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Shimon Peres: Israel and Iran could negotiate

One thing is obvious, the main issue btw us and the USA is israel and its existence ... the rest of the problems like our nuclear and missile program have been merely escalated by virtue of this matter, what's more is even we'd had a normal relation with israel, the USA would have kept israel as superior power in region ... that's why whatever we attempt to step into it they try to halt us ... now if you are ready to accept their supremacy by all means go and indulge yourself .

Is that really the case? Since when is the existence of Israel an issue for Iranians? Surely that is for Israelis and Palestinians to decide and if Iran wish to influence Israel, they are better positioned to so when they have relations that enable them to be taken seriously as friend and well wishers.

Look, this is a unique thing, there is considerable domestic political pressure on US to act in particular ways when it comes to Israel and just the thought of another holocaust - Why even go there? Why not build confidence, I mean if it can be built, why not?

It does not mean that Iran's national strategic interests and priorities must change or that any outside power will dictate these, but in the same way at least be sensitive to the idea that the Israeli may feel or think the same way when they think of how the Iranians wish to act upon them. I very much hope that there is a breakthrough of some sorts, a return to civility.
Cyrus supported the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine. That means he was a Zionist.

Yucks don't even put Zionist and Cyrus in the same sentence. Don't try to steal our national hero for your pathetic cause.
Yucks don't even put Zionist and Cyrus in the same sentence. Don't try to steal our national hero for your pathetic cause.

Nah. Did you know that Cyrus is the only gentile (non-Jew) Messiah in the Torah?
Only if our arab mullahs weren't so ******* thick and dumb


Israel, the only civilized nation in the region, and our only natural ally, somehow became our enemy b/c of the stupid arab revolution of 1978.

Time fixes everything, it always has.

Abii cold Canadian winters getting to you which Arab mullahs you have .
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Nah. Did you know that Cyrus is the only gentile (non-Jew) Messiah in the Torah?

You can't trust these folks, they slaughtered Persians, even after we gave them shelter and let them return to their land. Please read more about Jewish Purim.Jews have a designated holiday to celebrate Persian death. What kind of culture celebrates death of 100,000 people?

Jewish Purim: celebration of killing the Persians and eating Ears


Once Iran and Israel kiss and make up, the Israelis will hand nukes to iran.

Iran and Israel share a long and friendly history. Israelis are actually quite open minded about having peace with Iran. It's our arab mullahs that are the problem. Yeah, they obviously don't want Iran to get nukes with the mullahs in power and they want them stopped at any cost, but at the same time they will always talk about the past history between the two nations and how we must work together again etc...

Today, it's Iran that's the problem, not the Israelis. We started this conflict, we can end. By we I mean our arab leaders and their followers (i.e. Soheil).

I have herd about brutal Canadian winters and there long term effect on human physic but i have never actually seen one persons with the symptoms till today.

I suggest you take some vacations some where sunny cause right after Israel gives nukes to Iran i hear they will appoint Abii new king of England :omghaha:
Sorry to say that, but that is nothing but cheap propaganda. Such event hasn't been documented.

it is a documented historical event. but what mters is that Jews everywhere in the world, each year celebrate Jewish Purim, which is a slaughter of 100,000 Persians. What if people celebrate events that killed thousands of Jewish people?

Don't try to BS and paint the history all rosy, which is FAR from the truth.They have festivals for 100,000 deaths.

It makes sense.

There is no real reason for Iran and Israel to be enemies, there is no historical or geopolitical precedent for that.

In fact many times throughout history, they have had common enemies.

It is time for everyone to get along, all this Western-led warmongering against Iran is not helping anyone.
It makes sense.

There is no real reason for Iran and Israel to be enemies, there is no historical or geopolitical precedent for that.

In fact many times throughout history, they have had common enemies.

It is time for everyone to get along, all this Western-led warmongering against Iran is not helping anyone.

West will back of if Iran and Israel become friendly towards each other.
it is a documented historical event. but what mters is that Jews everywhere in the world, each year celebrate Jewish Purim, which is a slaughter of 100,000 Persians. What if people celebrate events that killed thousands of Jewish people?

Who gave the order to kill people? Who were those supposed 100.000 Persians?
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