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Shekhar Kapur to make film on Armenian genocide?

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like we Pakistanis have been accused of killing 3 million Benglis from March 23 - Dec 16, in a full time war , killing and disposing off nearly 16000 ppl a day :-)

Also like how USA was accused of dropping 2 Atom bombs on Japan too.

I share your pain bro.
I didn't know it was a so-called genocide. Perhaps next time, you could post the article without any editing. I think it's unlikely but I'm sure you can.

By the way, supporting a genocide just because a Muslim country did it is against Islam. Islam does not ask you to support wrong doers.

If you want to see some documents of proof:
Sample Archival Documents on the Armenian Genocide
Photo Collections Depicting the Armenian Genocide

@truthseer, you have upheld the lamp of truth. May you continue to do so always, especially if those I am loyal to are the transgressors, and continue to show the light no matter whose failings you illuminate.
Who is licking western ***

1. India- One Indian making film against Turkey
2. Pakistan- Government allowing drone attack on civilian..
he would waste his money. if he wants to earn big bucks which im sure every film producer want, he should go for chikabry/jism2 etc etc type of movies for Indian audiance

With your vast experience in making films and earning fortunes from them, so much greater experience than his, he would be a fool to ignore your advice. I am sure some well-wisher will convey your views to him, and save him from financial calamity. You deserve his thanks and gratitude.

His movies aren't for traditional Indian audience, Ex:Bandit Queen.


Besides if its money.

His movie Elizabeth made $ 82 million, higher than any Bollywood movie.

How utterly unimaginative of you, introducing facts into a perfectly good India-baiting thread. Sometimes the lack of sensitivity that I see displayed makes my heart sink.
With your vast experience in making films and earning fortunes from them, so much greater experience than his, he would be a fool to ignore your advice. I am sure some well-wisher will convey your views to him, and save him from financial calamity. You deserve his thanks and gratitude.

How utterly unimaginative of you, introducing facts into a perfectly good India-baiting thread. Sometimes the lack of sensitivity that I see displayed makes my heart sink.

Joe sir - sometimes with your writing, I feel like Shelton of Big Bang Theory.
then its understandable he would touch such topics which can get him praise from opposite side of the conflict along with "good direction" awards

It is really too kind of you, to add the critical and aesthetic support that was the only small thing missing in your earlier message of advice and guidance. Now nothing can go wrong for him.
The Bharti director is shameless. He should consider making films about Kashmiri mass graves/Sikh Massacre/Gujrat Riots before trying to stir trouble in someone else's home.

Would it be all right by you if other 'Bharti' directors do it for him? Or do you think he should do it himself, and show personal remorse and expiate himself?
With your vast experience in making films and earning fortunes from them, so much greater experience than his, he would be a fool to ignore your advice. I am sure some well-wisher will convey your views to him, and save him from financial calamity. You deserve his thanks and gratitude.


Seems you lost your cool over the mentioning of jism2 and chitkabry :P. nevermind. thats the fact your local audiance is not of the sort of Elizabeth. Slum dog got applause from Local desi Indians only when it got Oscar
salut scorpionx, i think you misunderstood me, I am not a denier of the Armenian genocide and I commend the indienne filme industry on taking the intiative. However I feel that some posters are point scoring on the indian side and labeling all muslims as deniers as earlier wickerman hinted. I als mentioned that this is not a muslim vs indienne thing and there should be a reconciliation on this issue, So dont get me wrong but I feel like some posters on indienne side are being offensive and malicious in their statements.


I agree wholly. This is nothing to do with Muslims per se, and there is no reason either for Indian posters to be offensive and malicious. On the other hand, personally, some of the outrageous statements being made by some Pakistani posters deserve a response, and the alternative to offence and malice is irony. You will understand if that is much in use against some obnoxious Pakistani posts. I feel that obnoxious Indian posts will show up as obnoxious by themselves, but acknowledge that they need to be criticised.
Now the tittle changed.

Shekhar Kapur to make film on Armenian genocide...
Seems you lost your cool over the mentioning of jism2 and chitkabry :P. nevermind. thats the fact your local audiance is not of the sort of Elizabeth. Slum dog got applause from Local desi Indians only when it got Oscar

No, dear lady, I could never lose my cool where your honeyed words are concerned, and assure you of my most profound respect for your immaculate consistency throughout the entire period that I have been a member. Never have you deviated one millimetre from your position. That really deserves respect.

I am neither the local audience nor interested in its tastes. Kapur's film on Phoolan Devi was a path-breaking feminist movie, and it interested many of us for the insight it gave into the fate of a lower caste female victimised by upper caste males. His film on Elizabeth added Indian, south Asian, if you insist, aesthetic elements to a wholly European life, and European circumstances, which revealed insights that might have been lost otherwise. Slum Dog Millionaire was not a movie I much admired, before or after the Oscar.

If you wish to find a stick to break over my head, do look around a little more. I am sure other branches will suggest themselves to you.
Whats a point in making a movie on Armenian people?-

Really out of blue moon wth happened to that director?-

Any way add a few rape scenes and stimulated love making scenes- few scenes about sperm donation- condoms- you know the usual indian cinema goers desires- and the film will be a Hit in indian markets- no matter what the topic-

True, so true.

Your insights into what the usual Indian cinema goers desire are so accurate as to be breath-taking.

Sometimes I wonder at the imagination and ability to put yourselves into totally alien aesthetic sensibilities. It is almost as if an Indian were sharing his insights into the minds of other Indians. Fortunately, we already know that you are neither Indian nor share anything with Indians, and we are able to attribute these leaps of insight to your superiority of intellect.

It is such a pleasure to share membership of this forum with you.
Sorry but didn't know about him. I wonder why they don't get lime light. All I can see Bollywood packing Tamil innovations.

If that is so, I can understand if you should happen to harbour deep anti-Indian feeling. If that had been the Indian film-making I had been exposed to, I would have harboured such feeling. However, you should look at good Tamil movies (any featuring Kamalahasan, for instance, or films by Mani Ratnam), or at Bengali movies; or even a huge selection of new wave Indian cinema that is now becoming a solid entrenched feature.
@truthseer, you have upheld the lamp of truth. May you continue to do so always, especially if those I am loyal to are the transgressors, and continue to show the light no matter whose failings you illuminate.

Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot. Considering your posts and sensible nature, they mean even more
Joe sir - sometimes with your writing, I feel like Shelton of Big Bang Theory.

If that was a compliment, that is the most number of left hands hitting me within a minute that I have experienced in my life so far.

Sheldon exhibits a strict adherence to routine, a total lack of social skills, a tenuous understanding of irony, sarcasm, and humor, and a general lack of humility or empathy. He is vocal about his own superior intellect compared to all around him. These characteristics provide the majority of the humor involving him, which has caused him to be described as the show's breakout character. Despite speculation that Sheldon's personality traits may be consistent with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive personality disorder and asexuality, co-creator Bill Prady has repeatedly stated that Sheldon's character was not conceived nor developed with regard to any of these conditions

Pretty harsh stuff, but asexuality?????
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