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Scenario: India vs China in an Himalayas war

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People seem to forget that it's just an case Senario. I clearly stated that if you have an better story/alternative to come up with than do do so..

Yeh! Let us also assume a lot of other if's and but's and create a fairy tail that suits every PDF members taste.

I just fail to understand the results or answers this thread is going to derive and the biggest joke is most of the comments are going/and have been so predictable.
I know of a much more realistic scenario.

Year 2029

Sweet Mother of God!!:omghaha::omghaha:

Global warming has decimated lobal grain output with China hardest hit while India manages a fluke bumper harvest. India commences a new Forward policy against a China preoccupied with food problems and mobilises their largest army ever (10 million) to rendevous at Delhi with Defence minister Suresh Kamaldi leading the assault on China. The massive army reaches the Chinese border 18 months later only to meet a massive two pronged Chinese assault scattering the Indians who have again forgotten to bring winter clothing.
The PLA advances towards Delhi virtually unopposed and reaches the outskirts one month later with all tanks and vehicles spearheading the assault in tight beidou swordsman formation. Unfortunately an accidental train derailing from the Delhi rail service plumets right into the tight PLA formations decimating the collumn. Slum dwellers in loin cloths charge into the breach and were impervious to PLA arms fire thanks to their thin physique and guru training.Unable to face such power from such an unexpected source the Pla retreats back to China after declaring that the Indians have been taught a lesson. vehiclesspearheading

Did you see all that in your Daydream??
as most of the neighbours are turning against China,who will remain on China's side,apart from countries like North Korea,on which even China don't put trust???

China has 14 neighbors: Vietnam, Laos, and Burma in Southeast Asia; India, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan in South Asia; Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in Central Asia; a small section of Russian Altai and Mongolia in Inner Asia; and the Russian Far East and North Korea in Northeast Asia.

how many of them are turning against us?actually it's India who has every single neigbor turned against them.
China has 14 neighbors: Vietnam, Laos, and Burma in Southeast Asia; India, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan in South Asia; Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in Central Asia; a small section of Russian Altai and Mongolia in Inner Asia; and the Russian Far East and North Korea in Northeast Asia.

how many of them are turning against us?actually it's India who has every single neigbor turned against them.

lets have the head count,shall we????

Vietnam--against your agressive policy..

Laos-- Cordial as they have special relation with Vietnam

Burma--everybody knos about political shift of Mayanmar..also,China's support to insurgent groups irked Mayanmar..


Bhutan--No diplomatic relation..border problem still exists and Bhutan accused that PLA soldiers entered 20 km inside Bhutan..

Nepal -- Friendly after new government..but still nepal remains pro-India

Afghanistan-- Cordial

Tajikistan -- barely any relation as their goverment is virtually controlled by Russia..India has 2 Airbase there..

Kyrgyzstan -- Friendly..

Kazakhstan- Friendly..

Russia -- cordial

Mongolia -- Unfriendly..they're offering other regional powers to base their troops in their country..

North Korea -- Under China's sphere..

Other neighbours(in the neighbourhood and apart from sea)..

Taiwan -- Unfriendly and somewhat enemity remained..

Philippines -- Unfriendly

South Korea -- Unfriendly

Japan -- Unfriendly


Pakistan-- Good and Bad from time to time..I'll prefer ,Enmity

Bangladesh -- Under Indian sphere

Bhutan -- Under Indian sphere

Nepal -- under Indian sphere

Sri Lanka -- Cordial

Maldeeves -- Cordial,somewhat under India's sphere

Afghanistan -- Friendly

Mayanmar -- Friendly

China-- Cordial

other countries in the neighbourhood with special relationship---

Tajikistan -- Friendly,India has 2 airbases and a military hospital there..

Oman -- Friendly,India has a Listening post there..

Seychelles-- Friendly,India has a Listening post there..

Indonesia-- Friendly..

Singapore-- Friendly..a huge chunk of their military hardware is based in India

Vietnam-- Friendly

Japan -- Friendly

Mongolia -- Friendly..recent boost in relation is huge..they requested to base our soldiers in their country..


Israel-- Defence partner..

UAE -- Defence partner..

I'm merely pointing out few countries around India,not all of them,which has relationship with India,be it friendly or unfriendly..now,decide yourself..one advice,don't count comments of the members of the PDF..by that logic,Indo-China would go to all out war years ago..
The rice eating (rice was first planted in China) archaic Chinese populations living on the banks of Gong (Ganga/Ganges) stretching southward across the banks of Mekong and then going northward up to the Heilong encountered Rig Vedic Aryans and were engaged in a bloody life or death war in a time beyond human memory. They lost. The invincible Rig Vedic Aryans destroying all the obstacles in its way penetrated deep into Southern Asia.

Rig Veda does not mention rice. Whatever mention has recently been discovered does not hold much ground. Rig Veda does not mention tiger but mentions lion. Rig Vedic Aryans didn't eat rice. Rice was originally Chinese staple food.

The land of the seven rivers (Sapta Sindhu, Arabic pronunciation Hapta Hindu) was the original eastern frontier of the Rig Vedic Aryans while the Gong (Ganga/Ganges) the western frontier of the archaic Chinese. Ganga is absent in Rig Veda.

Gong-Mekong-Heilong = rice eating populations.

This pattern of history suggests that the Chinese (Mongoloids), as they have always retreated, are supposed to retreat again when confronted by the Aryans (Caucasoids). This is a deductive logic. In the past, we saw whenever cloud covered the sky, it started raining. So we can conclude from our past experience that if again cloud covers the sky, it shall start raining.
LOL at "invicible Indians." Did you forget you Indians were enslaved for 1000 years first by the Islamic World then by the West ;)
LOL at "invicible Indians." Did you forget you Indians were enslaved for 1000 years first by the Islamic World then by the West ;)

I don't understand why the issue of India-China war is so popular.

In Chinese people, no one ever thought about it at all.

they are all false flag trolls.
i read somewhere in today's newspaper that india and china are working on there border issues and regular meetings will be held by IA and PLA.
they will troll hard and they will try hard to make you counter troll.yesterday a troll named east asia united made me counter troll but bad for him as mods understood that he was a false flag troll and he got banned:)
Indian government admits that Bhutan is the only friend in its immediate neigborhood and now is leaning towards Beijing,from PDF people can easily notice the animosity towards India harbored by its neighbors. China has 14 neigbors ,most of them have very friendly relationship with China,if you count countries oceans apart from us our neighbors,US will become one of China neighbors.
Indian government admits that Bhutan is the only friend in its immediate neigborhood and now is leaning towards Beijing,from PDF people can easily notice the animosity towards India harbored by its neighbors. China has 14 neigbors ,most of them have very friendly relationship with China,if you count countries oceans apart from us our neighbors,US will become one of China neighbors.

Half the 'neighbours' here we all know very well.

Let's not get to this.

I am surprised how come these VS threads are not banned.
Indian government admits that Bhutan is the only friend in its immediate neigborhood and now is leaning towards Beijing,from PDF people can easily notice the animosity towards India harbored by its neighbors. China has 14 neigbors ,most of them have very friendly relationship with China,if you count countries oceans apart from us our neighbors,US will become one of China neighbors.

Except for some failed and failing states, there is not a single neighbor of China that doesn't have issues with it.
Except for some failed and failing states, there is not a single neighbor of China that doesn't have issues with it.

what issues?China has 14 neighors and the only country which has border issues with us is India.so your statement is very true if used to describe India.
New Delhi is wiped out in a megaton nuclear blast. All the states separate.

India has no thermonuclear weapons. China had them since 1967.
Yeah! And India becomes part of the great Han kingdom! The name of the new country? Chindia!

Secondly, what a cockeyed analysis of a so called war scenario by the OP!! He knows squat about what he's talking about! These war games and strategy scenarios are best left to the experts and not some tyros floating around on the web.
what issues?China has 14 neighors and the only country which has border issues with us is India.so your statement is very true if used to describe India.

You really want me to answer?

Japan, Vietnam, Philipines....

Spratly islands issue with so many countries, trying to claim the whole of South China sea, threatening Taiwan...

Anyway, people get taken in by their own rhetoric sometime and fail to see the obvious.
How India is losing Bhutan, its last ‘friend’ in South Asia
15 July, 2013,
In the hostile ‘desert’ environment of South Asia, India’s relationship with the landlocked Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan has long been seen as an oasis. Where virtually every one of India’s neighbours has turned borderline hostile against India

How India is losing Bhutan, its last

Japan and Philipines do not share land borders with China.so technically they are not China's land neighbors and Vietnam doesnt have land border issues with China.India is the only country that has land border issues with China.
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