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Security Official Stoned to Death for Adultery

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Oct 30, 2011
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United Arab Emirates
A jirga in Kurram Agency ordered the execution of a military official over ‘illicit relations’ with a local girl.
Stoned to Death
Rizwan Tabassum / AFP

A military official was stoned to death on Tuesday morning after he was caught trying to elope with a local girl in Pakistan’s restive Kurram tribal district along the Pak-Afghan border.

An eyewitness, requesting anonymity out of fear of retaliation, told Newsweek Pakistan that the incident occurred in the Turi graveyard of Parachinar, the main town of Kurram Agency. The political administration also confirmed the execution, while a military official, on condition of anonymity, admitted that the victim had “belonged to the Army.”

Anwar Din, a serving military official from the Mianwali district of Punjab province, had allegedly gotten engaged to a local girl in secret while on deployment in the region. “Anwar Din became involved with a local Shia Muslim girl while he was deployed in the area,” according to the eyewitness. “He was transferred a while back but had come to meet her while on leave.”

Both Din and the girl were accompanied by friends and were spotted by locals while they were exchanging gifts in the graveyard, says the eyewitness, adding that while the couples’ friends managed to escape, Din was captured. The girl has taken refuge in the nearby Dar-ul-Zahra madrassah.

Following Din’s capture, the local tribal jirga formed a committee to investigate and verify the allegations against him. Once confirmed, they decided to stone him to death. “This man was supposed to protect our region, but he did something that violates the code and conduct of the Pashtun tribe,” an elder who participated in the jirga told Newsweek Pakistan. “He has now met his fate.”

A crowd of hundreds assembled to watch the 28-year-old’s stoning. “Din was brought to a square near the Turi graveyard where people started throwing stones and later beat him with poles of wood,” says the eyewitness. He said the stoning lasted almost 15 minutes and was accompanied by chants of Nara Haideri and Ya Ali.

After Din had succumbed to his injuries, his body was delivered to a nearby Frontier Corp camp, according to locals. The fate of the girl remains unclear.

Death by stoning is an ancient form of capital punishment, usually reserved for those who have committed adultery. According to the elder who participated in the jirga: “This stoning wasn’t according to Islam, but it was in accordance with our tribal code.”

A local doctor who examined Din’s body told Newsweek Pakistan “the mutilated body of the soldier was brought to the hospital in the afternoon with multiple head injuries.”

“It was beyond recognition,” he added.

Parachinar is home to a majority Shia population predominantly originating from the Turi and Bangash Pashtun tribes. Tribal codes are known to stipulate honor killings for individuals who attempt to get married in the absence of family approval. In 2010, another couple was sentenced to death by stoning for alleged adultery in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, attracting international condemnation.

Any other army in the world with even 0.0001% self respect would never have forgiven such an offence, US would probably have leveled the entire village to the ground if this happened to them.
So shia terrorism is a reality huh? (I'm not sunni myself but know the true face of shias)
This is quite alarming that extremist influences are flowing into Pakistani Shia community from Iran and sooner of later they will try to establish proxy enclaves like Hezbollah of Iran. News and developments like these will also give moral boost to extremist like LeJ and AWSJ in launching their anti-shia campaigns. With the religio-political polarization taking place in Pakistan it seems that we will end up as another sectarian Iraq or Afghanistan. Its time to abandon religion - the tool of foreign imperialism!

There are always two sides of the coin, wahabi/salafacist extremism is breeding because it is has found a mass to oppose which earns it admiration and followers!

And it is true that many of the Shia fair very poorly when it comes to ethics and conducts.
Stoning to death is there in Islam no need to point out only Shias here. It was a tribal law and they have done it their way.

I am not supporting this execution nor supporting the tribal system which dates back to medieval ages.

please do not get in the way of Pakistanis blood lust for differing sects - let them have at it
so what is your army doing about this henious act. these barbarians should be made an example of
Stoning to death is there in Islam no need to point out only Shias here. It was a tribal law and they have done it their way.

I am not supporting this execution nor supporting the tribal system which dates back to medieval ages.

Neither is stoning, or you in Islam as far as i know.
Stoning should be banned altogether.
This is extremist nature of human. You can not call it shia terrorism.
Pakistan society is developing but with slow speed. Look around in PDF, no pakistani ll support this stoning. Education ll change the mentality of people.
You can not wipe out village. Police has to take care of these people, Book them under murder case.
so what is your army doing about this henious act. these barbarians should be made an example of

It's good that you realize they're barbarian. But since they're shia and victimized in foreign media, even if something was done PA would be shown as aggressors.

All I can say is shame on Army and intelligence. All these old geezers should be assassinated without any media exposure

This is extremist nature of human. You can not call is shia terrorism.
Pakistan society is developing but with slow speed. Look around in PDF, no pakistani ll support this stoning. Education ll change the mentality of people.
You can not wipe out village. Police has to take care of these people, Book them under murder case.

If police are involved then definitely media will get involved, and since they're shia some other story would be made up to show them as innocents. Of course the village doesnt have to be wiped out because there are good people such as the girl, they just have to be shown how to live democratically without tribal customs. And the leaders have to be removed/imprisoned secretly.
please do not get in the way of Pakistanis blood lust for differing sects - let them have at it

The point made is taken.

However, I have a Q. If this man was a soldier - PA or Para Military whatever, why did his arm intervene to prevent such a barbaric act.

Why is everyone going soft and developing weak knees when there is anything to do with fundamentalists / religion in Pak ?

Why is Pakistan so uncomfortable with religion ?

Following Din’s capture, the local tribal jirga formed a committee to investigate and verify the allegations against him. Once confirmed, they decided to stone him to death. “This man was supposed to protect our region, but he did something that violates the code and conduct of the Pashtun tribe,” an elder who participated in the jirga told Newsweek Pakistan. “He has now met his fate.”

Why is the army protecting these animals? While the tax paying patriotic civilised citizens in Karachi are dying everyday by mafias and terrorists?

The point made is taken.

However, I have a Q. If this man was a soldier - PA or Para Military whatever, why did his arm intervene to prevent such a barbaric act.

Why is everyone going soft and developing weak knees when there is anything to do with fundamentalists / religion in Pak ?

Why is Pakistan so uncomfortable with religion ?

It's these punjabis, even though they're educated themselves, they consider tribals as superior martial race and best muslims so have soft spot for them

A very noble thought! But Pakistan was created based solely on religion. Abandon religion and you abandon the very basis of Pakistan's existence. That's a catch 22 situation, unfortunately.....

Nope, it was actually based solely on freedom of religion. There were cases that muslims' freedoms were restricted under hindu rule(personal experience too, my grand dads whole village and family was killed when he was 3-5).
Even though I'm against that, that would make pakistans existance only more justified.
If out of 600000 Troops some one or two incidents happens then these peoples must not make breaking news........Just see the other armies around the world....and you will get the results.
A very noble thought! But Pakistan was created based solely on religion. Abandon religion and you abandon the very basis of Pakistan's existence. That's a catch 22 situation, unfortunately.....

not necessary.
Jinnah was neither pan-Islamist like Faisal nor jehadi like OBL.
His mere classification that Muslims of Indian subcontinent differed vastly between East and West was derived from cultural differences. The pre-arabization culture of Pakistan is significantly different than that of indigenous India!
Why is everyone going soft and developing weak knees when there is anything to do with fundamentalists / religion in Pak ? Why is Pakistan so uncomfortable with religion ?

No confidence in being Muslim - that's why an emphasis on external appearances of religiosity - When people have confidence that they, as Iqbal puts it "vividly apprehend" Islam, there can be no place no place for these kinds of behaviors -- It's because most Pakistanis are ignorant and actually afraid of being Muslims, that literalistic interpretations are favored, no need to "vividly apprehend" -- then when it comes to officials and authority, these are equally ignorant and even more afraid of the genie they have unleashed -- "Islamic", just refer to any barbarism as "islamic" and you are "golden"
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