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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

This war is more about Deng Xiaoping consolidating power than anything else. Many people think that Deng was the supremo after Mao died in 1976, and that was wrong.

Even in 1979, Deng was more like a first among equal. Power really got consolidated under Deng after he started the 1979 Sino-Vietnam war, using the war to rally the people and purging the army.

China should say sorry to Vietnam.
stupid,Vietnam should say sorry to Cambodia and China
I know, the idea was good, but the mismanagement has caused the backfire.

Some Annamese on YouTube are now calling the genocide against the Chinese because the South China is too crowded.

I don't think that they do care about the so-called "Baiyue brotherhood" with the South Chinese, they only want more lands from China.
Want more lands from China ?? U think people want a dirty, barren, polluted land like China ?? In History, VN emperor always went to the South and West when VNese want more fertile lands, no Emperors chose China barren, polluted land :pop:

In 1978 the treaty of friendship & cooperation signed between Vietnam & USSR contained a military component. It was believed that the tiger would intervened to relieve pressure on Vietnam, which is why we deployed a million of our best troops along the Sino-Soviet border. Also, Deng visited Washington not to ask for "protection," but to build upon a new relationship that would herald in a new Sino-American era, that allowed us to pursue the Four Modernisation programs.

FYI, Deng also visited Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore & Japan to set the stage for going into Vietnam. All these has been revealed by Henry Kissinger in his book - On China.
It was believed that the tiger would intervened to relieve pressure on Vietnam ?? So, wrong belief . We didnt need Soviet troops even when against mighty US, so let alone poor trained-poor discipline PLA in 1979.

Just bcz China didnt declare war before attack VN, thats why lots of VN civilians including pregnant women, kids died when u attacked us and withdraw before our elite troops could arrive to the border.
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stupid,Vietnam should say sorry to Cambodia and China
Mr. Hun Sen thanks for VN help in 1979, UN gave life sentence to Khmer Rouge, so why we need to say sorry to Camb ??

PLA used axe to kill VN pregnant women and kids, thats war crimes against humanity, China must say sorry instead.
Want more lands from China ?? U think people want a dirty, barren, polluted land like China ?? In History, VN emperor always went to the South and West when VNese want more fertile lands, no Emperors chose China barren, polluted land :pop:

It was believed that the tiger would intervened to relieve pressure on Vietnam ?? So, wrong belief . We didnt need Soviet troops even when against mighty US, so let alone poor trained-poor discipline PLA in 1979.

Just bcz China didnt declare war before attack VN, thats why lots of VN civilians including pregnant women, kids died when u attacked us and withdraw before our elite troops could arrive to the border.

Stop being dishonest here, you are dreaming about China's fertile land which is 100 times better than your Vietnam shithole.

All your Viet brothers there are telling the truth, when they are getting frustrated, they simply can't conceal their true belief anymore.

Factories burned in anti-China protest in Vietnam - Topix
Stop being dishonest here, you are dreaming about China's fertile land which is 100 times better than you Vietnam shithole.

All your Viet brothers there are telling the truth, when they are getting frustrated, they simply can't conceal their true belief anymore.

Factories burned in anti-China protest in Vietnam - Topix
China's fertile land which is 100 times better than you Vietnam ??? U r truly a cheap clown, ask people from the world to see VN land or China land are more fertile ??

Maybe sand storm and smog in Beijing is also very healthy for ur deformed brain :lol:
China's fertile land which is 100 times better than you Vietnam ??? U r truly a cheap clown, ask people from the world to see VN land or China land are more fertile ??

Maybe sand storm and smog in Beijing is also very healthy for ur deformed brain :lol:

How the ancient China was polluted?

Only the Yellow River basin was a bit dry, but the Yangzi River basin was absolutely a paradise, that's why a large number of Han Chinese migrated there.
How the ancient China was polluted?

Only the Yellow River basin was a bit dry, but the Yangzi River basin was absolutely a paradise, that's why a large number of Han Chinese migrated there.
it was not polluted but still barren .

Yangzi River is too far from VN when Khmer land is near, so why must we waste our time to go to Yangzi River when we can head to Khmer land ??
it was not polluted but still barren .

Yangzi River is too far from VN when Khmer land is near, so why must we waste our time to go to Yangzi River when we can head to Khmer land ??

Then tell your brothers stop making those absurd claims.

We have the black dirty soil in our Northeastern part, which is extremely fertile, and your Nippon friends were trying to steal it from us back in 80 years ago.

Chernozem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are also the largest food producers to feed 1.4 billion people, and how can our lands not being fertile?

List of largest producing countries of agricultural commodities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So don't get jealous of China, and good luck for your attempt to conquer the Khmer people in the Southeast Asia, lol.
Even the South Chinese might have some exotic admixture in their mtDNA, it is still not Vietnamese.

Since their ancestor the Lac Viet people were always the natives in the Red River Delta.

BTW, many Cantonese men seem to prefer the North Chinese mtDNA, that's why they are seeking the women from North China.

The Trung sisters were indeed running half-naked, and the way they died was too graphic and it is inappropriate to be discussed here. :D
Don't talk nonsense. The Trung sisters came from a Vietnamese noble family. Their clothes were similar of the northern Han. The sisters led the rebellion because the Han local court executed the husband of the eldest sister.

No, you are wong. according to some sources, the Han resorted to dirty tactic by deploying naked soldiers into the battlefield. They knew several of Trung army commanders were female.
Then tell your brothers stop making those absurd claims.

We have the black dirty soil in our Northeastern part, which is extremely fertile, and your Nippon friends were trying to steal it from us back in 80 years ago.

Chernozem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are also the largest food producers to feed 1.4 billion people, and how can our lands not being fertile?

List of largest producing countries of agricultural commodities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So don't get jealous of China, and good luck for your attempt to conquer the Khmer people in the Southeast Asia, lol.
Jealous with ur lands ?? cheap joke :P


Land use - arable land(%) 2014 country comparisons, ranks, By Rank

And dont forget 8 % of China arable land is extremely polluted now :laugh:
Don't talk nonsense. The Trung sisters came from a Vietnamese noble family. They led the rebellion because the Han local court executed the husband of the eldest sister.

No, you are wong. according to some sources, the Han resorted to dirty tactic by deploying naked soldiers into the battlefield. They knew several of Trung army commanders were female.

Well, the Trung sisters were easily getting defeated by the Han army, it is a historical fact.

This only proves that you were simply too weak to challenge the might of the Han Dynasty. :coffee:

Jealous with ur lands ?? cheap joke :P


Land use - arable land(%) 2014 country comparisons, ranks, By Rank

And dont forget 8 % of China arable land is extremely polluted now :laugh:

Don't forget that China is 30 times of your size.

Only the US and India got more arable lands than China overall.
Don't forget that China is 30 times of your size.

Only the US and India got more arable lands than China overall.
We r talking abt where VNese should go when we need more land. Its clearly that we wont go to China to get that dirty, barren, polluted land while we can go to the South and West where more arable land with less population

So, keep living on ur barren, polluted land and taste smog, dont try to reach to the South or u will get killed like in the last riot :pop:
Well, the Trung sisters were easily getting defeated by the Han army, it is a historical fact.

This only proves that you were simply too weak to challenge the might of the Han Dynasty. :coffee:

Don't forget that China is 30 times of your size.

Only the US and India got more arable lands than China overall.
You should know
Vietnam long term strategic goal has been always to maintain a good and balanced relationship with the Han.

Despite repeated frictions and wars, our aim is always a peaceful approach toward China. The fact that we paid tributes to the son of heaven underscores that, though it was of somewhat superficial.

Why should we seek a permanent confrontation with China? It serves Vietnam best, if we can have a deal with the Chinese.
I have been on this forum for 2 days... As a silent reader..

Guys, can you tell me... Why Vietnamese poster have some delusional? They think Vietnam is the center of the world..
Jesus fcking Christ .... Vietnam still 3rd world country...
If you want to know what's wrong with these Vietnamese head. Go look up Agent Orange on wiki. This might explain their delusional state. I pity them and blame this on American friends. They really need to help the Vietnamese getting rid of it. LOL
If you want to know what's wrong with these Vietnamese head. Go look up Agent Orange on wiki. This might explain their delusional state. I pity them and blame this on American friends. They really need to help the Vietnamese getting rid of it. LOL

Well, I know about agent orange... Not funny at all..
Please stop using that as a joke..

Seriously, I think Vietnamese have serious problem with their mind... Lol..
They need a wake up call...
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