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Saudisation of Pakisan

If I may be permitted; I'll say only this about the underlined part. Mosques are still beautiful places and are still symbolic of all that is free and good about Mankind.
Just that people; some people have become the contaminants.
The Container does not change its character according to the Contents. The Container retains its strength and integrity.
It is the Contents that should adapt to the Container and accept it as it is to preserve itself.

One of the first principles of physics "Nature abhores vacuum"

Mosques were designed NOT to be beautiful (architecture) and decorated,
they were supposed to be simple structures, meant to pray and for people to meet, and discuss and seek help and guidance.

However once mosques were deprived of the intellectual class (oxygen) they presented a vacuum which was filled by the new class :Mullah".

This class was too uneducated to be of any use to society, thus they used religion and carved a new profession for them selves.

Thus turning mosques into the cancer that I mentioned.

btw: One of the signs of day of judgement is mosques will be build as luxurious as palaces.

If human can not forget his luxury, what is the use of prayer ?
The fault lies with in Pakistan and it's people. Those who blame Saudia are like ostriches who like to burry head in sand instead of making an effort to save his life.

Cut to the chase, it's mainly minorities of Pakistan who defame Islam (Sunni) and yet Saudi Arabia of this. They have no desire to fix the problems because that would serve Islam, they just keep defaming Sunnah directly and indirectly under the cover of "Wahabisim". They just look desperate and make very loud noise.
@Arabian Legend

I think this is the essence of the debate.
Any religion, specially Islam can not be left unmanaged. It must be managed and governed.

The people and governments in subcontinent could not do this part right.

Saudis did this part right, for good or bad, but they kept the mullahs in straight line. They regulated the mosques, and regulated the friday surmons. They regulated each and every aspect and documented it as much as required.

Today if Pakistan can learn and adopt this approach, it will turn around in no time.

Mosques ... the places of worship were supposed to be the light, and the beauty of our society.
Today they have become the cancerous poisoned limb, devoid of any oxygen,

Thats what I was referring to a lawless situation. If the government would only concentrate on implementing and enforcing strict laws, regulating, securing and monitoring all public and private institutions religious and non religious put every single thing under full control. While ago I was watching a video on youtube published by Aljazeera news tv, I was socked when I saw blasphemy punishment was carried out by normal people and not the government! They killed a man without a judicial process:blink:.

Im just getting sick of people here blaming saudi arabia ever other day. Hence the most stable country in the ME.

To be honest, I don't know where does the problem lie exactly but pakistan government should get its acts together, crack down on everything and fix this.
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Cut to the chase, it's mainly minorities of Pakistan who defame Islam (Sunni) and yet Saudi Arabia of this. They have no desire to fix the problems because that would serve Islam, they just keep defaming Sunnah directly and indirectly under the cover of "Wahabisim". They just look desperate and make very loud noise.

They consider cursing Arabs as a religious obligation, it can't be fixed.... they are conspirators and they will keep conspiring until their end of times.
Is it not surprising that after so much Arab hate, they have no shame in living under the protection of same Saudis and UAE sheikh.
You have no idea, how these people black mail Pakistan and run a state within a state.
Every Pakistani can confirm it.
Who is funding these Mullahs in the name of religion??

Who is encouraging Madarssas and fundamentalism, isn't it the oil money from Saudi??

The roots of this menace are in Wahhabi culture including the violence.

It;s very easy to blame others, like I said I am not a fan wahabhis and saudis themselves have there own share of problems with extremism, but what is happening in pakistan is not related to wahabhis, wahabhism is not even that big in pakistan to be honest, pakistanis extermists are pakistanis, they are from our societies not others. The jahil mullahs come from all the different Islamic groups in Pakistan
Thats what I was referring to a lawless situation. If the government would only concentrate on implementing and enforcing strict laws, regulating, securing and monitoring all public and private institutions religious and non religious put every single thing under full control. While ago I was watching a video on youtube published by Aljazeera news tv, I was socked when I saw blasphemy punishment was carried out by normal people and not the government! They killed a man without a judicial process:blink:.

Im just getting sick of people here blaming saudi arabia ever other day. Hence the most stable country in the ME.

To be honest, I don't know where does the problem lie exactly but pakistan government should get its acts together, crack down on everything and fix this.

Legend, That said.

It is also true that at some level ... there was Saudi Patronage involved.
We are as much as fault at accepting the patronage as the Saudis are to provide it.

For example, I know several "religious leaders" & "Clerics" who hold Saudi nationality ...
they were provided the same at King Fahad and Khalid's time.

These days, go to Imam Mohammad university Riyadh, and see for yourself.

Have a look at this .. this guy is the chief go between taliban and government and he has been found mostly with his pants down .. along side with taliban.

See the dress inspiration.

Cut to the chase, it's mainly minorities of Pakistan who defame Islam (Sunni) and yet Saudi Arabia of this. They have no desire to fix the problems because that would serve Islam, they just keep defaming Sunnah directly and indirectly under the cover of "Wahabisim". They just look desperate and make very loud noise.

I am not from the minority but having grown up in KSA during the Fahd era I saw before my eyes the entire creation of fundo gangs and the export of ideology which continues even today. The world has no appreciation for backward arab culture, only way it can be sustained in propaganda, money and look good feel good impact of "puritan" religion! Islam is nothing but an ideological front for arab imperialism.

lets see whats next after Pakistan? It is saudisation of Afghanistan!

Saudi Arabia to build $100-million Islamic centre in Kabul | World | DAWN.COM

In a war torn country in sectarian strife, building such a center would only be a cruel joke..

Tell me one problem Islam has helped to solve? Nil..None...Nadda!

Ata Turk is a living example of liberating the country from ideological grip of puritan and militant Islam!

It;s very easy to blame others, like I said I am not a fan wahabhis and saudis themselves have there own share of problems with extremism, but what is happening in pakistan is not related to wahabhis, wahabhism is not even that big in pakistan to be honest, pakistanis extermists are pakistanis, they are from our societies not others. The jahil mullahs come from all the different Islamic groups in Pakistan

the national security and legitimacy of the monarch depends on one thing.. continuous support to spread their islam by whatever means..its all written down in the agreement between the Al Sauds and Aal As Sheikh!
Thats what I was referring to a lawless situation. If the government would only concentrate on implementing and enforcing strict laws, regulating, securing and monitoring all public and private institutions religious and non religious put every single thing under full control. While ago I was watching a video on youtube published by Aljazeera news tv, I was socked when I saw blasphemy punishment was carried out by normal people and not the government! They killed a man without a judicial process:blink:.

Im just getting sick of people here blaming saudi arabia ever other day. Hence the most stable country in the ME.

To be honest, I don't know where does the problem lie exactly but pakistan government should get its acts together, crack down on everything and fix this.

see we are not a totalrian regime to control every aspect of public life but cutting the head of the snake would be a better remedy. Instead of wasting state resources in controlling the result, may be we should track down the source and deal with it. The monarch of Whabistan are at constant fear of having superior culture infiltrating in their country, the only manner they can keep their grip is by export their stonge age culture at the hand of extremists..because no sane minded person would want to live with a foot long beard, abayas and niqab!

Just look at the unbelievable stupidity! No wonder Islam was a blessing for Arabia because it took them from extreme stone age to middle stone age...the rest of the world can live without it!

The Saudi woman who wants a divorce - because her husband tried to sneak one look at her face after 30 years of marriage

After 30 years of marriage, cynics might say most husbands and wives would have seen quite enough of each other, thank you very much.

But not in the case of one Saudi Arabian man who managed to live with his wife for three decades without setting eyes on her face.

Not that he had much choice about it. His 50-year-old wife followed the tradition of her native village near the south-western city of Khamis Mushayt and kept her features veiled at all times.

Until one night last month, that is, when the husband was finally overcome by curiosity and tried to lift his wife's veil as she slept to take a look at her face.

It was an error he is unlikely to be given a chance to repeat for his outraged wife woke up during his sneak peek and is now demanding a divorce.

'After all these years, he tries to commit such a big mistake,' she told Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh after leaving the house in disbelief.

She said her husband apologised and promised never to do it again, but she insisted she wanted a divorce. It is not the first example of Saudi husbands with wives forever shrouded in mystery.

There was the case of Ali al-Qahtani whose wife had been wearing a face veil for the entire ten years of their marriage. When he tried to take it off she threatened to leave and only decided to stay after he swore never to try again.

And neither the husband or children of Om Rabea al-Gahdaray, 70, have ever seen her face. It was a family tradition, also followed by her mother and sisters, which her husband accepted and never tried to change, she said. When asked how she could have children without her husband ever seeing her face, she replied: "Marriage is about love, not faces."

Many Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran require women to cover their faces in public but in the privacy of their homes there is no such compulsion.

But always remaining veiled - even in front of your husband - is not an Islamic practice, but a very old tradition practised by a tiny minority of women in remote areas of Gulf countries.

Most examples of it are in Saudi, one of the most conservative of countries.

I have met Saudi men who have not seen or touch a woman in 40 years of their life..no wonder such deprivation breed utter stupidity and extremism

Disgusting salafacist indoctrination of children

We are right wing

We are are conservative

Dont blame others, thats stupid

We are muslims one of our god given roles is to spread.islam to all kaffir members of humanity

If something is being done wrong then do it right, you want more educated imams then ask and pay for them

Dont just ***** and whine
I think its the best time for the GoP to sell 49% shares of Pakistan Railways, PIAs and Steel Mills to any Group from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman or Jordan or else where from Rich Middle East. This can make the whole system on track and even to sell the power plants and Electric Supply Corp. to the local businessmen of about 49% share. I am sure then the GoP will in the end of every month has to take just the share of about 51% from all of them which can be helpful for all of us.
Thats what I was referring to a lawless situation. If the government would only concentrate on implementing and enforcing strict laws, regulating, securing and monitoring all public and private institutions religious and non religious put every single thing under full control. While ago I was watching a video on youtube published by Aljazeera news tv, I was socked when I saw blasphemy punishment was carried out by normal people and not the government! They killed a man without a judicial process:blink:.

Im just getting sick of people here blaming saudi arabia ever other day. Hence the most stable country in the ME.

To be honest, I don't know where does the problem lie exactly but pakistan government should get its acts together, crack down on everything and fix this.

Bad as they are, the Saudis may be abus'd,
Be falsely charged and causelessly accus'd;
When Pakistanis, unwilling to be blamed alone,
Shift off these crimes on them which are their own.
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