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US Congress War Game on Taiwan, US failed to stop China, 80,000 People's Liberation Army landed in Taiwan, U.S. military sank 80 land ships

The reality is probably going to be Taiwanese flagged vessels doing most of the overt shooting (similar to what Ukraine is doing). Only USN or Japanese subs may participate from stand-off ranges, in a stealthy manner, in anticipation that the PLA won’t strike back for fear of expanding the war.

The PLA will be expected to take the losses and push with only fighting the Taiwanese, which they would be wise to focus on. If the US or Japan don’t suffer casualties, they can’t really rally support for greater direct intervention.

If China can fully take Taiwan in a matter of weeks, the world will then accept it as a fair accompli, unlike how the war dragging on in Ukraine has undermined Russia’s goals.
stupidest thing I've read on PDF. it's the US and Japan who should be fearing for escalation, why would China pass on the opportunity of deleting half the US navy and all its western pacific bases in one go?
Easy, bomb the separatist into oblivion for a few weeks before the weather window. If Americunts intervene, then realistically the objective has changed. The island isn't going to survive without Americunt support.
If it was 'easy', China would have done it a long time when Taiwan was weaker. A cowardly Chinese-Canadian living safely in the American 52nd state calling for Chinese to go to war.
My suggestion to you is to stop insulting me expeditiously! Fck around and end up in a sewage tank chump. Your choice...tread lightly.
My suggestion is that you go swallow a dick. You ain't intimidating anyone.
If it was 'easy', China would have done it a long time when Taiwan was weaker. A cowardly Chinese-Canadian living safely in the American 52nd state calling for Chinese to go to war.
Now you probably missed some schooling dodging the Vietcong and Americunt bombs, but Taiwan actually had the upper hand in air and naval domain until the mid 1990's. I'm calling for the reunification of my home country. You probably don't like that concept since South Vietnamese regime folded. Fight inevitability all you want.

Of course I'm gonna double down on facts while you double down on retardation.
I'm calling for the reunification of my home country.
You can 'call' all you want safe in Canada. At this point, we, including YOU, can be sure that China-Chinese no longer considers you to be Chinese so your 'calling' is essentially pointless. Maybe if you show up promising to join the PLA, even as a cook, then China-Chinese may take your 'patriotism' seriously.

You can 'call' all you want safe in Canada. At this point, we, including YOU, can be sure that China-Chinese no longer considers you to be Chinese so your 'calling' is essentially pointless. Maybe if you show up promising to join the PLA, even as a cook, then China-Chinese may take your 'patriotism' seriously.
Well how grandiose of you to know what "China-Chinese" considers. Aren't you a know-it-all. Go back to the care home geezer.
Personally I think OIC should recognize Taiwan as part of China.

We should strengthen China as much as possible as an alternative to the West.
They are building the nukes at too slow pace, there is imminent danger of going to war even a nuke strike from US over Taiwan now. Agree, they also need to build up PLA conventional forces too.
Increasing from the current 100 a year to 200 a year would still mean reaching parity of 6000 by approx. 2049. I doubt China wants to spend so much to increase too rapidly.

The more desirable goal would be more survivable delivery methods. Adding penetration aids to ICBMs and building modern bombers and SSBNs.

stupidest thing I've read on PDF. it's the US and Japan who should be fearing for escalation, why would China pass on the opportunity of deleting half the US navy and all its western pacific bases in one go?
Because the US is waiting for a political reason to put the bulk of the PLAN at the bottom of the sea in a matter of days; Thucydides Trap. Even if at a cost, curbing Chinese power will mitigate the risk of China challenging the U.S. led world order.

I’m sure the PLA doesn’t think it’s stupid to realize they aren’t quite at parity with the US. Perhaps by 2049, but not in the next decade at least, perhaps by 2035 to some extent, but even then there maybe limitations. For example, even at 2-3 Type 095s a year, it will take to 2049 to have enough modern subs to match the USN and its allies.

The PLA needs to catch up technologically across the board, which it is nearly there, and build up enough numbers to deter western intervention.
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Increasing from the current 100 a year to 200 a year would still mean reaching parity of 6000 by approx. 2049. I doubt China wants to spend so much to increase too rapidly.

The more desirable goal would be more survivable delivery methods. Adding penetration aids to ICBMs and building modern bombers and SSBNs.
China doesn't need 6000, it only needs about 2000 to take care of both US and NATO possible interventions. China better reach the 2000 mark within 5 to 10 years. China can't wait until 2049 for the reunification. China definitely needs to improve both the quantity and quality of its SSBNs and produce modern stealthy strategic bombers which are both in the lines now.

Of course I'm gonna double down on facts while you double down on retardation.

Interesting article date/time..did you call somebody up

In the 1950 Shanghai bombing, the entire city was out of power, and hundreds of Soviet fighters entered Shanghai urgently.​

2023-04-24 05:03 HKT

In December 1949, Chiang Kai-shek led the remnants of the Kuomintang forces and important members of the party, government, and army to escape to Taiwan. However, Chiang Kai-shek was not reconciled to defeat. Although the Kuomintang army suffered heavy losses, the air force and navy remained strong, and he still relied on it. The navy and air force have the advantage to blockade and harass the mainland.

At the beginning of 1950, the Zhoushan Islands , located in the northeast of Zhejiang Province, on the south side of China's Yangtze River estuary and on the outer edge of Hangzhou Bay, were still under the control of the Kuomintang Army. Chiang Kai-shek also attached great importance to the defense of the Zhoushan Islands. From the second half of 1949 to the first half of 1950, Chiang Kai-shek personally visited the Zhoushan Islands four times and built airports and docks on the islands to strengthen the defense forces of the Zhoushan Islands. Counterattack the outposts in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

At the beginning of 1950, the Zhoushan Islands , located in the northeast of Zhejiang Province, on the south side of China's Yangtze River estuary and on the outer edge of Hangzhou Bay, were still under the control of the Kuomintang Army. Chiang Kai-shek also attached great importance to the defense of the Zhoushan Islands. From the second half of 1949 to the first half of 1950, Chiang Kai-shek personally visited the Zhoushan Islands four times and built airports and docks on the islands to strengthen the defense forces of the Zhoushan Islands. Counterattack the outposts in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Chiang Kai-shek used the Zhoushan Islands as his base to blockade and bomb the southeast coastal areas, especially Shanghai. Shanghai was China's largest industrial and commercial city at the time. Most of the major factories' main production materials depended on foreign imports. Shanghai's products also needed to be sold abroad. However, the blockade of Shanghai by the Kuomintang navy and air force put Shanghai in a difficult situation.

After the liberation of Shanghai on May 27, 1949, Chiang Kai-shek was not reconciled to the fact that China's largest industrial and commercial city fell into the hands of the People's Liberation Army. He immediately ordered the air force to attack the traffic between Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou and the ships in the Huangpu River and Yangtze River, whether it was a merchant ship or a warship. , Still fishermen's small sailboats, all within the attack range of the Kuomintang army. The Kuomintang navy also planted mines at the mouth of the Yangtze River and the coastal areas of East China and South China in an attempt to cut off Shanghai's ties with the outside world.

On June 23, 1949, Chiang Kai-shek also ordered Liu Guangkai, commander of the Kuomintang Navy's First Fleet, to command ships to intercept the passing Soviet and Eastern European merchant ships in the southeast coastal area, and even the merchant ships from Europe and the United States to and from Shanghai. The United States also sent reconnaissance planes and intelligence personnel to help Taiwan block the mainland.

Before the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan, all the property of the people defrauded by currency reforms was brought to Taiwan, causing Shanghai's economy to be in trouble. In order to stabilize the economy, Chen Yun personally took control of Shanghai and transferred a large amount of supplies from various places to supply the 3 million citizens of Shanghai. However, as the Kuomintang's blockade continued to intensify, Shanghai's economic situation continued to deteriorate, many private enterprises were closed one after another, capitalists fled to Hong Kong one after another, and the Shanghai market was once very depressed.

On February 6, 1950, the Kuomintang Air Force carried out the largest bombing of Shanghai. Chiang Kai-shek sent four batches of 17 bombers to bomb Shanghai's important electric power, water supply, electromechanical and other production enterprises. The bombing caused more than 2500 factories to be destroyed, 1372 people fell into a pool of blood, all factories and shops in Shanghai were out of power, and even the supply of tap water was difficult. The toilets and toilets of the citizens were not flushed.

After the 26th National Congress of the Communist Party of China bombing, the central government decided to establish the Shanghai Air Defense Command, the Shanghai Air Defense Air Force, and urgently transferred two anti-aircraft artillery regiments originally intended for the capital's air defense to Shanghai. Su Yu also put aside his work in Nanjing and was sent to Shanghai to assist Chen Yi in commanding operations. Chen Yi was the mayor of Shanghai. The government affairs were very busy, so Su Yu was mainly responsible for military affairs.

After Su Yu arrived in Shanghai, he immediately mobilized 160 companies to participate in the construction of air defense bases. In Shanghai, Nanjing, Xuzhou, Hangzhou, Jinan, and Qingdao, he established 9 first-level airports, 1 airstrip, 5 flight bases, and 6 fields. Station, an aircraft repair shop. Su Yu personally directed the construction of all airports. However, against the Kuomintang Air Force, the most important thing is to rely on the air force to confront. The People's Liberation Army was weak at the time and could only request assistance from the Soviet Union.

After receiving China's request, the Soviet Union immediately sent Lieutenant General Bakiski, Chief of Staff of the Moscow Air Defense Zone, to form an elite Soviet air defense group to Shanghai. Bakischi joined the Soviet Red Army in 1924. During the Great Patriotic War, he served as the commander of the 73rd Army, the 50th Army and the 128th Army in the Ukrainian and Belarusian Front. From 1948 to 1950, Bakiski served as chief of staff of the Moscow Air Defense Zone, commander of the Moscow Air Defense Zone in 1954, and deputy minister of defense and commander-in-chief of the Homeland Air Defense in 1966. In 1968 was awarded the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

After learning that the Soviet air defense group army was coming, the Shanghai Air Defense Command, the Aviation Department of the East China Military Region, and the Shanghai Garrison Command immediately prepared to receive work. Su Yu adjusted the 97th Division 290 Regiment, the 99th Division 297 Regiment, and the 100th Division 300 Regiment rushed to Hongqiao Airport. , Jiangwan Airport, Shanghai Airport, responsible for the security work of the airport.

At the beginning of March 1950, troops of the Soviet Air Defense Group arrived in Shanghai one after another. The independent radar battalion of the Soviet Air Defense Group first arrived in Shanghai. This radar battalion brought 10 warning radars, more than 20 transmitters, dozens of receivers, and more than 20. Gasoline Generator. After arriving in Shanghai, this radar unit immediately entered the position and formed five radar stations. The high-altitude aircraft 250 kilometers away from Shanghai and the medium-altitude aircraft 150 kilometers can be detected by the radar unit.

A Soviet MiG-15 regiment composed of 38 MiG-15s, a La-11 fighter regiment composed of 45 La-11s, a bomber regiment composed of 30 Tu-2 bombers and 20 Il-10s. When flying to Shanghai, most of the pilots of this aviation unit led by Bakiski have combat experience in World War II, and are a very powerful flying unit. The MiG-15 fighter jet brought by the Soviet Union was the most advanced subsonic aircraft in the world at that time. It was superior to the P-51 fighter plane equipped by the Kuomintang Air Force in terms of high altitude and high speed.

On March 13, 1950, when the Soviet MiG-15 fighter flight regiment arrived at Xuzhou Airport, it was suddenly attacked by a KMT P-51 fighter. The Soviet MiG fighter immediately took off to meet and shot down a KMT Air Force P-51. Fighter, and then shot down six Kuomintang Air Force planes in succession. But for the sake of confidentiality, it can only be claimed to be shot down by our air defense forces. A foreign reporter asked Chen Yi what he used to shoot down. Chen Yi said that it was shot down with anti-aircraft guns. Some foreign reporters did not believe it, and continued to ask: "Can the anti-aircraft gun hit this high?" Chen Yi said: "We can hit as high as it can fly."

The Soviet Mixed Air Defense Army not only participated in the air defense mission in Shanghai, but also taught the commanders and fighters of the newly formed air defense force of the People's Liberation Army. More importantly, the Soviet Union Air Defense Group left all its aircraft, radars, searchlights and other equipment in China when it evacuated.

On June 19, 1950, with the help of the Soviet Mixed Air Defense Army, the People's Liberation Army Air Force's first unit of practical significance was established. The 4th Air Force Mixed Brigade was established in Nanjing. The division is reorganized and consists of the headquarters, the political department, the aviation engineering department and the supply department. There are 308 people in total. Nie Fengzhi, the air force commander of the East China Military Region, personally served as the fourth brigade commander, regimental commander, and political commissar. cadre.

The Fourth Mixed Brigade of the Air Force governs the 10th Regiment of Air Force Fighters, the 11th Regiment, the 12th Regiment of Air Force Bombers, and the 13th Regiment of Air Force Assault Aircraft. The 10th Fighter Regiment is equipped with 45 aircraft, including 3 La-9, 4 Yak-3, and 38 MiG-15. It is the first fighter jet regiment of the PLA Air Force, stationed at Shanghai Dachang Airport and Hongqiao Airport; The 11th regiment is equipped with 43 aircraft, including 4 La-9 and 39 La-11, stationed at Shanghai Jiangwan Airport; the 12th regiment is equipped with 39 Tu-2 bombers stationed in Nanjing and is the first bomber of the PLA Air Force. Regiment; The 13th Regiment of the Air Force is equipped with 28 aircraft, including 25 Il-10 and three Uyhr-19, stationed in Xuzhou.

On October 17, 1950, the Soviet Mixed Air Defense Army left behind all radars, aircraft, searchlights, ground maintenance equipment and other equipment and returned to China one after another. Chen Yi personally hosted a banquet to send off all officers and soldiers of the Bakischi mixed air defense group army, and presented each person with a gilded China-Soviet friendship medal. After the withdrawal of the Soviet troops, the 4th Mixed Brigade of the Air Force assumed the duty of combat duty in Shanghai.
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China doesn't need 6000, it only needs about 2000 to take care of both US and NATO possible interventions. China better reach the 2000 mark within 5 to 10 years. China can't wait until 2049 for the reunification. China definitely needs to improve both the quantity and quality of its SSBNs and produce modern stealthy strategic bombers which are both in the lines now.
Huludao has a capacity to produce 20 subs a year theoretically per some reports/estimates. Perhaps once the first Type 095 and Type 096 designs are built and refined, production will be greater than 4 total (3 SSN and 1 SSBN) a year, but even so, most of these platforms won’t be available for a Taiwan scenario any time soon. After 2030, China could probably produce 4-5 SSNs a year and 1-2 SSBNs a year, but once again, I doubt China would be willing to spend so much, when much of this won’t play a direct role in a Taiwan war.

If the goal is 2000 total warheads, going from the current 300-500 to 2000 at about 200 a year means it could be done by the end of the decade. Will an invasion wait till the end of the decade? China will have to risk it, even with relatively limited nuclear forces.

The Russians had limited nuclear forces in the 60s relative to the U.S., but were the most active in their strategic ambitions in that decade, which even when they were richer in the 70s (due to oil prices), they were less likely to do. The point is, many of these gaps can be backfilled later, but failing to seize an opportunity when it presents itself is the greater risk. China just needs to have a plan for realistic economic and diplomatic development post reunification if it wants to prevent winning a pyrrhic victory.

What ever is available by 2027 is probably what will be used in the invasion, because afterwards Taiwan will probably get $100 billion in weapons to deter the PLA.

Better off to pay Russian and Chinese producers to built thousands of helicopters and transports to support the invasion, as well as go around the world buying up spare Russian/Soviet helicopters and transports. If Taiwan sees China has the capacity to transport 100,000s of troops in one go, it’s more likely to act as a deterrent to any unilateral political moves by them as well.

Post reunification, there will be enough time to build up strategic forces and power projection platforms, because by then the PLA will be successful out of the first island chain, and will need it more then ever.

Also, the technology cutoff from other countries will increase, so it’s a balance between the right time to invade, and dealing with the consequences.
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Huludao has a capacity to produce 20 subs a year theoretically per some reports/estimates. Perhaps once the Type 095 and Type 096 designs are built production will be greater than 4 total (3 SSN and 1 SSBN) a year, but even so, most of these platforms won’t be available for a Taiwan scenario any time soon. After 2030, China could probably produce 4-5 SSNs a year and 1-2 SSBNs a year, but once again, I doubt China would be willing to spend so much, when much of this won’t play a direct role in a Taiwan war.

If the goal is 2000 total warheads, going from the current 300-500 to 2000 at about 200 a year means it could be done by the end of the decade. Will an invasion. Wait till the end of the decade?

What ever is available by 2027 is probably what will be used in the invasion, because afterwards Taiwan will probably get $100 billion in weapons to deter the PLA.

Better off to pay Russia and Chinese producers to built thousands of helicopters to support the invasion.

Post reunification, there will be enough time to build up strategic forces and power projection platforms, because by then the PLA will be successful out of the first island chain, and will need it more then ever.

Also, the technology cutoff from other countries will increase, so it’s a balance between the right time to invade, and dealing with the consequences.
The ideal time frame is to complete the unification or some form of agreement on unification between the two sides during XI's third term.
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