do with the topic I intended to discuss.

Apparently, you did not read the article. They made the argument that this swaggering and arrogant behaviour was being passed down to the average Indians:

Time was when politicians showed humility, even if fake and contrived, to the public, fully conscious of the optics of the folded hands. Today, a chief minister walks off in a huff when her constituents ask questions that she finds inconvenient. And then sends cops to check out the antecedents of the questioners, who are college students. Her message is unambiguous: I am powerful and, therefore, can do whatever i want to you serfs.

Such messages, coming from those who are in public life and should be role models of civility, filter down rapidly.

The rising rage is directly related to our increasing lack of civility.

And from the replies of all the non-Indian nationalities on this thread... that observation was 100% correct.
Lucky you do not have to deal with their "business man", basically they have Zero ethics. Always failed to deliver as promised, breaching deadlines after deadlines, promises after promises and yet dare to bug you for full payment when the purchased products are not even in order as per the contract specified.

Cool story bro. Open a new thread on how much you hate Indian businessmen. You and LimPeh can jerk each other off to thoughts of how much you guys hate Indians there. This thread has nothing to do with what Singaporeans think of Indians. We dont care about Singapore at all. Are you blind that you cannot see what the topic being discussed is?
Dude I have mentioned it before and I will say it again. You are a low life racist who makes up arbitrary stories on the internet to support his irrational hatred. Just like I dont have any credibility in your eyes, you dont have any credibility in my eyes. Lets just leave it at that.

Your post was not on topic. In case you missed it, the topic was about rich and powerful people misbehaving. Kindly leave this thread, as your posts are (extremely) dumb and nothing to do with the topic I intended to discuss.

its not racist.
indians are by nature very arrogant people.

indians are difficult people to like and get on with.
they are an uncivilized bunch.

just look at the way indians behave in foreign countries, they have no respect for the country they live in. they breed like wild animals with no population control and destroy the host country.
Apparently, you did not read the article. They made the argument that this swaggering and arrogant behaviour was being passed down to the average Indians:

And from the replies of all the non-Indian nationalities on this thread... that observation was 100% correct.

Yeah I am real worried that people who are members in PAKISTAN Defence Forum hate India :coffee: I mean who would have seen that coming? :P

Again I have asked you nicely before and I will ask you again: Please stop derailing MY thread. You and your chinese friends can open up a separate thread and circle jerk each other there. Every letter you press on your keyboard is a new stroke of anti-intelligence, so please spare us. Just leave this thread as I think you have trolled enough for today.
Lucky you do not have to deal with their "business man", basically they have Zero ethics. Always failed to deliver as promised, breaching deadlines after deadlines, promises after promises and yet dare to bug you for full payment when the purchased products are not even in order as per the contract specified.

Haha bro, I kena that one also before on a small scale! Just go Tekka area and try buying big items like furniture and stuff and get them to deliver it to your place. They'd want all the payment upfront but will delay the delivery up to 2 weeks. We talking about just one couch here. I can only imagine how it would be in a corporate environment.

That's one reason why our government doesn't maintain too much ties with India. With that country, the question is always there - "Can and will they deliver as promised?" In my personal experience I noticed that they come up with an excuse alot faster than actually delivering on their promise. You have to actually chase them to get things done and after awhile it gets plain annoying!
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