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Shimon Peres: Israel and Iran could negotiate

Instead of using brainless Arabs as proxies Iran would be better to use Israel as an ally to counter the GCC influence. .
Cyrus supported the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine. That means he was a Zionist.

Zionism- Its general definition means the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.

A Definition of Zionism | Jewish Virtual Library

He was not a zionist for he did not return Jewish sovereignty to Jerusalem. He just freed a oppressed people is all and is probably rolling in his grave looking at what said people are doing today.

Besides applying a 20th century term to a BCE era King is historical retardation but you hasbaras are known for such a thing anyway. :lol:
Shiism ideology and politics is based on this sentence :

کل یوم عاشورا و کلّ ارضٍ کربلا

You know what it means ? It means Imam Hussein was martyred 1400 years ago so forget Yazid , Support today's Hussein who are innocent , oppressed people of Palestine and Lebanon .

Supporting Palestine or Lebanon and opposing Israel is not a politic can be removed in Islamic Republic cos it's roots are in IR's ideology . That's why we can't expect a friendly relationship .

Some people , mostly the ones that are drowned in western culture and ideology might say Palestine is not our problem which certainly shows the humanity amongst westerns . The problem is that , This ideology or view ( western ) , has brought the world here in which the world sees injustice but don't care cos IT IS NOT THEIR PROBLEM .
I don't think it's that simple.

Israel would not allow any neighboring country to get nuclear weapons, they even assassinated the Turkish Scientist. Everyone knows Turks and Israeli have good relationship. Although there was a rocky period recently, they've made up for the most part. They still wouldn't allow them to get nukes, what makes you think they will be ok with Iran having them?

Turks have not Cyrus the great that is respected between jews. the relationship in the history between turks and Israelites is not like between iranian and Israelites.

in 1977 Shimon Peres came to iran and made a secret deal for nuclear warheads and missiles.

You can't trust these folks, they slaughtered Persians, even after we gave them shelter and let them return to their land. Please read more about Jewish Purim.Jews have a designated holiday to celebrate Persian death. What kind of culture celebrates death of 100,000 people?

even if it is true, then what we should do about other countries in the world? how many iranian get killed by russians in the history? how many iranian get killed by turks in the history? how many by arabs? how many by Britishers? how many by romans? how many by Greeks? mongols and ...?
if we accept your words,they damaged us less than other people in the world.
All countries have such things in their history.

Shiism ideology and politics is based on this sentence :

کل یوم عاشورا و کلّ ارضٍ کربلا

You know what it means ? It means Imam Hussein was martyred 1400 years ago so forget Yazid , Support today's Hussein who are innocent , oppressed people of Palestine and Lebanon .

Supporting Palestine or Lebanon and opposing Israel is not a politic can be removed in Islamic Republic cos it's roots are in IR's ideology . That's why we can't expect a friendly relationship .

Some people , mostly the ones that are drowned in western culture and ideology might say Palestine is not our problem which certainly shows the humanity amongst westerns . The problem is that , This ideology or view ( western ) , has brought the world here in which the world sees injustice but don't care cos IT IS NOT THEIR PROBLEM .

where were other muslims and palestinians in our war?
where are they when we are under sanctions?
what did you get from Palestinian after all supporting them for decades? using the credit and money of our land for them when our people need them?
what did you get after all? what's their position now about syria?
after kissing their ... for decades, you are not even popular there, and not just popular, many of them count us as enemy. really interesting.


faghat 37 darsde felestiniha dide mosbat darand, ienhame mellate iran ra tahte feshar gharar dadand, ienhame az halghe mardome iran gereftand be jibe anha rikhtand. anham na ye bar, na 2 bar, daheha! kolle hazineye zendegi aanha too hame zamineha az jibe mardome niazmande ma raft.
hala na tanha iran mahboob ham nist. hatta too syria alayhe ma mijangand.
4 ta mullahe bi savade eyne zalloo be rooye yek keshvare servatmand chanbare zadand o ba bi aghli sahme tak take mardome iran ro bedoone rezayat va nazare aanha kharj jibha va arezoohaye khod mikonand, badbakhti iene ke ien servat hala hala ha tamam shodani nist. nist ke az dastranje khodeshoon bashe ta kamtar az chand rooz khoshk beshano bioftan paiin, az dele zamin mofto majani too dasteshoon miad.
it is a documented historical event. but what mters is that Jews everywhere in the world, each year celebrate Jewish Purim, which is a slaughter of 100,000 Persians. What if people celebrate events that killed thousands of Jewish people?
Nonsense. In fact the Bible explicitly says that bad guy was not a Persian.

Don't try to BS and paint the history all rosy, which is FAR from the truth.They have festivals for 100,000 deaths.
By your crazy logic 9th may victory day is celebration of 50 million deaths.

But you forgot that Zionists are not Jews . Zionists for Jews are like Wahhabis for Islam . Both FAKE and baseless .
Zionism is supporting Jewish settlement in Holy Land. Nothing less and nothing more.
where were other muslims and palestinians in our war?
where are they when we are under sanctions?
what did you get from Palestinian after all supporting them for decades? using the credit and money of our land for them when our people need them?
what did you get after all? what's their position now about syria?
after kissing their ... for decades, you are not even popular there, and not just popular, many of them count us as enemy. really interesting.

تنها مردم دو کشور ایران را دوست دارند / افول جایگاه ایران در افکار عمومی جهان | انجمن تجارت بین الملل | IBforums

faghat 37 darsde felestiniha dide mosbat darand, ienhame mellate iran ra tahte feshar gharar dadand, ienhame az halghe mardome iran gereftand be jibe anha rikhtand. anham na ye bar, na 2 bar, daheha! kolle hazineye zendegi aanha too hame zamineha az jibe mardome niazmande ma raft.
hala na tanha iran mahboob ham nist. hatta too syria alayhe ma mijangand.
4 ta mullahe bi savade eyne zalloo be rooye yek keshvare servatmand chanbare zadand o ba bi aghli sahme tak take mardome iran ro bedoone rezayat va nazare aanha kharj jibha va arezoohaye khod mikonand, badbakhti iene ke ien servat hala hala ha tamam shodani nist. nist ke az dastranje khodeshoon bashe ta kamtar az chand rooz khoshk beshano bioftan paiin, az dele zamin mofto majani too dasteshoon miad.

You didn't understand what I said my friend . it doesn't matter if they thank us or count us as enemies and betray us , This is what shiism is based on and if you're not a shia or don't care about it then think about it as a human and put yourself in their place , How would you feel if some people ( Jews ) from nowhere came and killed your family and people , demolished your homes and forced you to leave where you and your fathers have been living for more than 1000 years because of a legend that had come from nowhere while other nations were silent and saying it was not our problem ?

By the way , I think there are good and bad people everywhere , You're judging all of them as 1 which is not logical . I'm neither a pro nor against the system but we should accept that every system has it's advantages and disadvantages .
Nonsense. In fact the Bible explicitly says that bad guy was not a Persian.

By your crazy logic 9th may victory day is celebration of 50 million deaths.

Zionism is supporting Jewish settlement in Holy Land. Nothing less and nothing more.

The holy land you're talking about is where those poor Palestinians had been living for more than 1000 years before you forced them to leave .

All I can say is Shame on all Sunni Muslim countries that have more than 1 billion population and calling themselves the MAJORITY the TRUE BELIEVERS but wetting their pants when Israel just threaten them , no need to action .

To be honest , I prefer you to them cos you at least have balls .
The holy land you're talking about is where those poor Palestinians had been living for more than 1000 years before you forced them to leave .
Force to leave? As I said, since 1948 Arab population has increased more than 4 times.

This is Azeri population in Karabakh that lived there for more than thousand years and was forced to leave.

All I can say is Shame on all Sunni Muslim countries that have more than 1 billion population and calling themselves the MAJORITY the TRUE BELIEVERS but wetting their pants when Israel just threaten them , no need to action .
Sunni Muslim countries actually did fought Israel on battlefield, while fake mullah regime in Iran is only provoking and arming terrorists.
Once Iran and Israel kiss and make up, the Israelis will hand nukes to iran.

Iran and Israel share a long and friendly history. Israelis are actually quite open minded about having peace with Iran. It's our arab mullahs that are the problem. Yeah, they obviously don't want Iran to get nukes with the mullahs in power and they want them stopped at any cost, but at the same time they will always talk about the past history between the two nations and how we must work together again etc...

Today, it's Iran that's the problem, not the Israelis. We started this conflict, we can end. By we I mean our arab leaders and their followers (i.e. Soheil).

enjoy your dreams sh!t hole ...
Force to leave? As I said, since 1948 Arab population has increased more than 4 times.

This is Azeri population in Karabakh that lived there for more than thousand years and was forced to leave.

So , You mean Zionists didn't force Palestinians o leave their homes in 1948 ? They decided to give you almost 80% of their land in order to live in Gaza ?

Fool yourself dude . people are not stupid here .

Sunni Muslim countries actually did fought Israel on battlefield, while fake mullah regime in Iran is only provoking and arming terrorists.

What they did was a failure and that's why they don't dare to think about it again . What Iran did was totally more effective to stop Israel where it was . ( no one has forgotten The Nile to Euphrates dream ) . Palestine was going to be forgotten and It was 1979 revolution that gave a new life to Islamic world cos those pu$sy puppets in Arabian states had sold themselves to US before .

The ones you are calling terrorists are freedom fighters who have been fighting to defend their land , ideology and people .Their goal is taking their land back while you Israelis fighting for a wet dream came from nowhere .

By the way , Don't expect Iran to start a direct war with Israel cos we all are aware of that those Arabian puppet states are thirsty of our blood and have been waiting for that moment for a long time .
Screw Palestinians. What have they ever done for us? They are not even the original inhabitants of Palestine (which is a Hebrew word anyway), are descendants of a people who destroyed Iran and supported Saddam in the Iran-Iraq War.

Every Iranian that supports Palestine should be thrown out of Iran and be given a one-way ticket to that place.
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just a bastard kissing zionist's @$$ ...

Screw Palestinians. What have they ever done for us? They are not even the original inhabitants of Palestine (which is a Hebrew word anyway), are descendants of a people who destroyed Iran and supported Saddam in the Iran-Iraq War.

Every Iranian that supports Palestine should be thrown out of Iran and be given a one-way ticket to that sh!thole.

nobody gives a **** about that ... israel is a big strategic concern for Iran ...
nobody gives a **** about that ... israel is a big strategic concern for Iran ...

How come? Didn't Iran and Israel worked together before during the shah on military-related matters? Or during the Iran-Iraq war?
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