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Secularism in the context of Pakistan

Why is it always people who live in Europe or US, enjoying secular laws, always the ones who say no to secularism in their country of origin?

If you hate secularism so much, why are you living in a secular country?
Why is it always people who live in Europe or US, enjoying secular laws, always the ones who say no to secularism in their country of origin?

If you hate secularism so much, why are you living in a secular country?

They are jealous about their countrymen backhome.

These despicable people do not want people over hear to progress and prosper.

This meanness and jealousy drives them crazy and they end up sending $hitting religiosity back home too.

Then show us what your books say about history of Islam.


Taking one liner t pot shots is no way to go.

And why it is that Islamism has failed over and over in the recent past

And you keep people dragging back to false history.

So what if some Islamist were excellent donkey riders.

The would not do squat now on motor

Well they may do squat before getting booted out or crushed out or splatted out.

don't reply just for the sake of saving your fake think tank ego. Don't argue about things you don't have proper knowledge about. If you want to learn show some respect next time, Mr.Perfect.
don't reply just for the sake of saving your fake think tank ego. Don't argue about things you don't have proper knowledge about. If you want to learn show some respect next time, Mr.Perfect.

pointing to reality should not be considered disrespect.

you come here and put one-liner flame baits

That's a big no no.

Be a man and support your arguments instead of hiding behind such one-liners.

Thank you.
whats hell are you on about?
the MUSLIM LEAGUE won!!!!! lol
dude is head up your *** or something seriously?lol
please stop making a joke out of yourself. act like a think tank because your making other think tanks look less credible with this mumbo jumbo.

I don't know what you guys are debating because i just read last page, but wanna point difference that Mullah brigade was not part of Muslim league and there is hell of difference between Muslims league of those days and religious parties of today.
you my dear are mixing Muslims (good people) and Islamists (evil).

By doing so, you bring bad name to all Muslims.

Sorry to say.

Sir, you view an Islamist in an all different light then me, I am talking about what a theoratical true Islamist would be, you are talking about what the real Islamist unfortunately is.....Peace
Sir, you view an Islamist in an all different light then me, I am talking about what a theoratical true Islamist would be, you are talking about what the real Islamist unfortunately is.....Peace

As I said

Please do not mix "Muslim" with Islamist.

The two are diagonally opposite.

Thank you.
I don't know what you guys are debating because i just read last page, but wanna point difference that Mullah brigade was not part of Muslim league and there is hell of difference between Muslims league of those days and religious parties of today.

he said islamic parties lose in pakistan. and i told him muslim league won.

@mods please shut this thread down.
@WebMaster stop making clowns think tanks. you should have a higher standard.
he said islamic parties lose in pakistan. and i told him muslim league won.

@mods please shut this thread down.
@WebMaster stop making clowns think tanks. you should have a higher standard.

I thought you are referring to Muslim League of MAJ, but in any case even today's Muslim league is not islamic party (they have support of some mullahs though)
he said islamic parties lose in pakistan. and i told him muslim league won.

@mods please shut this thread down.
@WebMaster stop making clowns think tanks. you should have a higher standard.

personal attacks from American settled Pakistanis.


And now you want the thread to be closed.

What a shame.

Yeah. You can't answer it, don't know the history

So kill the messenger

and destroy threads.


Very shabash.

Perhaps we should report your views to FBI.
As I said

Please do not mix "Muslim" with Islamist.

The two are diagonally opposite.

Thank you.

Ok Sir, whatever you say, personally I refrain from discussing religion on a forum like this becasue it almost always starts a shit storm, as is evident here....
I thought you are referring to Muslim League of MAJ, but in any case even today's Muslim league is not islamic party (they have support of some mullahs though)

they are a conservative party.
I think there's a lack of understanding in this thread and in the Muslim world as to what secularism is.

Secularism is not a political ideology, its a principle that that involves two basic propositions, the first being the strict separation of state and religious institutions (separation of church and state). The second proposition is that people of different religions (or without religion) are equal before the law.

This doesn't mean that Islamism or Islamists doesn't or won't have a place in society or government. Secularism seeks to defend the absolute freedom of religious and other belief, and protect the right to manifest religious belief insofar as it does not impinge disproportionately on the rights and freedoms of others. Secularism ensures that the right of individuals to freedom of religion is always balanced by the right to be free from religion (in case its used to oppress as so many Islamists/Evangelical Christians seek to do if they gain power).

Finally, secularism is not Atheism. Atheism is a lack of belief in gods. Secularism simply provides a framework for a democratic society. Atheists have an obvious interest in supporting secularism, but secularism itself does not seek to challenge the tenets of any particular religion or belief, neither does it seek to impose atheism on anyone.
personal attacks from American settled Pakistanis.


And now you want the thread to be closed.

What a shame.

Yeah. You can't answer it, don't know the history

So kill the messenger

and destroy threads.


Very shabash.

Perhaps we should report your views to FBI.
report what you want to the fib and ill report to the army that faun historian is ttp who needs to be visited by a drone lol.

this thread is a joke its going no where. the OP is a deluded person he has no idea what he talking about.
@Aeronaut plz close this troll fest. the OP himself is a well known troll.
in the 40s?

actually in the 20s

"Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey, by Andrew Mango; "In a book published in 1928, Grace Ellison quotes [Atatürk], presumably in 1926-27", Grace Ellison Turkey Today (London: Hutchinson, 1928)"
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