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Saudisation of Pakisan

Allah loves me... what can I say :D

Now check my deflection:

Pakistanis instead of worrying about terrorism and conspiracy theories, should worry more about the projected electricity shortfall, in the coming 5 years..... which option do you think will solve it:

1) Diesel powered generators (no money to buy)
2) Coal powered (no money to buy)
3) Nuclear (no one would sell)
4) Allah is gonna fix it.

Well, how short sighted have people of my nation become. Don't blame any political party or "waderaz" for it. When there is no peace, there will be no business either. Is it that difficult to understand? :what:

Governance ! :whistle:

Or are you telling me that for a Nation of 200 million who just managed to rake up more debt in the last 5 years than the previous 60 combined couldn't even churn out enough capital to build a few coal powered power generation units ? :undecided:
You say governance, I say individual willpower and sheer determination. Go out. Do something productive. Don't let anyone tell you that it can't be done. Good luck my friend.

Btw, stop thinking so deep about stuff, 99% of problems and their solutions are simple in nature. You just need one ingredient. Organizational skills. :D

Governance ! :whistle:

Or are you telling me that for a Nation of 200 million who just managed to rake up more debt in the last 5 years than the previous 60 combined couldn't even churn out enough capital to build a few coal powered power generation units ? :undecided:
So you think we are suggesting trashing religion and tradition and that we are atheists? Are all traditions worth keeping?? Do we really want our mothers to share their marital bed with 3 other women? Do we want our prepubescent sisters married off to elderly men?? Does one become an atheist for asking this question? Did we have this multiple wives business in Ayub's time? One time you argue "Islamic culture" when that will not carry the day you say, local culture - you seek to create an ought from an is

The atheist comment was in response to @somebozo post about rejecting religion outright.

As for the rest of your post, it is hyperbolic exaggeration. I can shrug it off, but you can be 100% sure that, if you try this kind of exaggeration in a real campaign, the extremists would win the people's hearts and minds hands down.
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You say governance, I say individual willpower and sheer determination. Go out. Do something productive. Don't let anyone tell you that it can't be done. Good luck my friend.

Btw, stop thinking so deep about stuff, 99% of problems and their solutions are simple in nature. You just need one ingredient. Organizational skills. :D

Nope, Human will is subjugated to Allah and only if Allah will's then the problems of Pakistan shall be solved. Otherwise we are not pleasing Allah enough and his wrath is overshadowing the country therefore we need to elect more islamist, Jedhaadess and wahabees to our parliament.

Zheil Zia!
Just out of curiosity -

Isnt what God commands supposed to transcend time ? Then why should we look into the context of that age ?


Good question... The first point is, and it is a philosophical one... No one actually ever understood what God wanted out of us in the first place, else there'd be course institutes offering the 'attainment of God' courses. Point 2 is what I believe is the relevance of context (and this is my personal view); the messages that were given by God to a human or prophet in another time (and this applies to all religions) and since those noble beings existed in another era; therefore the 'translation or interpretation' of those messages were made with that time and mindset.

In addition, every books (without exceptions) says that the believer of the philosophy of the book that the follower is reading is the 'only true' philosophy and THAT creates additional complications, where some nut jobs begin to believe that somehow establishing 'their interpretation' of that book is the righteous thing to do...

So, context; of the age and the reader is super critical and relevant. Not sure, if I confused you more or helped to at least try give a meaningful response.
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Pakistanis will blame everyone but themselves for their situation.

Saying in Punjabi.

Sas kendi baho nu bhi tu hildi kyon aan jadun attaa gundi'an.

Exactly, i say its time to take responsibility and destiny into our own hands.

Slogan chanting like Pakistan ka Mtlb kya La ilaha illalah will only breed more fundos..

Pakistan ka Mtlb kya = Unity, Faith and Dicipline

@muse @somebozo, I think both of you, along with myself need to rest for 3 to 5 more years. I feel as if there are more depths of misery that Pakistan's public wants to experience before it's either time to wake up, or perish. Let's wait for that. There is going to be a solution, but the timing is still not ripe. More blood needs to be spilt before whatever remains of their collective consciences wakes up.

Well elections are coming in a matter of months - lest see if we are ready or not and I hope that when we do become ready that there will be a Pakistan left to save. Thank you everyone who participated and read on this thread - first of all because it was even possible to have this conversation and secondly becae of the quality of the ideas and the civility with which they wee expressed.:cheers:

There has been a rising shift on PDF lately with many regionalists and fundos becoming rare and mods becoming more tolerant of topics traditionally considered taboo. I think we could launch a political party now - Pakistan Defense Front!

Pre-condition to join? Must be an elite member on PDF!
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So you think we are suggesting trashing religion and tradition and that we are atheists? Are all traditions worth keeping?? Do we really want our mothers to share their marital bed with 3 other women? Do we want our prepubescent sisters married off to elderly men?? Does one become an atheist for asking this question? Did we have this multiple wives business in Ayub's time? One time you argue "Islamic culture" when that will not carry the day you say, local culture - you seek to create an ought from an is

Someone must have said the same thing towards our fore fathers who abandoned the traditions and religion of Hinduism and Buddhism in favor of Islam!
@muse @somebozo, I think both of you, along with myself need to rest for 3 to 5 more years. I feel as if there are more depths of misery that Pakistan's public wants to experience before it's either time to wake up, or perish. Let's wait for that. There is going to be a solution, but the timing is still not ripe. More blood needs to be spilt before whatever remains of their collective consciences wakes up.

But is that going to happen? The prevailing belief in the general populace and many posters here is that come 2014 everything will be kosher, Pakistan will re-exert its influence in Af and all the terrorists and radicals will either disappear or be redirected? What's your take on this line of thinking? Is it plausible, if not then why- details please?
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But is that going to happen? The prevailing belief in the general populace and many posters here is that come 2014 everything will be kosher, Pakistan will re-exert its influence in Af and all the terrorists and radicals will either disappear or be redirected? What's your take on this line of thinking? Is it plausible, if not then why- details please?

The illusion of Khilafah politics nothing else!
@balixd Coming back to what i said,before we can only limit tha salafist influence on deeni taleem, by regulating the entire education system. It, cannot be ended, there are always going to be people tagging others as kafir, or murtid. It is identical to other ideals which requires, alligence and therefore an orthodox element is created to protect the ideology from diserters.

We cannot control, what people believe, but we can and must control their ability to fund and execute their ideals to spread terrorism.
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All of you Genusis and a Noob like me are going in circles and circles and circles and now it has come to a point that it does not even make sense anymore.

If the literate and the elites of the country cannot even form a common opinion I don't see us going anywhere in the near future

Allah loves me... what can I say :D

Now check my deflection:

Pakistanis instead of worrying about terrorism and conspiracy theories, should worry more about the projected electricity shortfall, in the coming 5 years..... which option do you think will solve it:

1) Diesel powered generators (no money to buy)
2) Coal powered (no money to buy)
3) Nuclear (no one would sell)
4) Allah is gonna fix it.

Well, how short sighted have people of my nation become. Don't blame any political party or "waderaz" for it. When there is no peace, there will be no business either. Is it that difficult to understand? :what:

Remind me what were we discussing here in first place? :undecided:

Are we discussing the problem of Terrorism or the Economical Crisis or the Education Crisis? or the Energy Crisis?
because in other 3 crisis problem lies with Governace and will join the bandwagon with @Armstrong....
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Just having fun with my bro @Armstrong. :D

All of you Genusis and a Noob like me are going in circles and circles and circles and now it has come to a point that it does not even make sense anymore.

If the literate and the elites of the country cannot even form a common opinion I don't see us going anywhere in the near future

Remind me what were we discussing here in first place? :undecided:

Are we discussing the problem of Terrorism or the Economical Crisis or the Education Crisis? or the Energy Crisis?
because in other 3 crisis problem lies with Governace and will join the bandwagon with @Armstrong....
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Hi guys, I am living here in saudi arabia and the thing is that even modern saudis are against the wahabhis, you wont believe with number of clashes we have here in Riyadh between saudi youth and the religious nut cases muttawas who are patrolling the streets. Islam as a religion cannot be forced down the throat, unfortunately religious nutcases like these muttawas or the taliban dont understand this. people will start hating Islam if they keep doing this. Islam is a beautiful religion that we need to understand by heart, not by stick. we are living in the time of jahiliya in the muslim world, no one has real knowledge of Islam
It's a fact that our judicial can't deliver justice on time for small disputes and expecting that it will perform for terrorism cases is naive - on top of that our LEAs can't protect witnesses that's why nobody stand against these terrorists, they can't protect judges, so judges also avoid to pass judgement against them. Our prosecution is also screwed up. That's why i always support to provide justice on spot, why waste resources and energies in capturing then collecting evidence, prosecute, protect judges & witnesses, when you are sure they are terrorists, they have weapons & explosives - just shoot them and arrange their meeting with their 72 virgins.

Parliamentary democracy has utterly failed in Pakistan. What Pakistan needs today is a Nationalist gov.t to resolve its internal disputes which past and present sellout gov.t's have failed to do or just overlooked as these politicians would not be affected since they can relocate easily outside of Pakistan.

Our country has been turned into a playground for various regional and international states with nefarious agendas, who, along with traitors and sell outs from within, have destroyed the social fabric of our country by funding these radical and extremist groups.

We, the common Pakistanis, are to be blamed for this as well, for we stood by and watched our society transform for the worst. History has proven from time to time that there is no excuse for negligence, but only blind and ignorant people fail too learn this lesson.
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