They brought it upon themselves, by going against ottoman empire and collaborating with British troops in favor of an Arab nationalistic state.
Now they have kaffirs who are killing them in an open and no one can save them
Arabs leaders were st**id that instead of demanding better conditions in the Ottoman Empire they bought the idea of "freedom" to become slaves.The sharifs of Mecca were keen on this idea and in the end got nothing except Transjordan strip and salavery for ever. A good bargain for those who love "Arab" nationalism forgetting the Prophets last sermon.
No offense to any fellow Arabs on this forum, but in general, Arabs were one of the most barbaric people in the world. That's why Allah (SWT) gave them Islam. But looks like in modern times they have forgotten Islam, they have forgotten the teachings of Muhammad (SAW) for their pathetic nationalism.
I'm from Bangladesh and I love Bangladesh but I have patriotism and no nationalism. Patriotism is the love of where a person is from and nationalism is the idea of a person's country being the best in the world. I am a Muslim first and a Bangladeshi second. The Arabs and many other Muslims prefer to put Islam last, and it's very unfortunate. These Arabs will suffer tremendously for their misdeeds and their failure to stand up for their Muslims brothers and sisters.