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Sheikh Rasheed confirms/hints about buying J-10 Jets

I don't think he is that much aware of such defence matter initially saying F10 then said we are that J10 are coming and referred this with regard to Musharraf Era.
Pakistan will not go for another 4th generation fighter jet. We already have upgraded f16s and f16blocks 52s, Jf17 block 1,2 and latest jf17 block 3 next year, we also have heavily upgraded Mirage rose which will stay with us till 2035. Why would we spend billions in to another platform than spend all that money in to more f16s or jf17 block 3s and also in to 5th generation.

The downside is Chinese j31 fighter has been delayed till 2035. The Turkish tfx has the big question till 2030. But you never know J20 might be available to buy in the near future.

No matter how heavily upgraded Mirage PAF has J-10 C will outperform Mirages anytime.

No matter how hard PAF tries J-20 is not for sale
The window for J-10 is long closed, PAF will only add more F-16's if they get their hands on, because of pre-existing logistical infrastructure , and performance satisfaction etc .. J-10 will be a new fighter , and despite PAF has flown this fighter it will take years before they are good enough to take them into active Operations .
The window for J-10 is long closed, PAF will only add more F-16's if they get their hands on, because of pre-existing logistical infrastructure , and performance satisfaction etc .. J-10 will be a new fighter , and despite PAF has flown this fighter it will take years before they are good enough to take them into active Operations .

This can be said for any new fighter PAF will procure 4th generation or 5th generation
This can be said for any new fighter PAF will procure 4th generation or 5th generation

True, that is why no new Fighter will come to PAF, they will keep building JF blocks , until AZM .. and if US feel generous to offer more F-16 than that will be it .
F-16V and J-10B/C is not as powerful like F-15/Su-27 in every terms, they have less rate of climb/ less radar ranges/less weapon carrying capabilities/ less capable to carrying electronics as compare to HEAVIES
Isn't the su-30 supposed to be better than su-27 and it sucked against F-16? Paper stats don't mean everything in the war
I don't know if J-10 is coming to Pakistan or not but one thing Pakistan needs to understand that F-16 will not come to Pakistan and we need J-10 for many missions against India more than ever now as a stop gap.
Can Sheikhu tell us if train will be on time next week
as of now, Heavies are not required by PAF, doesn't fit in our current doctrine. we prefer the multirole a/c , develop tactics to intercept the heavies.....as you are aware, PAF has been sparing with plaaf J11s with F16 & JFT extensively to develop tactics for handling Heavies like SU30....Feb27 told us how fruitful all those sparring sessions were...
based on the brief history and knowledge i have, i will say PAF will continue to develop JFT BLk3, IF they felt the need by next year that they require another platform, they will buy off the shelf J10s and have the go through local assembly line for few tweaks to suit our needs....

On topic, Pakistan should stick to the 5th gen. No need for J10 at this moment. It's useless when it comes to future gen air warfare. We already have enough to accommodate. We have a very limited budget for the airforce so better to consider high-tech thingy (like 5th gen) rather playing with the 3.5 4th gen toys.


Their SU30 fleet is already formidable threat to PAF for a long time... so don't worry about their fleet.

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